Or you can switch off Doomfist if I hacked you twice preventing you from killing my healers.
He ended up leaving after the 3rd or 4th hack and kill. It’s hilarious how he thought I was going to stop playing just so he can play Doomfist.
Also, if you were Mercy pocketing me on Blizzard world against that Doomfist last night, thank you. I know you got hooked like 5 times but I tried to avenge you. Again, thank you!
Doomfist players have no right whatsoever to complain, especially about being ‘’‘unable to play the game’’ That’s exactly what he does to many other heroes. Doom made me play Zen considerably less because of how easily he can take a Zen down. Unfortunately, one of my favourite heroes.
Yeah, seriously. If I see a Doomfist now I just immediately go Sombra no matter what I was doing. Unless you specifically counter Doomfist he’ll carry the game.
Hamster and Doom receive the Sombra treatment every single time i see them. They have mobility, large health pools, burst damage and excessive CC. Thier entire kits are designed to completely overwhelm immobile heroes.
(And i haaaaaaaaate that)
Try and deny that with a straight face next time you jump a Zen or Symmetra, and completely overwhelm them both with your mobility, health pool, cc and burst damage.
Yeah, he is. Doom is extremely cheap and most heroes can’t fight him effectively at all. There’s a couple of viable heroes to play into him that aren’t Sombra, but they’re not DPS (Orisa and Roadhog, mostly).
You’re really gonna compare doom using 1-3 of his abilities which are also his escapes to go in the middle of the other team to get a kill, only to have his buggy fist fail to kill someone and get stunned slept hacked…
To sombra uncloaking and hacking doom from safety with a no-aim ability, and even if she gets in trouble she can translocate away…
Look, is Sombra against Doomfist cheap? Sure. But Doomfist against Ashe is cheap… or Doomfist against Junkrat… Or Doomfist against Soldier… etc. If I don’t play Sombra into Doomfist and destroy him I’m basically throwing the game.