Mei needs buffs

Endothermic blaster (icicles)

  • now do 80 damage (up from 75)

Endothermic blaster (freeze)

  • freeze projectile speed increased from 20 to 25/30 (would have to test this to see what’s balanced)


  • max duration down from 4.25 to 2 seconds
  • healing decreased from 150 to 120
  • cooldown reduced to 11 from 12
  • cooldown starts when ability is initiated rather than when it finishes
  • reloads gun if in it for 1.5 seconds (not to sure on this change)


  • cooldown reduced from 13 to 10
  • health per pillar reduced from 400 to 325

These changes make her less of a stally character but also increase her tempo as her cooldowns are shortened making her more reactionary based. Also her icicles need a little bit of love, since her freeze and cc has been nerfed in the past considerably.


Could be wrong tho, idk.

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Cheers for admitting

The wall is the only meaningful buff here b sides cryofreeze being a higher burst heal

Nope I want to play tank in peace so


I don’t wanna make her busted

Mei is the sort of hero that she’s either niche or busted

Very bad changes. She needs buffs but these are definitely not the ones that she needs

Cryofreeze now reload Mei’s gun. That’s what I need.

that will just turn mei into a superior version of hanzo if she is damage boosted. faster projectiles, twice the projectile size, shorter time between projectiles, no projectile drop, (and with no damage dropoff unlike ashe). each shot would deal 208 damage for boosted headshots. just this change alone would likely make her meta.

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How so? Just curious

They could increase her rof then but then they might need to nerf freeze duration and they could just go the other route and make her projectiles smaller which I’d be fine with tbh. How bigs zens orbs compared to hanzos arrows

I might hate playing against Mei as a Genji main, BUT GOD DAMN if it doesn’t feel good to block a reins shatter as a dps or split a team in half.

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She’s the most fun hero in the game imo, her current state makes me sad. I’d be happy with following reverts - ammo 200, wall 10 secs, freeze duration 1.5

Fun is subjective and I doubt they’ll revert those changes the only reason they buffed her that much to begin with is the fact nooone played her… then she became meta so they reined her back I doubt they’ll put her back on her petastool