Doomfist feels fine to me

Rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated. He’s still perfectly playable only now you need to be more selective about which maps you play him on i.e. maps with a lot of walls. For maximum punch damage. Which in my opinion is the whole point of Doomfist - his name is literally Doom-FIST. His fist should be the strongest part of his kit. He shouldn’t be able to run rampant on every single map, as he could with his insanely easy slam and uppercut combo. E.g. I just played a game with him on Nepal where he’s actually a very good pick, and as you can see in the video below even the enemy Doomfist was wrecking us a lot of the time. But don’t take my word for it - looking at Overbuff stats he’s MUCH better balanced and closer to the holy grail of 50% winrate. In both Diamond and Grandmaster he has above 50% winrate, and in Masters slightly below. That’s still way more balanced than the crazy 57% winrate he had before in GM. He’s still viable at the highest rank. But stats aside, just from playing him I didn’t feel like the nerfs affected him as massively as people here claim. You’re just not given free kills anymore - which actually makes him more satisfying to play as. Good job Blizzard.


His winrate has dropped 7% and his pickrate has halved. It speaks volumes.


Yeah. People are upset they can’t auto-combo to win anymore.


Your battletag tells me you’re definitely not biased.


Everyone is biased btw


I stopped watching after about 3 min. I also played very well with DF after his nerfs. I had my own pocket Mercy (similar to what you had) and I also played against a team that was spread far apart and wasnt playing very well. (similar to what you had)

I would be interested in seeing how you do against a team that actually communicates and with you not having a mercy.


I think Seismic Slam is bugged?

Like, it says it should still pull people in but you can move away. I don’t even feel like I’m being pulled in.

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I’m sorry but this kinda defeats the purpose of him being fine. Anything you had close to a solo engagement the enemy ignored you, missed their shots, you had a healer on you, or was completely uncoordinated. Like at one instance when you were fighting the hog and the brig they let you recharge cooldowns and didn’t focus at all. You should’ve been instantly dead. The way they played you would’ve got way more value out of just playing reaper or torb as they would’ve got higher kill value and damage in those engagements.

He’s pretty unreliable right now and need a rework, revert, or his cooldowns reduced.


Also at no point did I see you get a kill with your Ult. Not once


Then you didn’t watch it. Got a kill in the third round at least, and pretty sure I killed Brig as well another time.

You mean after the sleep dart on the hanzo? Can you really call that a kill with your ult?



Er, yeah? It’s a team game, nothing wrong with comboing with a sleep. That’s how his ult was actually designed to be used.


Ah there it goes. 17 minutes and 1 ult kill. It doesn’t need to changed

(It’s a horrible ult now)


It was already a garbage ult.


They removed that effect from Slam.


10 Char and all that

It’s an appropriate amount of power for how little risk is involved.


This doesn’t really impress me much, especially on such a short timeline. I think a lot of people decided they wouldn’t be playing DF just by looking at the patch notes without even trying.

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U miss rocket punch many times. U fail to kill someone with slam+uppercut combo multiple times.