Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

I think doom can use slight buffs.
I think mei needs to reworked into a tank period.
I think echo is a sleeper pick and we shouldn’t touch her.


Her primary fire is what (I assume) the average Overwatch player hates the most. Being frozen and helpless, then being shot in the face. If they were to rework her, I would say that would be the thing to go. I personally don’t think Mei is that oppressive to be honest. However, her ult and ice block ability are suspect to me. Honestly, if I had to nerf her to buff her. I’d start there. Otherwise, I agree with you. Just keep her “trash.”

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Overwatch players ‘hate’ (hate is a strong word they mean ‘find annoying’) lots of things. They find Pharah’s ability to fly annoying for example, should we just remove that? No because it would ruin her, same with Mei. If Mei’s feeeze annoys them to the point they ‘hate’ it and want it removed they should probably see a therapist, most normal people’s egos aren’t that fragile. And think how the Mei players would feel about their hero being ruined - it would be like removing Dhalsim’s stretchy arms and making him short range because of a vocal minority carelessly throwing around heavily charged words like ‘hate’. I would legitamly be upset, Mei is my fave hero by miles.


I mean unless the Mei is completly outplaying you, you’re only getting frozen 3 or 4 times a match anyway, if even that. And you barely ever face Mei anyway. I mean in what world is she such a problem that what makes her special should be deleted.

For Mei they just need to speed up freezing a little. It takes too long now. I mean, you can play Reaper instead and kill faster than it takes for something to freeze.

Im all for Doom buffs. The hit and run or attack an out of position player strategy is getting a bit dull. And his ultimate these days is nothing more but an escape button.

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And I never claimed I was.

That’s fair. Even though I also find Mei as numerically underpowered at the moment, the only reason I don’t agree with these suggestions is because they have the potential to worsen many of the fundamental design problems with Mei’s kit that will simply never go away until a soft/hard rework finally arrives.

Exactly. Everyone is allowed to both express and criticize other people’s opinions in a public space like these Forums, I totally agree.

And rightfully so.

Well the answers to your classic false accusations, baseless generalizations and assumptions, etc. have already been provided more than enough times in older threads where we’ve both participated…

I’m not going to repeat myself by stating the exact same things, which you clearly have no response to based on the past trend of you ignoring all my replies.

It leads to false assumptions, but that’s 100% on Blizzard for years now. They want to hide the real data from us and have actively done so.

You don’t have to outright claim things. You were insinuating that everyone else except the user and a small group of players only find her fun and like to play her - which isn’t true in the slightest.

The reason that she is numerically underpowered is because she was net-nerfed across her whole kit in under a month. Quite literally everything in her kit got nerfed which was a devastating blow to her, and would be to any hero.

I will point out one issue with her net-nerf. They decided to increase the ammo by a bit, whilst simultaneously increasing the bullet outtake, decreasing the damage and increasing the time to freeze someone. You don’t even have to play or like Mei to see that as an overkill, 1 buff is meant to compensate for 3 nerfs - that’s a joke. She doesn’t exactly need to be reworked, because if you do, what are you going to remove or change that won’t change her identity?

She only needs reverts on some things or to be ACTUALLY compensated for the nerfs that she got.

Except if a User expresses discontent with engaging with you and asks you to stop talking to them, that’s no longer expressing your disagreement with them but is called harassment at that point.

You’re free to talk, but you’re not free to constantly reply to people even when they’ve asked you to stop.


Okay then. Tell me how you’re gonna do a doomfist rework. Reworking doomfist into a tank is very hard and you would have to give him team utility which just doesn’t match doomfist and his whole personality, so you’ll have to be way more creative. I think a doom rework would slightly decrease his damage but make him a hammond+hog hybrid tank.

mangatchu, personal insults and classic false generalizations/assumptions/accusations/etc. aside, there’s really no point in me discussing with someone who clearly cannot accept any other opinion other that their own, think they can speak for everyone else, project their own subjective views as facts, etc.

That’s why, and since as I can see here you clearly don’t wish for me to reply to your posts anymore, I’m of course going to comply, as long as this is a mutual understanding.

Therefore, I wish you a great rest of the day! :+1:

Please dont forget they reverted the buff but not the compensation nerf, so much ego at blizzard.

TBH Sombra needs a rework as well, as even tho EMP as an ultimate is fine as it is. Hack on the other hand kind of makes tanks and heroes like DF kind of pointless.

Echo’s hitbox is massive

Quite frankly the 7 damage per pellet change was actually a nerf to his overall dps, as it not only slowed it’s firerate but at the same time lowered his overall ammo.

Meaning that they didn’t want hog burning shields, but still do damage. the problem is that as shields are now he was still doing to much damage on top of being able to oneshot 250hp heroes, and shredding the likes of Winston and

So quite frankly they couldn’t revert and couldn’t keep it as is.

Apologies if I wasn’t clear enough, but what I meant is that only said user along with the minority of the player base enjoy playing against Mei, which as a statement I’m personally 1000% sure that it’s actually correct.

Well I do actually mostly agree with everything stated in this quote.

I disagree. Fun always comes first when talking about the design of a video game and if a certain ““unique”” mechanic/hero/ability/etc. is outright responsible for decreasing the enjoyment of the majority of the player base especially (as I believe it’s true when talking about Mei), then it’s absolutely necessary for such a problem to be looked at.

I get it. A few people will certainly be upset over a play style they enjoy using/playing against getting removed (just as it happened with the rightful Symmetra 3.0 rework), but that’s simply a necessary sacrifice to make at the end of the day.

You can’t appease everyone and needless to say that leaning (not completely surrendering, mind you) towards the opinions of the majority of the player base VS the opinions of that 2 - 4% that may main a hero seems like the most logical route to follow by far and judging by the devs’ past actions when it comes to reworks, they seem to agree.

Even though I don’t in any way stalk said user and have never meant to display such a behavior as the one you’re describing, I see how I may have crossed the line here.

As long as this is a mutual understanding, I’m not going to engage with said user anymore and I’ve changed my latest reply to his response to me accordingly.

Fun is subjective and relative. You got tons of counters against the freeze mechanic.
She was designed to freeze and that’s the core of her kit.
Deal with it. You got tons of ways around it. Keep your distance and you are fine. Use shields, bubbles, movement abilities on generous cooldowns against it. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean the majority of playerbase doesn’t or that it should be reworked or nerfed. I don’t enjoy, and perhaps many others don’t, fighting an oppressive Zarya’s beam which can melt on even longer range than freeze, but I’m not making such a fuss about it every single time.

I am 1000% sure that I know of no data whatsoever to support the claim of a minority here

I dont find anything in Mei’s kit to be badly designed

I am not a big fan of cc in general, but I dont hold that against Mei or how she was designed…and I feel her design is actually quite good

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They really need to revert the multi freeze for Mei but make it better for single targets.

might be a solution. but how do you solve the problem with tracers, zaryas or lucios bodyblocking her deserved kills on frozen targets? you like need to really compensate this nerf by allowing her to freeze way faster than she can now