Doomfist Community Patch (Discontinued)

Ya no, Doomfist’s ultimate is absolutely terrible and it’s a physical attack one shot that should do some damage through shields. All of these fixes and improvements are warranted.

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I know hes buggy. Like I said I’ve seen footage. On xbox though it doesn’t seem as bad as the footage Ive witnessed on PC. I suppose i agree that Meteor strike is safe. safest in game not sure Id agree with that but not important.

But heres the thing if were playing a serious game in comp there isn’t a reasons to play Doomfist and that’s my concern. This isn’t to say that you or I or anyone cant preform well just that for what the kit brings to the table youd really be better of playing a different DPS. I play DF because hes fun but really Genji or tracer would serve the same role for the team. I could put in half with them and and do just as good and with less hard counters.

Strictly speaking about his ULT. yea its safe I’ll give you that but it also isn’t because when you land your stationary for a short time, your giant, and the enemy already know before hand where you will land. DFs ult is so weak. For an individual or a team many other DPS ults would be better. DF ult is one of the worst in the game with a low damage potential, small radius compared to other radius of ults that have radius effects, its slow, and lets the enemy see beforehand where it will come.

Yes he can hit multiple targets at once. he does revolve around burst damage.
I believe he either needs higher burst or better sustainability. before you say I’m crazy about the burst lets just look at the numbers ok?

125 from SS (assuming you approached with SS and got damaged max)
250 from RP (assuming you hit wall)
50 from RU
hand cannon maxes at 66 damage per shot ignoring armor. lets say for this example you get 6 shots off. (because DF is all about putting those shots in and you could get more than 4.

again this is assuming
you ignore armor
you landed every single shell of HC and got 2 extra shots off
You landed RP into a wall
and that you approached with SS at max damage from a high point.
for math purposes assuming all of this is generous

that totals at 823 damage. out of that yes RU and SS can hit multiple targets so the damage for multiple Targets is 110-175.

But compare him to reaper or Junkrat. I chose those two because they also thrive up close. reaper can dish out a consistent 1,120 consistently before a 1 second reload. or junk has splash damage so he can also dish out damage for more than 1 target at a time. Junks 2 mins and 5 grenades before a reload can max out damage at 840.

Both of these characters dish out higher damage and more consistently and both have remaining factors in their kits. (junks trap or wraith) speaking of Junk his ult is potentially safe, charges just as fast, has more time, higher damager and (i believe a larger radius.

so up close threat they would be a better choice for the team. want a mobility DPS tracer or Genji would be better.


Id rather have more sustain than higher damage. as upping the damage from his abilities would be borderline broken.

lets talk about his counters

Pharah: good luck getting up there
Mcree: stun fan combo. this is something everyone should worry about but DF wants to be close to his targets and is gigantic.
Reaper: This is the only character I seem to not be able to RP kill. not sure if due to bugs or his extra 50 health and passive. also deals way more damage consistenly up close, self heals, can bait out RP with wraith,
Sombra: hack =death
Tracer: if you miss that 1 punch your dead. she has the means to dodge everything you through at her.
Bastion: if hes in sentry it will take your entire kit. INCLUDING YOUR ULT and even then he still might be alive.
Hanzo: you can 1 shot each other but he can do it from further away, doesn’t need a wall to smack you into also your gigantic. landing scatter or just regular shots on bigfoot isn’t that hard.
Junkrat: he will destroy you up close with his mines. again your huge size means he will have an easier time hitting you. also he has his trap and martyrdom.
Torb: fighting the turret is hard. you don’t get the blowback from RP or the stuns from any of your moves
Roadhog: he will eat your entire kit up for breakfast. drink his Gatorade then eat your ult for lunch. Killing Roadhog is very hard.
Symmetra: the turrests are harder to take out when you have such few shots before a reload. also if shield gen is up you cannot RP anyone in a single blow

If he had more sustainability to justify his high learning curve and the times hes left totally vulnerable he could defend himself better to his numerous counters


I’ve always thought that he needs to have much more sustain outside of his baby shields because in reality if you’re not at the 150 max, you’re doing nothing to mitigate the damage you take. I suggest we heavily buff the passive to 50 shields and reduce the decay, or even just buff his base health to 300. This would still have him be countered by the heroes who should counter him, but not instantly melt him when in contact with him because it’s not fun having to play a character that is meant to get up close to do literally anything and get taken out with braindead tactics.

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I completely agree. this is the change I advocate the most.

As it stands you only really get to generate a decent amount of shields with your ult. speaking of his ULT. I do believe that his ULT should be on the weaker side compared to other DPS ULTS and I’m ok with that. but I think it could be a bit better. Another way we could buff it is to reset his other abilities and keep everything else with it the same.

DF’s ULT is used to bridge combos so you don’t enter with it. you enter with other abilities then uses your ULT. by the time you come back you’ve eaten up time for your abilities to come off cool down essentially not being left vulnerable and bridging your combos.

