Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

I’m sure they’re being looked at. Give it time. There are 29 other heroes in the game, they can’t all be balanced at once

Why does everyone in this forum glue themselves to the statistics of a website that isn’t fully accurate.

Like you have to realize that regardless of who’s at the bottom, someone will always be at the bottom, doesn’t mean they are unplayable.

Doom can still be devastating if there’s no hard CCs, Meis wall can still be devastating for anyone it traps, and Echo (in my opinion) was created to be a “kill Pharah button” for those who do not play hitscan, which is fine, as Pharah exists as a “kill all short range heroes” button.

I find Echo super ok even if she’s not even at the mid-tier. The only bad thing about her is the unreliable tri-shot at all ranges: close (because its hit or miss especially on characters with small hitbox) and long (because of the spread). But other than that her dmg output is super good.
I don’t know about doomfist because Im not playing him. Might use some reverts, but I don’t see him doing that bad
Mei on the other hand is worst character in the game and you are forced as playing a sniper with a short ranged character. If you even try to freeze someone you go in reload simulator before you can finish the animation with an icicle. She’s unplayable

I agree her left click is meh accuracy wise, you basically just spam and aim it similar to Mercys pistol or a Zen orb. I’ve found more success recently with left click if playing her super aggro and using the flight to get close for the left clicks.

And Mei eh. I have played Mei a lot over the years and have spent a lot of time using only right click at times. She really is not bad, and her left click actually opening her up for punishes instead of literally being able to freeze a tank over and over and over and over is fine. They let her keep the multi freeze, which is a fair tradeoff for the ammo consumption nerf on left click.

She isn’t exactly in a good state either.


Because it is a LOT more accurate than some random saying “I think that Bastion is crazy strong, and you are all just mad”

WE know it isn’t perfectly accurate, but we also know it is a hell of a lot better than people saying “Sombra is just crazy OP”


I don’t play Doom or Echo so I would have to take your word on it, but I do play Mei and she feels so irrelevant.

What these 3 heroes have in common is that they are unique, and the dev team doesn’t like unique in their new vision for the game.

They may look into them but only after they work on all the FPS characters first, or so it seems from the outside. And even then, they are going to to work on the unique characters just so they are a bit inferior to the FPS ones once they have finish adjusting those.

Is it better? You have a slew of people screaming about statistics coupled with their own inability to play a hero or suffering from a teammate(s) inability to play a hero(es) and then use those statistics to justify their own shortcomings or demand buffs to said hero.

“The stats are bad that’s why I’m bad at x hero, they just aren’t good.”

Then that hero gets buffed when they shouldn’t have, ends up as a problem child for 3 -5 months, then gets nerfed back down into a reasonable level.

The stats were however bad for the hero. They should be buffed.

The person who argued “The stats are bad that’s why I’m bad at x hero” may be wrong about why they are bad at the hero, but if the hero is preforming badly across the board, then they still needs buffs.

The POINT of the stats is to add objectivity.

If A person is doing badly with the hero, then that person is bad. If EVERYONE is doing badly, then the hero is bad.

Echo could just use a little hitbox slimming when she’s flying.
Even to this day I still have trouble hitting Pharah every now and again.
I’ve never once had a problem dumping on an echo with a hitscan character haha.

He became “ok”- until double shield the best we saw with Doomfist he was getting picked around every other game (4%ish) at GM on public stats. But for the most part he’s been around 2%ish pick rate, and lower with the lower ranks.

But he was Garbo on his release- even with his absurd hit box on RP.

It was the bug fixes more than anything (ie shifts in meta) that helped him out.

All of his abilities were random chance. Slam or uppercut might not effect any enemy- both damage and the boop were random. Rocket punch would just slide them down a wall. Meteor strike would clip you into areas outside the map.

I’m surprised his shotgun worked.

