Doomfist is so broken

Read the whole thing

I strongly feel as a whole these changes would dumpster Doomfist pretty hard.

You’re dramatically lowering his damage potential per combo cycle and ability hit consistency, in exchange for 1 extra hand cannon shot, slightly faster cooldowns, and half a second off meteor strikes cast, while also significantly reducing his sustain potential.


Or just revert uppercut recovery and buff his Ultimate to be useful at making plays.

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No need for a rework. Decrease the ult charge required to build the ult and revert uppercut nerf and the hero is fine.

He did, these changes just really suck, he would be better off just being untouched.
You’ve heavily nerfed the hero and you clearly have no idea how he works. Stop suggesting balance changes to heroes you have no knowledge on.


Doomfist may not be broken but he is, undeniably, the worst designed hero in the game.

Luckily, the devs already stated that he’ll be reworked for ow2. :cherry_blossom:

You can’t be serious…

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Yay a sucky rework is on the way to a character that is already fine and niche…


Yeah an awful rework that will make the hero worse to play, make an already below mediocre character worse in terms of power. and ruin his identity most likely. Can’t wait woo hoo


Yea, fine for doomfist mains.

There’s a reason why everybody but doomfist mains hate him, even the devs said thaz the majority of the playerbase find him “obnoxious and unfun to play against and with”.

Thus, for me the best solution seems to be a rework and, god bless, the devs agree.

You can not yet say that.

That statement is pure bias with no real proof.


The proof is that even the balance/ hero design team said the same.

They said “doomfist is received as obnoxious and unfun to play against by most of overwatchs community”.

Why do you think they are planning to rework him? Because people enjoy playing against him?

So the hero is fine but the noobs complain about him enough that the devs are forced to act? If you still struggle with doomfist in 2021 then there’s no hope for you.


Wow shocker, people don’t like dying…
there’s not a hero in the game that I like playing against :man_shrugging:t3: They’re all annoying in their own right


Gm players are noobs?

Many gm support/tank mains complain about him. And gm support/tank mains on the forum, too.

They don’t like dying due to doomfists obnoxious kit, indeed.

I don’t care what the balance team says, they literally said 2 maintanks are oppressive, they literally don’t know anything about the game.

Ok ? Every hero is the same to some degree.

They may rework him, its not 100% confirmed.

You literally stated that doomfist is designed worse than brig, sigma, bap, echo, etc.

you are delusional my friend. You just are.


Many GM players also think he’s weak and that he needs a buff :man_shrugging:t3: Also yes there’s literal proof of moxy missing 6 shots and a flashbang on quake and then immediately crying about the hero being op. 95 percent of the time the doomfist outplays you and you cry about it and scream “nerf this hero reeee” and you can’t even deny it, you and other players in GM (moxy and others) do the same.


Yes, doomfist mains/players.

It is confirmed.

He is, lol. :thinking:

I think all of this is unnecessary because the dev team seems to agree with the fact that doom needs massive changes.

You gonna look up the clip or continue to ignore my post?

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