Doomfist Community Patch (Discontinued)

He’s such a fun character when things go right but other times you just feel useless and lost and that shouldnt be what the devs are aiming for.


Didn’t have meteor strike even more damage in development? they just gutted this ultimate with unreasonable nerfs


So did rocket punch if I’m not mistaken. It one shots a bastion in the videos that shows off his kit.

As a Doomfist main I stopped at the 3rd change, this thread just seems to be a huge buff for him and it would make him heavily unbalanced. The character would be overpowered

Edit : Some of these changes aren’t bad at all like the AoE for the Rocket Punch but I believe it would be too overpowered if it happened every time he used rocket punch, why not make an “ex” variation of the rocket punch where he trades ultimate charge for this special rocket punch that has an AoE, increased charging speed and damages ?

And you could expand this concept for all of his abilities e.g : Seismic slam. When using an “Ex” seismic slam it could become some sort of an aerial pin, you can use it to catch an opponent in the air and slam him on the ground while having the earth shatter cone.

Again, as a doomfist player, I don’t feel the satisfaction you are supposed to have when I unlock my ult and I would rather trade my ult charge for better effects in my abilities

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I believe you are incorrect (speaking from nearly 300 hours of experience on the hero here). This is meant to make it so that he can reliably hit a smaller hero with most of his pellets at distances farther than 5 meters… such as 10 meters.(This reduction in spread is the fix to what swapping his pellet count and damage was supposed to fix but failed to. I’ve had times where I aim at a tracer who is 8 meters away only to have 4/5ths of the pellets go directly around the hitbox, leading to me losing the fight thanks to rng, whereas other times all of them hit and I kill the tracer. That’s not okay.)

But if you believe some of these things truthfully are too much, I’ll tone them back just a bit, even though in reality they don’t do much. (This list of changes is meant to allow him to be viable WITHOUT JUMP PUNCHING OR TERRAIN BOUNCING, even though they would still be possible.)

[Edit] Okay I’ve toned back most of it and removed unneeded things that really just would’ve made him too good.


Maybe you are right about the spread reduction thing maybe not, honestly it’s hard to tell but I was just giving my opinion and this thread seemed like a massive buff request, sorry if I seemed a bit mean it was not my attention.

You should not forget that he is a hero with a high skill cap to compensate the one shot potential, and I think this is where the devs will have the hardest time balancing him. Don’t make it too casual but not too hard either

buff ult to either come out faster, do more damage or have bigger radius (this dude is suppose to level skyscrapers and has the worst ult in game)
After ult buff do one of these

buff his passive to 50 shields per enemy hit with shields not decaying over time still maxing out at 150. This way his passive would actually help him

or you could give him a bloc ability/ something to charge his shields

or give him slightly less cooldowns on RU and SS they are really weak for how little he gets to use them. maybe just a second or 2

or give him a leap ability like Winston. DF is all about mobility right? well this way you can get in the fight actually used all your abilities and then have an ability to get out. currently you use your abilities to get in, kill, and get out.

The ult buff then any 1 of those other ideas I bet would fix him

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Some of the things you say here would make him absolutely unfair to play against. Realistically, he needs very minor changes in order to make him good, things that will improve consistency and general survivability coupled with other minor things to lessen how easy it is to counter him, such as a shield versus his ult completely canceling it out.

An ability to give him shields prior to an engagement would be too much, mobility aside from his abilities would give him too much mobility, higher flat, non scaling damage for his ult would mean he could potentially shot tanks when his ult is virtually one of the safest abilities that can take out people who are grouped up. I don’t believe it would be balanced.


I agree completely with the range thing. Idk why reinhardt can charge a whole room but doomfist barely charges over 2/3rds. But I do feel they should increase the hit box to be in between his starting ORIGINAL hitbox an the one he currently has. Like if his original were 110 and the current one is 75 somethin between 80-90 i’d be down with personally.


I agree with the ult speed and possibly the range. I believe it should travel faster and come down faster as well as doomfist in general not floating so easily with his abilities. Do you know how often I’ve been stuck mid air from a hack or flashbang but not able to run or use a different ability cause i’m still mid air? that mess is crazy

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seismic slam>uppercut>rocket punch is the natural order of the perfect combo, switch seismic slam to 4 sec CD and rocket punch to 7 sec. So that seismic slam is ready first

I’m going to assume that this isn’t a bundle patch and only a handful of these would be put together, as if all of the changes happened then it make for the most over powered hero that’s ever existed in ow.

