Doomfist feels fine to me

I practiced him plenty. I know how his kit works. I’m telling you, it’s not good anymore. I know right click isn’t the only part of his kit, that’s what you’re implying in the original post is that it should be the focus of his kit, and I’m telling you, people who actually were good at Doomfist and used him regularly before the nerfs know that the punch is not what you should be using as your goto.

As I’ve also seen in your video, you’re playing against poorly performing players that might as well not even have teammates. Problem is, you can’t say a character is balanced because he does well against players who have little to no idea what they’re doing.


Got to disagree there. His right click has been super strong ever since the hitbox buff. Even Chipsa said it’s his most OP damage dealer prenerf.

In raw damage, yes. In actual usability? No. That’s like saying you should focus heavily on Soldier’s Helix instead of actually improving your aim.

When and where to use right click was always situational. There was never a “go-to” combo for Doomfist but for some reason there’s this misconception that there was. It was just whatever you had off cooldown leaving one as an escape.

" Rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated"

The boy is officially dead. Have numbers.

Win Rate, Win Rank (from bottom), Pick Rate, Pick Rank (from bottom)
This Last Week So Far
G: 52.00% 3rd Bot 0.99% 11th Bot
M: 47.67% 1st Bot 1.19% 11th Bot
D: 48.36% 1st Bot 1.34% 11th Bot
P: 46.92% 1st Bot 1.29% 7th Bot
G: 45.74% 2nd Bot 1.22% 5th Bot
S: 45.45% 6th Bot 1.06% 3rd Bot
B: 42.35% 2nd Bot 1.10% 2nd Bot

A: 46.72% 2nd Bot 1.23% 6th Bot

Last 3 Months

G: 56.48% 26th Bot 3.79% 18th Bot
M: 54.41% 25th Bot 3.65% 18th Bot
D: 55.00% 24th Bot 3.58% 17th Bot
P: 52.60% 22nd Bot 3.01% 17th Bot
G: 50.39% 19th Bot 2.37% 12th Bot
S: 49.11% 20th Bot 2.04% 10th Bot
B: 45.79% 14th Bot 1.95% 9th Bot

A: 52.40% 25th Bot 2.83% 16th Bot

52.40% - 46.72% = 5.68% win rate loss
2.83% - 1.23% = 1.6% pick rate loss
Wins 10.84% less often
Played 56.54% less often


See. This comment right here tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about and that your only experience is playing against people who couldn’t appropriately deal with Doomfist regardless.

52% at highest rank, lower across lower ranks. Just as you’d expect for a high skill hero.

Doomfist always, even in his worst state, hard punished in QP, even more low rank as you. This is not balance at all. I can show you same kind of game in QP with junkrat and he is NOT op.

He is ok for QP for sure and may be ok for low elos.

That is a very dangerous logic to have about winrates. Composites are very important.

Okay and your experience is what? Could you show your profile/comment with your main account, or are you just relaying what others have told you?

Follow up.

According to your logic, Soldier 76 - the introduction hero intended to have the most basic, welcoming, all-around access kit, has win percentage progression of a high skill hero.

Double follow up: Grandmaster is less than 1% of the population. I’m all about balancing based on the higher brackets of skill play, and even I’d think you’d be insane to base things on their experience and use. That would be like balancing McCree on the expectation of 80% headshots.


A. Why would my profile even matter? You’re sitting here getting told by a Top 500 that he’s bad and you’re still fighting it, so clearly you don’t actually care about the statistics, you just hope I’ve been lying because you want me to be lower than you so can dismiss what I say. Try to be a little less transparent.

B. I’m telling you from experience playing against people who actually know what they’re doing and how to group up. IE: Something none of the players in your footage understood. Quick note: You also realize that matchmaking on PC is so widespread it can put GM and silver players in the same match in quickplay? So it really proves nothing in the slightest about what you can do in these matches, even without considering how poorly the enemy team performed.

Vargoth is Masters, and yeah I just want to know your experience on the hero since you want to dismiss mine. Btw nobody knows what they’re doing in this game except OWL/World cup players. Ladder is a mess all the way up to top 500.

is that quickplay?

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I’m not dimissing yours, I’m looking at it and telling you it was a cakewalk to begin with. Also, the fact that you’re admitting that nobody knows what they’re doing already just affirms that you can’t use these matches as an attempt to say Doomfist is in a good spot.

Also forgot to mention, even Masters is LEAGUES ahead of you, so again, why would it matter since you clearly won’t listen regardless?


“nobody knows what they’re doing in this game except OWL/World cup players”

That would be like saying 99% of people who play video games have no concept on what is fair.

Not far off from the truth.

And yet you fighting oblivious people in QP is hard proof that Doom is fine… Despite the fact most of those high tier players have admitted Doom was overnerfed…


I mean it’s not hard proof. It’s just my experience. Which is why the thread title is “Doomfist feels fine to me”. Can you tell me which players and what exactly they said? Because it seems to me from watching their streams, they still do pretty well on him.

I’ve yet to hear one high profile opinion talk about Doomfist without stating they feel his nerfs were too much, even if they still feel he deserved some nerfs at all. Literally just pick one.