Doomfist is so broken

Here’s another dev statement-

“ This is something we’re actually in the middle of testing right now. The idea is to reduce crowd control (especially stun) effects on non-tank heroes.

This doesn’t mean that tanks will gain more CC, or that they will lose damage and focus on CC more. Its more that by removing some CC effects on existing non-tank heroes, it means that the the current tank lineup would retain the majority of the CC effects as part of their role. This not only gives Tanks something unique and interesting about their role, but it significantly reduces the amount of CC effects in the game as a whole, especially in a world where there is only 1 tank per team”

This is a big reason they’re looking at many heroes in the dps roster, and outs many of the things they’ve said said about Doomfist into more context.

Yet when he specifically talks about doom he stresses that he is frustrating to play against.

I really hope this post is a troll post, because all of these changes would make Doomfist the worst Hero in the game.

I’m not sure that “stresses” is the word I would use to describe his tone, especially considering the rest of the context of what was said, along with what they’ve said elsewhere. There’s a different between making a comment about, and “stressing”

Did I say something?

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I like that you are looking for a way to make both sides (doom mains and players that dislike doom) happy, but this honestly just looks like the biggest nerf I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter if you’re reducing the cooldowns. This is the type of patch that someone who really hates doomfist would put forward.

I don’t see how nerfing uppercut range and making it do ZERO damage but buffing its cooldown is okay. You’re nerfing slam damage and rocket punch damage too. Doom gets his value from burst damage and you’re basically completely removing that from him.

You’re also nerfing his shields. He’s not gonna be able to do anything.

I would maybe be okay with the ult change. Possibly the increased max ammo for primary fire. Everything else makes doom even more useless than he already is.

You keep accusing people of having no idea how the hero works. I do. You’re the one with zero clue of anything based in these accusations you keep pulling out of nowhere. I have 4 different accounts, and Doom is my most played hero on 2 of them (1 tricking), and my second most played on the other two. Just because you don’t like the changes I proposed, since you’re likely just a punch-bot, doesn’t mean I don’t fundamentally understand what makes doomfist fun. Doomfist is good and fun when he’s fluid, clean, fast, mobile, and able to get in from a massive rollout, assassinate a Target or 2, then get out either by his ult or one of his CDs coming back. These changes make him able to do that, more often, and easier, considering you can cycle the CDs. But punchbots, like yourself, will never understand.

Oh no. YOU (soulja boy tell em) definitely don’t know how the hero works when you decide to nerf shields AND damage per cycle.

No, I nerfed max shields. Doom isn’t a tank, he shouldn’t have a tank healthpool. 300 still allows him more survivability than literally any other dps in the game, while, giving him his CDs more often allows him to build those shields more often, and retain them for longer as well.
Damage per cycle isn’t reduced either, as the uppercut damage removal is mitigated, again, due to the fact that the shorter cd allows him to build shields with the ability more often, use it for mobility more often, and, in conjunction with more primary ammo, allows him more follow up when he is engaging. Handcannon does 66 damage if all pellets hit, more damage than uppercut does, which equates to 132 damage if you’re close and get a shot directly in the head. Damage per cycle is INCREASED, which many of you have ignored.
Too many of you saw the title “Doomfist is so broken…” and got baited, without even considering the changes as a whole. You say “these changes would put doom in the dumpster!” as if every post about doom from doom mains isn’t just crying “doom is so trash rn!” You guys offer NO reasonable solutions or changes, and when someone does, you dogpile them because they arent the imagined changes you never suggested. Some of you guys are seriously lost.

Doom has a hitbox bigger than zarya’s and has to be melee range, he definitely needs the shields.

You do realize that its damage PER cycle, it doesnt matter that you increase the cooldown if the abilty cant kill nothing. Especially since range of uppercut and slam have been nerfed.

No we saw the content of your delusional post and realized ur delusional and you dont know what youre talking about.

Theres a difference between torb level of trash and bastion level of trash, theres tiers to trash, all youre doing is pushing doomfist lower than he already is.

99 percent of doom mains suggest the simple uppercut recovery time revert, and/or a buff to meteor strike and bug fixes. Thats all the hero needs to not be broken or op and not feel clunky to play as the doom player.

Theres no point to keep arguing with someone like you who doesnt understand that the changes they are suggesting are terrible and why theyre terrible.

My guy, he still isn’t a tank. That’s why his health is capped at the 300 mark. He still keeps the shields longer and can earn them more frequently. You saying “he needs the shields” makes no sense here. He isn’t losing them. What his loses in the ability gain up to 400 shields. But he gains shields more often and for longer. That isn’t an argument.

