Doomfist is so broken

Stopped reading here.

The punch hitbox itself is actually very in-line with the gauntlet itself. Its small. People like to spew out false information like its got this enormous hitbox or something, similar to people thinking Hanzo’s arrows are massive logs.


The horizontal hitbox is fine, yeah. But the vertical hitbox needs to be slightly adjusted. There are many times when I go for a punch on a Target above or below me and the target ends up completely off of my screen and they still get hit by it because of the wonky hitbox.
Also, if you’re not going to read the entire post, I don’t think there’s any reason for you to post a reply. You can’t even understand all of the changes if you don’t put them all together. Your input isn’t worth anything.

Did, sounds like the post of someone who got punched to the wall a lot.


I don’t think so😚. I’m trying to help the hero, unlike randos like you, crying on every post, who can’t even recognize a bait title, and get butthurt for no reason, are the reason the hero will STAY trash.

Uh… as a Doom main, I’m not sure about these changes.

It looks like you’re making Doom less fun to play by removing a lot of his combos, nerfing his survivability in crucial moments, making him a braindead ability spamming hero, while making him feel unfair for the enemy because you reduced his cooldown so people will still get cc chained.


Bro your name is SilverFist I know this is a troll acc you made.

If you actually knew me you would realize that I was a popular forumer that unfortunately lost their account.

Regardless, you’re the same guy who thought making Rocket Punch a spam ability, making it more annoying to deal with, while reducing the damage so players on both sides won’t like the change.

You’re the same guy that reduced the shields gained so Doomfist loses his survivability. The cooldown reductions and shield decay mean literally nothing if you get burst down while using your nerfed abilities.

You’re the same guy who thought removing damage from Uppercut, which is crucial to reach damage breakpoints was a good idea. You also completely removed his recovery so now it would seem more unfair to the people playing against Doomfist. You also reduced the range when sometimes Uppercut doesn’t even connect to the enemy if you hit an enemy at maximum distance with seismic slam. So, you made his combo more frustrating for Doom players while keeping that same level of frustration Zen mains feel when going against Doom.

You’re the same guy that nerfed Slam damage when it is literally the least complained ability compared to Doom’s other kit besides his peashooters. You made it more frustrating for Doom players to connect with Uppercut, along with the range nerf for Uppercut that I mentioned.

Do I even have to say anything? The landing time just makes it more frustrating for players going against Doomfist to deal with while the visibility buff makes Meteor Strike extremely predictible.

The only decent buff I saw was the Hand Cannon buff and the bug fixes. And the Hand Cannon buff isn’t even necessary to make Doom players feel better about their hero nor does it fix all of the ability nerfs you put out.

And I’m the one supposed to be the troll? Your entire thread sounds like a butthurt Silver player who doesn’t understand the fundamentals of the game. And that’s coming from the guy named Silverfist.


I can’t believe there would ever be a day I’m agreeing with ThiccBuddha lmao. But I guess there is now.


fam, did you just nerf doomfist even more? lol


Fine. I like how you’re proposing different changes to fix Doomfist. But I do not agree with them as a Doom main.

Im sorry, but this looks like a massive nerf. A brawler needs big damage and adding one extra shot to his handcannon and decreasing the CD’s slightly wont balance out the damage nerfs to all his abilities.

This version of Rising uppercut + handcannon might be really good actually, but with everything else, I personally would say no.

In my opinion a much better direction to go with Doomfist, specifically for OW2, would be to nerf a bit of his mobility and remove/rework some of his annoying CC abilities. Uppercut doesn’t belong in the game and should be replaced, slam should lose CC or a bit of distance, and punch should get a small distance and or knock back nerf. From there he can receive damage/survivability/fluidity buffs to whatever.


First off, reducing rocket punch’s damage, as well as it’s cool down, is again a redistribution, not a net Nerf. One second doesn’t turn it suddenly from a non spam ability to a Spam ability. The global cooldown reduction on all of his abilities makes it so that he feels more fluid and fun to play, rather than jarring and annoying. Reducing hit box sizes while granting them this reduced cool down time, makes it so that you have to be more precise with his abilities. Also, because of the reduced cooldowns, Doom games more survivability not less assuming you’re using those abilities in a correct combo and cycle. The reduction on cooldowns means that dooms maximum a p.m. increases, and allows him to generate more Shields, more often. The cat on the shields, is because without that, you would never drop below 350 Shields. And regarding uppercut, I’m not sure you even know the damage does, to be complaining about breakpoints like that. Upper cuts currently only does 50 damage, and by giving doomfist an extra hand Cannon shot he can actually do more damage assuming you get any amount of headshots or hit a decent amount of pellets towards center Mass. and the fact that slam is the least complained about ability, does it mean it doesn’t have room for improvement as well. And the change I proposed to meteor strike is definitely above. Meteor strike is already predictable in its current state: Ana’s and even zenyatta’s can simply walk out of the inner ring and live it easily it’s laughable as it is, and by reducing the amount of time it takes doomfist to land by half, is a considerable buff that making you able to see where he’s going with it negligible, considering that it is so easy to dodge currently.

Im sorry but this would be a very hard nerf to Doom. It would make him into an ability spamming bot with no chance to survive on its own.


At the end of the day, we’re all broken aren’t we.


Nah all we got is silence from dev.

Remember no reg issue? Still didn’t get any response today. Devs just pretend to be deaf except balancing around OWL and made so called nErFs on cree. Seriously, the nerf on cree won’t change anything (at lease in GMs IMO).

Why try and balance a hero when there is so much more important stuff thats needed…Like Icons and stuff

I’m so glad it was to widow and not Moira, for some reason people thought that Sigma wanted to go with Moira, despite him being rude to her in a voice line about her work lol.

“Press X to doubt”


Every single change about this is terrible except the ult buff and revert of uppercut recovery time. If you dont understand the hero just say it, dont try to utlra nerf him.


Any hero that can cheese one button over and over for an instant kill is op and broken, period, full stop. Anyone who thinks Doom needs buffs just wants an uncontrollable, op hero to stomp with.