He’s also had the consistency of his shotgun buffed (lowered damage per pellet from 11 to 6, increased number of pellets from 6 to 11- so total said the same but you could more reliably land some pellets at a few meters further), has the recovery rate of his shotgun improved (from .8 to .65 per shot), and had it so fewer things interrupted the reload (tossing a melee out at .6 of a second after the last reload for example would interrupt the reload and restart the timer. Now things like that don’t), and they buffed his fall off slightly (to 15 meters)

They’ve also reduced the cooldown of slam / uppercut by 1 second.

And increased the speed he can move while aiming meteor strike.

How would you improve Sombra?

That is a hell of a question. seriously.

It is easy to make her viable on ladder. Make her damage falloff like other heroes and nerf her emp radius.

But to make her work like she should without making her a monster to play against is a much much bigger topic.


I agree 20 characters

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Hogs stats were bad because there were two shields and Brig on every team, he was buffed, shields were nerfed, Hog meta created. Then he had to be rightfully nerfed because he shouldn’t have been buffed in the first place.

And evidently you haven’t been playing this game long enough to know that we’ve already done this with Doom. He was considered absolute garbage for a long time (because he was due to all of his bugs). He received several buffs from his hand cannon, to his shields etc, then his bugs were fixed and he was busted for months before finally being reigned into how he is now.

Current stats do not reflect how the hero actually performs in their element. It reflects how every player that picks them plays them in every situation whether it be favorable or unfavorable, and then you factor in private profiles hindering those already pretty useless statistics further.

Complain about numbers instead of playing the game all you like. Buffing heroes that are underperforming willynilly has lead to some kind of domino effect every single time. I guarantee you once something he obliterates ends up getting played a lot, his stats will rise.

The changes to the rest of the cast acts as a buff or nerf.

The changes to the other heroes were a buff to him.

He needed a buff, be it from changing the other heroes or from him being changed directly, he didn’t need both.

The issue wasn’t that he was buffed, but that he was buffed twice. Once by the change to the other heroes and one from changing him directly.

They DO reflect how the heroes perform with the other heroes in their state now.

You can directly or indirectly buff or nerf the hero to make make them placed better.

If they wish to THEN change the game more, they then should change the hero again as part of that.

I’ve been a game Dev for a while, I take a MUCH more nurtured view of buffs and nerfs.

Sombra’s most needed buff is to increase smg fall off from 15m to 20m. It’s barely better than Tracer’s, but she should be good in medium range.

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I main Doomfist and Echo, and I have a solid amount of experience on Mei. Doomfist absolutely needs his uppercut nerf reverted. In its current state, it’s clunky and inconsistent.

I’m not sure what should be done about Echo. I think the safest thing she needs is to have Widowmaker and Ashe nerfed some more, which would also help Doomfist and maybe even Mei. Ultimately, shifting the meta around these heroes might be better than changing them directly, barring Doomfist’s uppercut.

I think taking Ashe and Widow out of their dominant positions would help them a lot.

I agree with you on Echo for sure. I think she’s pretty balanced overall. The others definitely need reworks. You ever notice that the heroes that people feel need reworks, are the same heroes people find to be “oppressive” when they’re meta?

Look at Symm, Doomfist, Sombra, and Mei. When these heroes are over tuned or the current meta allows them to thrive, they are heavily nerfed. That’s because players will never be okay with those particular heroes play style. Mei and Sombra won’t let you play. Doomfist has one shot potential, and a good one requires a team to focus down. Symm has a billion health barrier that doesn’t take much to charge, and in the right hands is a fight winning oppressive ult.

These heroes will never get buffed in the way people want, because the moment they do people will ask for nerfs. They have to be reworked in order to get to a balanced state.

I’d rather Mei stayed ‘trash’ than got reworked. Her primary fire is my favourite thing in Overwatch. It would ruin the character if it were removed and subsequently ruin the game for me. This reply was meant to be to person above me. I have faith blizzard will leave it alone, it’s been in the game over 4 years, they’d have removed it already if they wanted.