Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

By doing simple reverts, she worked that way before.

Make it faster to freeze someone like it was before, revert the slow nerf of her blaster.

Revert her ice wall nerfs to allow her to isolate people better (Mainly cooldown the pillar changes were good).

There’s many ways to do that, they just have to commit to the idea, it’s not like it never was a thing it’s how she used to work before.

They made so many nerfs and changes because of the multi freeze, single target freeze is easier to balance and can lead to better solo carry potential for Mei players as well as making the hero less frustrating to play against.

They never changed the time it needs to freeze someone. They changed the time a frozen target stays frozen and the movement penalty time before a target gets frozen
I like reverting the wall cooldown. But just put already in a tank so she can use this ability without being considered a dps-tank hybrid. It affected her survivability too because it was her only “mobility”
Maybe they could increase freeze duration time but make it harder to freeze tanks, while making it faster to freeze dps and supports which naturally have a little hitbox compared to tanks (just a suggestion) - so she wouldn’t be so powerful against tanks as she used to.

Oh yeah my bad, I thought it was the opposite.

That’s what makes her unique though, I like that she’s an “hybrid” it gives players more choice.

I like ice wall, it’s a versatile ability that can be used in so many ways but now its cooldown is really high that you can get punished for being creative.

So have freeze scale with HP pools ? The more HP you have the longer it is to freeze you ?

I like that idea.

The main goals for me would be to be buff wall’s cooldown, make the freeze single target but revert the nerfs it got (Not the ammo nerfs though) and make the freeze mechanic less frustrating for tank players, all of this to make Mei a threat in a close range duel for 200hp heroes like she used to be.

Most dps and supports have escape tools to get away so I think it’s fair, tanks would be harder to freeze but it would still be doable using her kit correctly to cut them off from their team.

At the same time keeping the wall health nerfs and pillar changes make it more managable to counter for the enemy team to save their allies so yeah, it’s fair.

Agree, but I’m afraid that’s exactly what keeps them from buffing the wall. If she were to be in the tank category it would be more reasonable, but with a shorter duration she can be used as a hybrid tank in dps slots again. And it’s annoying because that’s her only way to gain some sort of mobility too.

Exactly. this would give 500-600HP targets a lot of time to react against it. I would love this change be implemented if they were to redesign her as a tank especially.

The problem with current ammo and ammo consumption is that you are forced into playing a sniper character similar to McCree / Hanzo style on a short range character. I would give her back some ammo for sure or look in the current ammo cost which is too high.

Agree. I would give her a better fire rate for now so she can have better dmg output because that seems to be the most reasonable buff sje could get. But scalling freeze time with HP pools is also another thing they should look at and balance from there.

I hate when, by discussion title alone, I can tell if the author is a one-trick trying to get buffs.

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Mei and Doom have to be looked at. Echo is balanced for the most part. She only really needs a slight hit box reduction. She looks thin, but she is actually really chunky. Like a flying Mei.

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I’ve been playing echo a lot over the past few days, and it’s a shame that she’s in her current spot. But, it has nothing to do with her kit being bad. It’s actually very very strong.

However, the heroes being played right now make playing echo a living hell, hence why she’s barely picked. Also, her hitbox is atrociously massive.

Also, it makes me sad that even quick play players are slaves to the meta. The most picked heroes in quick play and competitive are almost identical. You’d expect people in quick play just to play what they want, but you consistently see zarya, ashe, mercy, ana almost every single game.

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Same goes for doomfist.

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Fair enough. That specific point just a personal assumption of mine mostly based on my anecdotal experience and nothing more.

Once again, that’s fair, even if I don’t personally agree with this viewpoint myself.

Yep, it’s true that there are a few.

But their existence don’t in any way invalidate my main points against Mei, which concern her terribly - frustrating and “low skill = high reward” kit (when she was actually numerically balanced that is).

Just like Symmetra was designed to be a Shield Support with a lock - on?

How about Torbjorn and his entire pick - up - scrap and create armor mechanic?

Oh wait…

Impossible when I’m playing Tank in an objective - based game. Plainly and simply.

This is basically one if the main reasons why I consider her as a badly - designed hero on top of everything else.

Mostly valid counters that are some of the main reasons I don’t have a hard time playing against Mei in general.

I agree with the first part of this sentence, even though when it comes to Mei specifically I’m still going to stand by my original assumption concerning at least a majority here.

As for the second part, I completely disagree, as a mechanic/hero/ability being frustrating to play against (with all the relativity and subjectiveness of this claim) is more than a valid reason to warrant a rework in a video game.

Oh please. I’ve literally seen you in every single Nerf Zarya and in lots of Nerf Ana threads as well complaining about how you find her oppressive and overpowered.

Let’s not hide behind our thumbs here.

Doomfist is already extremely fluid and (in the right hands) capable of dominating virtually everything in the Support and Tank categories (with a few notable exceptions).

No Doomfist buffs. I am staunchly opposed to the concept because he’s already very good at what he does.

Thats not true. Its true when the enemys are blindfolded. This character gets shut down by ana and all the other supports can avoide him expect for zen.

It just need the community to accept this charcter has the most counters, but he still get considered “bRoKeN”.

And one point the comminity dont want to improve and tokk what matters in their hands.

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Echo is basically a doomfist so her hitbox has to be big for her to be balanced. The only reason echo looks thin because the devs didnt have the choice to make her tanky looking due to her reveal already done.

I’m sorry but stop spewing that stupid nonsense about low skill = high reward. She’s literally a character with 0 mobility and fat hitbox IN YOUR FACE. it’s as high risk for as “high reward” as it can get. Claiming this nonsense over and over doesn’t make your point right nor it makes you to be taken serious. By any chance, do you consider anything else low skill in this game? or is only this freeze stuff which you have a personal problem with?
I can assure you majority don’t have a problem with it.
As for Sym and Torb reworks, those didn’t change their kit, their designs. It was just a change and that’s it. removing throwable armor or lock on beam is not a major rework. How can you remove freeze from a character who is designed to freeze?! You can’t. The best you can do is make it harder to freeze, perhaps make it scale according to hp pools but that’s as far as you can get.

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“Extremely fluid” Yeah you havent played doomfist.

Anyone is. The thing is a hero should not take 10 times the skill of other heroes to get the same amount of value or less.

Symmetra,Mei,Pharah all these are doing better than him . Only orisa and 76 are below him, i feel like 76 is already good but what do I know, i only have around 8 hours on 76. Check the stats first.

Hell no, that was disgustingly cancerous.

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Pharah seems to be under DF on some ranks. And Mei is literally performing worse than DF across all ranks
I agree with you though

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Wait you might be using overbuff . I was using OWL STATS LAB

Comparing a trash hero to a trash hero, to yet another trash hero. I’d argue Mei is a lot worse than Pharah, seeing as how Pharmacy is still keeping Pharah ‘‘afloat’’. All 3 need changes.


You have to kill pharah+mercy synergy before you can even touch pharah. She’s already a pick on a few maps even in the league.

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