This alone is way to much. If that was the only thing to happen to doomfist it make him ridiculous op and unfun to play against

No, all of these were meant to be bundled… and I’m seeing how some of it may have been a bit too much now–So I’ve cut down on things and reworked other things to balance it all properly.

You can see how giving dva slight tweaks put her from her worst state ever (after dm bot nerf) to one of the best heroes in the game and the pro scene. That change was only adding missiles and shooting while flying. Even then they also nerfed her dm hard. That was a tiny change compared to this proposed one. Keep that in mind.


Alright, have a reread if you feel up to it. I’ve gone through all of it and it should be much less… over the top I guess?

Oh and, video proof is out the window, one of the devs confirmed it.


I disagree. I have about just over 80 hours with him. He is not good. he is counter by way to many. he needs some help. All of the things Ive mentioned would improve survivability and I’m only requesting 1 of those not all.

as far as your focus on the ability I suggested with the shield charges go I disagree. his issue is survivability. the man is giant and needs some health. consider if he had an ability like that (or maybe one that lowered his other cooldowns) but its on a long cooldown preventing it being overused and requires he be stationary and vulnerable. these are logistics that can be worked out.

I think your only looking at the end effect and not considering that ability could be balanced in. hell we have rez right? that’s on a 30 second cooldown and leaves mercy vulnerable. The goal is so that the enemy team sees DF and says “oh man there’s a Doomfist focus him!” instead of “lol look they have a dumbfist”

also even if I agreed that that ability would make him OP i offered several other ideas. I have no issue landing RPs but consider his other abilities,

RU only does 50…barely over a single melee and leaves you in a predicted path falling and its on an 8 second cool down

SS can do up to 125 but usually only does 60. even at 125. Id argue youd be better playing junk. hell you could dish out that damage 2 times with less than half the effort!
125 isn’t enough to match a single shot from reaper who can do 140 NOT EVEN TAKING HEADSHOTS INTO ACCOUNT. And all that is under the premise that we are assuming SS is at its max and really its going to only be 60 most of the time. and his ULT? its laughable weaks damage for any DPS, Easily blocked or avoided, small radius and slow.

He needs a buff to his survivability


Also maybe its just me but doomfist doesn’t seem that buggy. Ive seen some bugs but very few. As far as RP goes I honestly do not have any issue landing Rocket punch. I have zero issues with it. but I have seen abysmally buggy gamplay footage of it on PC. It seems like its working on the xbox though.

Doomfist don’t need buffs to hand cannon or RP. Doomfist need buffs to survivability

I just want a different ultimate. His ultimate doesn’t feel good to use, it very rarely kills anyone, and more often than not, the min he lands he dies to CC because he can’t react for 1 second after the ability is done. I want some kind of single target beatdown, or if you want to keep meteor strike make landing in the circle cause the ground to quake and either slow, pop up or disable targets in that circle. Because right now i use it mainly to escape.


He has had a ton of bug fixes the last few patches. His inherent issues still exist, but you’re less likely to get screwed over by a bug/random chance on live than you were a couple months ago, as an example.

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You aren’t taking into consideration the fact that he is able to hit multiple people with these abilities–and that when strung together can quickly shred someone’s health, as is intended. Read my list again as I’ve since altered it to points of just improving consistency and generally making him more approachable and usable. He will not be taken away from this all or nothing state, as if he’s put into a position where its all or half? He won’t be fair to play against. Besides, the only things on my list that reflect what you stated were the blocking ability–my version of which is finally at a balanced state that I can consider fair when paired with the rest of his kit, and reducing cooldowns of Seismic Slam and Uppercut to fix his downtime issues.

Meteor strike is the safest damaging ultimate in the game. It also has the potential to be one of the most devastating for the enemy’s dps or supports given the correct circumstance. Most heroes that you should be targeting with it are incapable of escaping it without help given you position it correctly and at the right time (too little time spent in the ult means that of course they won’t take good damage once they walk out of the center aoe), times where you failed to do so they live.

Also, saying you have over 80 hours on him to try and say you have some sort of leverage? 290 hours roughly here. I still disagree with you.

Also? He is very very buggy.