Doomfist Community Patch (Discontinued)

Orange post will one day surface, but until then we will continue to play at unreasonably difficult levels for the same output that you get for much less on another hero.


Its gotten to the point where I simply cannot play him. I got Masters with him last season, but stopped playing because of mercy meta. Now, hes simply too unreliable and buggy to play, to the extent where its stressful playing a hero.


When a hero is only capable of being effectively played by 1% of the population–only for mediocre output in comparison to other dps heroes… it’s just not okay. I get your frustrations, and hope that he’s fixed up soon so that more people can play him to an okay extent.


The thing is I been with blizzard games (not employee) since diablo 1. I can tell you all now for a fact, they ain’t gonna do any changes until its a obvious catastrophe . It’s gonna take like 10x the amount of doomfist posts and quite frankly some super youtubers getting millions of views for them to do anything. That’s how blizzard has rolled for over a decade


I have added a reference to this post in my topic Community Suggestions List for Doomfist as where they both aim to accomplish the same thing …change :slight_smile:


That’s what happened the first time they ignored him. When they nerfed his RP a large amount of doomfist player’s were mentioning all his bugs (wall slides, ghost punches, etc.) almost daily. There were even 3 megathreads, yet the devs never even ACKNOWLEDGED the bugs for 4-5 months.

The only time they decided to talk about the bugs and to start looking into them was when youtubers and gaming websites started to talk about Isinner’s list of like a dozen bugs. This makes it seem like they weren’t that concerned that he was horribly bugged. They were more concerned that it was making them look bad since everyone was talking about it.


Just wish they’d stop acting as though we would chastise them for screwing up on a hero… everything has bugs, it’s honestly not a problem. All we want is for them to be fixed. Blizzard is far too prideful about their work.


Bloody hell I just want to F***ing play Doomfist and have him work


I’d like to be able to pick doomfist and not have to play at god like levels just to accomplish something.


you and me both pal.


im glad this thread is still alive and kicking, i hope the devs see it soon or do something for doomfist


It would be a nice treat for sure.

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I would love to see some tweaks to physics engine (that mostly affects Doomfist) - especially regarding standing on top of other players (personally I’d remove this mechanic entirely).

If it has to stay, I’d players affected by knock backs should be unable to stand on other players at least.

Seismic slam is huge offender for this, where it’s possible for DF to land on enemy (and do no dmg/knockup), or enemy to end up on top of Doomfists head effectively becoming immune to any punch he might be charging.

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Seismic Slam getting stuck on walls instead of dropping down is a huge pain. It cancels the Slam and leaves DF dangling until it cancels. It also happens on Mei’s Ice Wall whether its friendly or foe. Twice today I got stuck on Mei’s Wall while using SS like I landed on a Junk trap. Unless the Wall disappears, DF is stuck on or at the side of it.

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I honestly am planning on doing a giant post with all the suggestions ive thought of and plugging all other threads doing the same in one massive post


One day, this thread will reach the devs.

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The tons of thread about the dozen bugs took 4-5 months before reaching them. I wouldn’t hold my breath. I wish it would though.

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They don’t lack ideas of how to change him, they lack the idea that he needs change to begin with.

There are 2 options, either they think he is fine, or they think he is not.

If they think he is not fine, they would implement a change, it’s not hard to do.
But since there are no changes its the only other option, they think he is fine.


Id like to believe theyre still looking into him. Just some reassurance would be nice.

But I really want Blizz to read Dukes post - its defo worth the read and a real interesting one too. They dont even have to agree, just read would be enough for me.

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Think at this point they just need to be convinced that he needs buffs past bug fixes… I would never have made this list given that that weren’t true.

He needs these changes. I don’t believe I can handle much longer of this, knowing that if I had spent my 285 hours on Doomfist, on other dps heroes–that I’d be crushing everyone, versus my inconsistent and mediocre results when playing the fist.

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