Doomfist feels fine to me

Hydration. OWL player for LA Gladiators. Beat NYXL the best team in the world in Stage 4.

Do you have anything where he discusses the new Doomfist?

OWC: Doomfist got nerfed pretty recently but Hydration, the pro player for LA Gladiators and a pretty good Doomfist himself seems to think that these changes aren't a big deal and that he still will be a good pick. We go over all of that in a little bit more detail but also in this video we'll be talking about some Doomfist tips that Hydration wants to recommend, and also some mistakes that he sees some players making that he really wants to see them stop. You can find all of Hydration's details in the description below alongside all of the LA Gladiators stuff, but let's get started.

Just to start with we actually did another video talking to you Hydration about the Doomfist changes and they are nerfs coming in, but first and foremost you don't really think that they're gonna make like a massive difference to the hero? If you're still good at him in ranked, you'll still be good at him if not with a few playstyle changes?

Right, I don't think the nerfs are as impactful as people think they are. You just really have to change your playstyle Just engage more with your right-click instead of your E.

OWC: Beforehand, most of the time Doomfist, say we're on second point of Dorado, they would stand on the high ground, look for a Zenyatta to use the slam ability on, uppercut him, use that combo, kill him, try to get back out. How would that change now? Would you still stand on the high ground to try and jump in with the punch or how would your positioning change based on these changes?

A lot of it comes down to maps. You have to be really aware where the walls are and where the enemy team's gonna be. You might use some high grounds to drop down on them with the right click or you can just flank. [inaudible] It's going to come down to really thinking about it.

OWC: Just be again really clear, where was Doomfist really good before? Why is Doomfist so good in ranked and competitive but he is used a little bit in the pro scene but not an awful lot. What is the difference there? Why is Doomfist such a monster pick sometimes in our own games?

Playing Doomfist on ladder is a lot easier because if you're playing against people, it's very common that people don't know to call where Doomfist is, to focus him, what cooldowns he has up and whatnot, so you can just get away with anything.

OWC: Are there any other big mistakes that you see or feel that other Doomfist players are making or might make now that these changes will be going through soon?

Hydration: I see a lot of people that are going to be engaging with their E, uppercutting, trying to kill someone, they fail on killing them and then they die, and then they'll go, ah, this hero's dead. Blizzard killed my hero. I can see that happening a lot.

OWC: What was the old combo? Just to be clear, would it be slam, uppercut, shoot them with your primary fire whilst they're falling out of the sky, maybe right click them? Is that what the combo used to be?

Hydration: Generally you just slam, shoot, uppercut, and then shoot until they're dead, and then you just punch away to safety.

OWC: What would it be now? It'd be the opposite, so you jump down, right click, uppercut, shoot them, use the slam to get out?

Hydration: You just right click in, make sure you're at a perfect angle so you hit a wall, and then you just uppercut out and you don't even have to shoot them, since it's 250. [3:35]




3 Likes bomb can be hooked out of position. And again, she has to give up 1/4 of her health to use it. Meteor strike has 0 risk.

Yes, if you land out in the open without checking your surroundings and then stand there for two seconds, you might get killed. That doesn’t change the fact that the ult has no risk. He would have died way sooner if he hadn’t used it to become invincible.

Also, you should try forming an argument without resorting to ad hominem. People might take you slightly more seriously that way.

Except bomb also 1-shots basically anything that even has LoS whereas Meteor Strike already had a hard time killing anything that wasn’t in the direct center and was virtually useless on anything with a mobility skill even before the nerfs that now make it so ANY character can WALK out of the DEAD CENTER and live.

And I think you’re also forgetting the part where Doomfist is left sitting on the ground fully vulnerable and an easy pick once the ult is over, so yeah there’s actually plenty of risk too.

Good try though.

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spawn has no risk! We should nerf spawns!!!

this girl!! omg bronze should be a nightmare!

BTW I love how you can help chipsa, one of the best doomfist in the game, to play his hero. It’s perfectly understandable you have better knowldge about doom in bronze than Chipsa… LOL


Again,’s bomb has risk and way more counterplay. An ult with no risk and little counterplay for anyone that can’t become invulnerable or move very quickly shouldn’t be as powerful.

Funny how you keep bringing up bronze. Projecting much?

No OWL professionals there. Two popular Doomfist streamers and one content creator have kneejerk, exaggerated and hyperbolic responses to the new Doomfist.

Is just the way you think as him as invencible is the bronze way my dear.

And again, Meteor Strike has risk. Just ignore that though because that wouldn’t fit your agenda would it. Also just ignore how I just pointed out that these nerfs literally make it impossible for Doom to kill anything that doesn’t stand perfectly still with his ult, that’s fine.

Facts are hard, not everybody understands how they work, I get it.

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Every other non-transformation ult can be directly stopped in some way, and even the transformation ones have risks. Doomfist’s does not, therefore, it rightfully is less powerful. It’s also on a kit that’s already plenty deadly, meaning it’s already fated to be less powerful, like Widowmaker’s.

Unless you were playing against a bad Doomfist, “just move bro lol” didn’t work most of the time pre-nerf. That’s why it was nerfed.

The way you fail to understand an argument and constantly try to resort to ad hominem makes it pretty clear you’re more likely the one in bronze.

Oh, right, so if two of the biggest names playing Doomfist and a guy who is consistently correct about pretty much everything Blizzard ever does all say Doomfist is bad, clearly it doesn’t matter because one guy who plays at the same level but happens to play in OWL said he can still be a niche pick if you, and I quote, “make sure you’re at a perfect angle so you hit a wall” (with an ability that still bugs out both on how much momentum is applied to the other player and on whether or not wall contact is even detected btw). Yeah, sounds totally fine. It’s not like Blizzard has been trying to get rid of niche picks. It’s whatever.

You can’t be serious right now.

Lemme just show you this clip again:

And you wanna tell me that’s fine. That’s balanced.

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Walls, corners, strafing, acting like you’re going one direction for a second then juking another. Defensive abilities when the light hits. Cooldowns on the stationary target when he lands.

I’m 100% for not deleting Ana’s and Zen’s from the game, but they really gotta fix this inner-ring bug and give him less noodle-arms when it comes to slam. It’s just an overtune that needs to be brought back in line, hopefully without a 3 month wait.

Every other non-transformation ult also is significantly more powerful. And you keep just ignoring the part where Doom sits there asking to be shot after his ult ends. But again, y’know facts are hard, it’s much easier to just make stuff up and give half-truths to try and support your own agenda rather than develop one single iota of skill at the game.

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And again, no it does not. I’ve already explained how it does not. Dying because you landed out in the open and stood still is not “risk”, that’s just you having bad gamesense and positioning. An ult that makes you invincible, lets you go anywhere on the map unimpeded while letting your cooldowns recover, and gives you more i-frames and overheal upon landing does not have risk, and therefore should not be as offensively powerful as ones with risk. It’s as simple as that.

Hard to see but looks like she wasn’t in the inner circle - server/ping delay could also account for that, plus the fact he landed onto a ramp. You’d think someone who’s played Doomfist as much as he has would’ve come to expect those kind of bugs in that kind of terrain. That’s always been part and parcel of Doomfist. Not sure why he acts so surprised at that.