Doomfist: “Hey Sombra, can you let me play the game?”

Thats why i mentioned making her more viable as a backline assasin would make the community’s flip. Sombra with good tracking can do decent damage and shes got pretty decent falloff too

But yet people say he is still fine :confused:

Yea flanking with her only works if your target is already low on health, even then you have less than a second to kill them before everyone tries to kill you.

I would be fine with a slight nerf to hacks duration for a little more ammo. But other than that idk what else to suggest other than a complete rework

This entire section applies to sombra as well.
Lately, a lot of people have been up in arms against sombra tryna make her the next dps to get nerfed.

Should EMP require a bit more counterplay? Perhaps, other than that she’s perfectly fine.
Her entire kit (sans emp and her passive) can be countered with just a bit of damage.
Her hacked target can be bubbled, shielded, healed, and all in all protected. Contrary to popular belief, hack isn’t an instant kill if your team can respond to you fast enough.

If you got hacked and you were nowhere near your team, that’s not sombra’s fault, you know? It’s literally in one of those respawn tip things (sombra preys on isolated targets" or something).

We both know that if that doom is smart they aren’t gonna be coming from the front, they’ll be on some roof or hidden in some map geometry somewhere until zarya uses her bubbles, then kill zen before zen can even call for help, and rocket punch away

Simple, get rid of hack and stealth cancelling on damage. Just make stealth slightly visible if you take damage.

Well how would you nerf her in exchange for that. Cause at the moment those need to stay because hack. Right now the only reason hack should get cancelled is good team work or sombra messed up. Hack
would have to be a 4 sec duration max for that imo

Does every buff need a nerf exchange?

This actually being useful for sombra depends on her team. Let’s not pretend like we’re all OWL pros.

And you still have a team that could help you. Overwatch isn’t comprised soley off of 1v1s.
In my honest opinion, doomfist is annoying but he’s fine.
Sombra is fine.
They’re both fine. People just get annoyed really easily and see that as unbalanced. Let’s not start another “mercy” like civil war again.

Not every buff. But for sombra yes. She doesnt need a straight up buff in way. Trash damage cancelling her abilities can be solved by better positioning and experience

No F You.
Go and sit down.

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Widow is very effected by Doomfist, he doesn’t let you play the game because he’s broken

I always primary fire the sombra trying to kill me and I always tea bag the ones trying to spawn camp me lmao

A doomfist that engages with his team will not be an easy target to hack. IF you engage the enemy team alone and expect to get out no problems with an elim or two without a Sombra being there, that tells you all you need to know about DFs power level. Have any of you tried to hack Doom during a team fight? There are moira orbs everywhere, bullet spam, pharah rockets, winstons jumping around and zapping, zen orbs. It becomes incredibly difficult. Sorry that you do not get to jump in a team of 6, kill 2 supports and jump out without dying if there is a Sombra but tough luck. You get what you deserve.


Forum logic, we all hate a hero we don’t understand, a hero that takes insane mechanical skill, decision making, and aim, and is probably the easiest hero to feed with in the game, but we all hate him cuz his punch can sometimes one shot

Me: Oh great. I hear a try hard who is 100% going to camp behind us then fly away when focused on. xD

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Because of his cc, terrible story and personality i hate him
I have more reasons than just one punch :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve despised DF from day 1, so the more times I can get DF players to swap or rage quit the better. Maybe some will give up on him for good.

You sound way too invested in the Garbo lore of this game

You should try playing him, he is one of the most freeing and rewarding heroes in the game, all the rollouts and balance/ stuck spots you can get into. Feels like you’re playing a completely different game. And it’s very fun