The issue is you either go for that fast sweet kill or wait to kill time to knock off time on your other cool downs.

If it did both Id be ok with how slow and low damage it was

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As of now the list won’t be updated from here on out. This is the last instance of it. 100%.

There’s zero reason that Doomfist’s ultimate should do less in the epicenter than a Tracer Pulse Bomb. He’s a massive juggernaut with a gigantic Doomfist, how does he do ONLY 300 damage dead center? It makes no sense.


We are in agreement that his ULT is bad. I think it does need a buff of some kind.
We also have to consider the desensive part of his ULT to though 75 shields per enemy hit? that’s decent. hit 2 enemies and you’ve maxed your shields. even considering that is ULT is still bad. but it is something we have to consider because its a part of his ULT.

I’m saying a change I would like if so it to stay how it is AND it rests the rest of your kit. then when you lad you can keep brawling and you can come down instantly. I went over this in my last comment.

Or a simple higher damage, bigger radius, faster come down. Long story short. yes its bad and needs help.

His ult is fine in current patch, and with the change I’ve made to it, it’s very very powerful. Making the minimum damage 66 means the kill area threshhold for 200 hp heroes is moved from about 1.1875 meters out from the edge of the center aoe to 1.709 meters (these are estimates, not exact numbers) but at any rate it’s much more difficult to escape its one shot potential now. And on top of that, its knockback is heavily increased to actively knock enemies out of its aoe after being hit by it: meaning that it can actually be used to move enemy tanks away from a location. (note, the knockback decreases linearly, so being hit at the very edge of it will still basically not move the target hit.)

Just to be clear are you saying his ULT is fine in current patch of game?

Its probably the worst DPS ult in game


fine as in its okay, its not great but its not good either.

The troubles begin when it is made into something unreasonably difficult to avoid (Reaction times are a thing, I’m not about to force everyone to suddenly develop faster reaction times just to be able to stand a chance against doomfist’s ult.)

DPS ult ? I thought it’s just free jail escape card… at least 70% of the time Im using it to run.

Yep… it’s pretty terrible.

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@Duke your right. Its not good. Ithink it should be on the weaker end of ults but still a tad bit better than what it is.

@Curiosity you can use it to escape but I never do that I think its a pretty sad way to use it. I use it to bridge my combos.

So I enter With SS maybe get a RP kill then use ULT. kill a few second in the sky. by the time I drop back down (hopefully getting a kill) RP will be off cooldown and SS is almost off and will probably be off cooldown after I use RP.
Its a bridge to your combos.

The issue is that Its slow. ULT and come back down right away its acutally decently fast and you can hopefully get 1 kill but you didn’t burn off time for your other cooldowns

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It’s used to take out dps/supports, and is fairly consistent as is at doing that job.

If you’re using it to escape more often than not… Then you’re not playing him properly. ( I barely ever use it to escape.)

yeah you want to target those classes but the issue is that all the offensive DPS’s ULTS are better for the job.

Genji can get 720 damage off (over double DF’s damage with his, Harder to counter than DFs and more control over an area

Mcrees is probably hardest to compare. Id say though that they both act as area denial and Mcree can deny more area with his.

Pharah. just like DF its riscky to use. but Pharah puts out enough damage to justify her vulnerability. 3600.

Reapers maxes out at 510. doing 170 per second. you melt 200hp Heros in about 1.5 seconds and then still have some more time for area denial/damage/getting health back. Plus its more effective against shields.

Tracers its pretty comparable too. mainly because they share the same damage model and easy ult charge. but tracer can be extremely precise with who she chooses to stick (assuming she is competent)

Sombra cant compare for being just too different.

When you hear a Solider, reaper or Genji ULT. Its a big deal and can really affect the team fight. When Doomfist uses his? it just doesnt have that affect.


I’m to believe that the only reason its like that is because of how safe it is in application… You get up to 4 seconds being completely invulnerable, and upon landing can get up to 150 shields instantly. It’s pretty hard to justify it hitting hard when its not putting you in a vulnerable state like the other ultimates.

My post was semi-sarcastic … should have used /s tag :sweat_smile:

I mean that his ult sometimes is degraded to escape tool. I hope, one day it would get reworked into something more usefull and fun to play.

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Literally spot on.

20 C.

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Bumping for Doomfist awareness


I mean yeah you are 100% safe for 4 seconds. but you cant contribute while your up there. as apose to being invincible for 4 seconds on ground which would make a big difference. (to be clear I’m not suggesting to have this)

So yeah your invincible but your not helping the team for the duration of the time while your up there. and when you come down you CAN* not will get 150 shields. but 9/10 times the team will focus you down. your landing is slow, predictable, and low damage.

lets just take a step back and think about the fact that most players use his ULT as an escape tool. Lets also think about how little you see a cool kick butt* segment with his ULT. compare to other DPS characters. Id bet money less than any of them.

These are signs that his ULT is kind of bad