Doomfist is so broken

So let’s fix him!

Hey, hopefully that title gets both Doom enjoyers (like myself), and Doom haters alike to look at this post!

So, some people argue that Doom is broken, in the sense that he has a ton of mobility, health, forgiving hotboxes, and one-shot capability. Others argue that he’s broken, in the sense that much of his kit is self-detrimental, because of bugs, awkward self-stun, and a relatively bad ultimate.

The point of this post is to offer a solution to fix both of these definitions of “broken,” and create a new, reworked Doom that is both more rewarding and fair to play as and against.

The changes I propose are as follows:


Passive: The Best Defense… -
Doomfist now only gains +20 shields per enemy hit with each of his normal abilities.
Doomfist now gains +50 shields when landing with his ultimate.
Maximum amount of shields that can be generated is reduced to 50, making Doomfist’s max health 300.
Shields now decay at -2 shields per second.

Primary Fire: Handcannon -
Maximum Ammo increased to 5 shots.

Rocket Punch -
Max Charge Damage reduced to 75 damage on hit, 75 damage on impact, resulting in 150 max damage total.
Time until max charge reached reduced to 1 second.
Hitbox adjusted to be more in-line with gauntlet itself.
Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.

Rising Uppercut -
Range reduced from 5m to 3m.
No longer deals damage.
0.35 second recover period removed.
Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds.

Seismic Slam -
Now exhibits “zones” of effectiveness. Outer edge zones no longer pull enemies toward Doomfist, and deal reduced damage. Smaller, inner come of effect retains ability to pull, and does damage shown underneath the indicator as usual.
Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds.

Meteor Strike -
The area Doomfist is targeting is now visible over the entire duration that Doomfist is using the ultimate. Now lands in 0.5 seconds, rather than 1 second.

General -
Bugs associated with his abilities are actually addressed (lol).

These changes aim to address all of the previously mentioned issues many people have with/about Doomfist. Global reduction on his CCs make for less infuriating situations when playing against him, and reductions in his Cooldowns to trade some of his lethality make him both more fun to play as, and less “one-shot, punch-bot.” If anyone has any questions about any other specifics, like the additional ammo added to his Handcannon, or the changes to his ultimate, I’d be happy to answer in the replies! Anyways, please spread this around, and maybe we can see some positive changes, changes both Doom players and Doom haters will enjoy! Thanks!


No leave the hero alone


So you didn’t even read the post lmao.


Wait no it was sigma
Well he did get turned down by widow so…(Its a pre-match voiceline)

no fixing his broken heart

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He did? What interaction is that?

But his balance! We can fix that…:pleading_face:

oh wait nvm it was sigma

She turned him down? No way, did she see them feet?

This is literally just the harshest nerf Doom post I have ever seen, like… what?


(Its times stamped)

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how does this fix him though? these changes make him look weaker than he is rn, you remove the slam + uppercut combo in terms of damage and maybe effectiveness in general, his punch would only be lethal to 150 hp chars.
The only thing that will be better about him is his ult
Am I the only one who thinks these changes will make him absolute trash?


I hate you.

Not really.


These aren’t nerfs my guy. It’s not that simple. I’m reducing ALL of his CDs, and slightly nerfing the things bad Doomfist’s try to abuse (punch boting, etc), that people find annoying. It’s a redistribution.

Doom is annoying to play against but he’s got blaring weaknesses which is why you need to be good to not just int on him.

If he’s too annoying to play against that’s fine but I think it really boils down to just outplaying him.

I solo killed a Doom 3 times as Hanzo when he tried to kill me in a comp game 2 days ago and it’s just because he got outplayed, I think there should be room in OW for skill expression and outplay potential.

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These changes allow him to get in and get out way more consistently. He keeps shields longer, and has more opportunities to build shields, and get out with his life. He also has more primary ammo, and can do rollouts much more often.

I like the fact that people are coming up with ideas. I don’t know how these would work out in the end, so I can only give you kudos for trying.


Thanks, I appreciate it buddy.

I think that it is a good idea that should see the ExC.

I think Uppercut should keep it’s damage, or at the very least have is reduced.

For his passive, you make them deplete slower but make them harder to earn and cap them. I think capping them to 300 would kill all of his survivability. And with the big nerf to uppercut with no damage, I can’t see him being good, even with the lower cooldowns.


Give him a passive that reduces damage took by 90% outside of 5ms and I’ll support your crappy rework.

Love you too​:kissing_closed_eyes::heart: hehe

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