Doomfist is so broken

How does that change the fact that doom will, indeed, be reworked in ow2?

Proof ?

Rank please ?

Yes I can. Considering how the devs handled the rework of another niche hero. Sym. And most Sym players I know two I know in fact with over 700 hours on the hero. Say they hate it and I knew plenty of other Sym players that don’t like it as well. There gonna ruin Dooms identity and what made the hero fun. And dumpster him. Because a lot of low elo players find the hero “broken” because he thrives on teams who are uncoordinated and stubborn.

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It doesn’t, it completely destroys your argument about GM players and hero bias dictating nerfs though :man_shrugging:t3:
misses 6 shots and a flashbang on mccree, proceeds to die to doom “omg that hero is so busted dude” and that sums up 99 percent of people who complain about doomfist.

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They said in the Reddit AMA that they are trying to make doom less unfun to play against while keeping his mobility. I can look for the exact quote if you want :flushed:

I don’t know what that has to do with anything… But we already know that your examples

Will most likely get reworked/changed drastically, too.

Many gm players, especially support and tank players, say that he is not broken but unfun to play against.
The dev team said the same.

Nobody said that he is currently broken.
Badly designed does not equal broken.

Not reading this, het out of metal rank first and then tell me he’s broken

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Do not wish Blizz to do anything to him until OW2.

Because they over compensate when they Buff or Nerf him. So we should all be thankful every time we see “No Changes” when Doom is concerned.

Ok? You don’t go reworking or nerfing heroes because they’re not fun to play against…

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Facts. Feelings don’t matter and shouldn’t play a factor into balance. No one likes dying simple. And statistically doomfist is an underpowered hero. Hero needs a bit of help.

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Sadly that’s not how the devs balance the game
looks at doom sombra bastion sym reaper genji


It’s not a stun, but I understand why you’re using the same terminology as the people who claim that it is a self-stun.

I’m replying to this thread so that I can ready it later because I’m super tired right now.

What’s the reason for reworking a hero then?

You can, in theory balance everything, even stuff like mass rez, yet the game seems to be better without it. :cherry_blossom:

Look, don’t take this personally, but like I think doomfist is pretty horrendously designed. He’s just got far too much CC in his kit, two one shots, and so much burst hypermobility, while also being insanely buggy, and his ultimate is just such a hit or miss ult. There’s just nothing good about his design whatsoever apart from him feeling really fun to play and having a high skill ceiling.

I just hope they keep him fun to play once they rework him for OW2 (which I am assuming they will do), and don’t strip away his identity. But I really do hope they make him less frustrating for the player on doomfist (less bugs) and the victim (less CC).

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I could live by that, but claiming he is the worst one ? naaah bro i will pass.

i want to know your pov of the game.

Yes, and that’s why he will see a rework.

Hopefully it makes him less obnoxious.

I don’t think he is broken, as i said above.

I think he is unfun to play against. The devs agree.

No. A hard stun that goes through shields on a 3 second CD is a bad idea.

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That’s exactly why they reworked, mercy, hanzo, brig, sym, bastion. There have also been lots of changes to heroes to make them less unfun to play against.

It’s definitely a valid reason. And doomfist easily fits under this category. Games are meant to be fun.

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They’re considering reworking him because they’re attempting to reduce the sources of CC in ow2, and restricting its utilization to be outside of the general dps class.

Here is a devs statement.

He says he wants him to be less frustrating to play against.