Again, PER CYCLE, his damage is increased, assuming you can land his primary fire decently well. Handcannon does more damage than uppercut, so him gaining another Handcannon shot to use at any time is more valuable than a static 50 damage. Handcannon also can do much more damage if headshots are factored in. This is more damage per cycle, again, no argument. Also, slams range wasn’t nerfed, so no idea what you’re saying there.

You repeating “delusional” makes me think you have no idea what the word means, and you’re using a weird appeal to “smart words?” to sound more informative/intelligent about the subject than formulating a real argument.

Something is terribly wrong if you think Torbjorn is trash lol. I’m not sure how to respond to that.

You can keep parroting the same montras all you want, but reverting uppercut and buffing MS will not make doom good, and it won’t appease those who’d want to nerf doom to the ground. Doing those changes alone, more people would just complain to bliz, then you’d end up with what happened last year with Genji when bliz finally buffed him: people complained, and within a MONTH he was nerfed to being even WORSE than he was before. Simply changing the recovery time and MS does NOTHING to address why so much of the community complains about doom i.e. excessive CCs, with a possible one shot on a 4 second cooldown. There is a reason the changes currently suggested have not even seen an experimental, and it’s because, in a vacuum, they wouldn’t “fix” Doomfist.

You can run from an argument all you want, and use all of the terminology you don’t understand as much as you please, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re the ones who have no understanding of balance and power redistribution.

He was one of the heroes that needed an OW2 rework the most with bastion but blizzard let me down again.

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Yeah, unfortunately some of these guys are a little shortsighted and amnesiac when it comes to balance changes. Remember before the uppercut nerf? Doom was meta at the start of double Shield. And while I don’t think he was OP at the time, too many people complained to bliz, and so they nerfed him. So they want to revert the same nerf that made people complain about him so much, as well as buffing MS, with no compensation? How can they see that doing that will just get people to complain again, just this time, even more so? And if that happens you can almost guarantee bliz will gut him even harder, and he wont get touched for years to come.

And neither is yours if you are going to post blatantly false information. The punch hitbox is fine, both horizontally and vertically. Also these changes just overall just make the hero worse.

My guy you literally admitted to not even reading past rocket punch. You have no idea what you’re saying. You can’t accurately comment on the changes “overall” if you haven’t even read them.

I have read past Rocket Punch, I read your entire post, and it would literally butcher the Hero. You can’t take the Burst DPS away from a Burst DPS Hero and the Tankiness from the most killed Hero per game on average.

You say “he’s not a Tank,” but his current HP and Shield situation doesn’t make him one, so there is no need to nerf it as drastically as you want. You say “he keeps his shields longer and earns them more frequently” yet you ignore that even with his current Shields, which are significantly better than what you want, he dies more than nay other Hero in the game. It doesn’t matter if he would “gain more for longer” because you have literally capped it out at 300, which is less than what he normally gets right now, and he still dies more than any other Hero in the game. If you can’t understand why that’s bad and how this would make him the worst Hero in the game by itself, then you shouldn’t be making trying to make these types of changes.

This isn’t even considering what you’ve tried to do to his Damage. Doomfist players, during the combo, rarely use all 4 Handcannon shots, because they should have killed the enemy by then. If the enemy isn’t dead, they need to escape with Rocket Punch while they’re still in the air otherwise they might hit one of the Enemies on their way out or get stuck in the middle of the enemy Team. Requiring all 5 shots to kill an enemy would land Doomfist in the middle of the Enemy Team. Oh, and he only has 50 extra shields but only if he hits multiple people because he would only have 290 if we’re sticking with your changes, according to you, so surely he’ll survive the full Damage output of 5, possibly 6, Heroes, right?

But, this is only if he actually hits anyone with the disgustingly bad ranges on his abilities. You are asking to remove the pull from Slam and you’re asking to make Uppercut have less range than Rein’s Hammer, which is it’s current range right now.

Everything you’ve suggested is bad, and that’s on its own. Everything combined is so terrible, that it makes me wonder if you actually like the Hero like you claim to, or if you just want to butcher the Hero and are only throwing out random things and going “lOoK, hE gOt BuFfEd In ThE eNd” which is completely incorrect.


yeah bro you def don’t play doomfist

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They’re either gonna turn him into a tank or gut all his cc and turn him into worse genji

You know who else support and tank players complain about? Mccree, tracer, echo, hanzo, widow, and sombra. You dont see those heroes getting reworks because people dislike them and believe it or not there is more counter play to doomfist than there is to all of those heroes.

Okay so you got rolled out by a Doomfist player and then he got out without your team noticing that. And he kept killing over and over, and then you decided to make a literally useless rework for him so you don’t die to another good Doomfist player, I suggest you practice more instead of writing here how you got destroyed by him :joy::joy:. You should try Cassidy or Roadhog, they’re good counters to him. Best wishes for you with the next time you face Doomfist again​:heart:.