Doomfist: “Hey Sombra, can you let me play the game?”

It was made for something :stuck_out_tongue:
We know who heroes are from it sometimes, and i know i hate doomfist even more than only for his gameplay and making my friends stop plaing XD

Imo the lore was cool until we had to make the father figure hero of the game LGBT for literally no reason, I then stopped caring for it.

Now when I see posts asking “what race of hero do you want next?” Like why is that even remotely important??

Is there even a story like or are we just letting the forums choose?

Welp, mayby for you, some people play overwatch to play overwatch :grin:

And doomfist is not fun to play for me, tryed, not interested, but also dont like plaing agains him.

There was also time when diamond players in my maches just ruin my day by picking him (plat lvl gameplay)

Yeah, and some people, most notable the huge streamers, quit because of what overwatch has become :slight_smile:

I can’t stand the sounds he makes, so I’m not going to play him. Same goes for Junk. They both annoy me every time they open their mouths.

That’s so weird lol.

And i dont realy care about them leaving :man_shrugging:
Their problem, i play games i like not what is popular with streams

Yeah but the problem is people like you who enjoy the cc fest and asked for it took the people who brought tons of people to play the game and drove them away, that’s the problem when we simplify games and make easy to play heroes and hard counters

So just like with world of Warcraft, the game will die a painful death if we continue in this direction of hating heroes we can’t get a grasp on but other people can use well, and it will all be dumbed down and made easy, and you will be alone on the game until a new fun awesome game comes out that will be ruined by a minority of its player base

I didnt say i enjoy cc fest, also doomfist is part of a problem with it :stuck_out_tongue:

I actualy play less agains cc heroes than people seem to play, if you dont count orisa and rein into that category

I absolutely don’t count rein.

Normally I’d be like “If you hate doomfist why not play him, then you’ll understand how he works.” But I have no right to make that statement when I suck with him. :grimacing:

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Doomfist made me ignore this game for literally months. He’s still just BARELY what I’d consider balanced. And, no, he is NOT that hard to play, maybe hard to play at a Chipsa/Brandito level, but to use him for his general purpose and frag out and disrupt in most ELOs is not that difficult. TBH, in low diamond and below, there just aren’t enough skilled players that help you deal with him, you can’t 1v1 him in a lot of cases and his counter is to stun and dogpile on him, but good luck seeing that ever happen with 5 bots on your team who don’t even respond when you call out your CC on Doomfist.


Doom Fist is a high damage dps hero so if your taken out first SHUT UP AND TAKE A HINT. You’ll be targeted constantly base on who you play as, Doom fist with be focused on more offen then mercy but they’re both threats as Mercy can revive a fallen hero.
Sigma is a Threat along side Hanzo and Ganji if those heros are played by skilled players.

Bottom line the only hero that has any right at complaining is Tracer her low health makers her a easy target gavatational flux can kill her at full health; That’s an example of her health bar vs a hero ultimate normally you can do that to a hanzo at full health or a Sombra.

Too late, the sombra nerfs hit too fast to notice.

Necro bump is real! :sweat_smile:

Ha! Lmao exactly what Blizzaard is doing.

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check out the whole thread it’s a huge laugh and so accurate it’s scary.

“companion” started a great meme back in the day and I hope he comes back soon.