Doom feels like has 0 impact

True if you use all your abillities regular punch doesnt go as far now.
The 8s cooldown means you have less mobillity

I know about all the techs it doesnt feel good most of them require you to chain all your abillities which is just feeding you cant use the slam punch rollout because you will get destroyed once your in.

This speaks for itself I dont care about the effort I play Genji and Tracer both really high skill hard to secure kills characters.
Tracer requires the most effort for a kill of pretty much every character in the game its nothing to do with oh I want the easy kill combo.

I just think if I use slam I use punch and I use all my primaries I should get the kill no?
Sometimes I even use my ultimate and cant get the kill because of ana grenades inspire etc.
His damage is pathetic by tank standards as well.

Orisa gets a kill by using all her abillities
Rein gets a kill just with charge or double fire strike
Hog as the hook comb
Zaryas beam does like 250 damage per second
Sigma has the garunteed rock combo kill
Ball gets 150 damage just by doing a slam

What does Doomfist get from using all his abillities
30 Damage nice
50 damage oh wow

Free 90 damage from using all my abillities thats crazy good not he doesnt deserve this low damage considering how quickly he gets blown up he dies in like 1 second from focus fire.

Dooms abilities now hit multiple enemies. You may be doing less damage individually but youā€™re doing more across the team. make sense? He works different than the other tanks.

You say ā€œonly 90 damageā€ but its 90 damage on multiple enemies, PLUS you are moving them out of position with your CC, not only that but after blocking damage you can increase your punch power.

If you die in 1 second, i guess you are out of position. You should move with the team. Doom can no longer solo it from random rooftops.

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So does balls his does 150 and he has more mobillity and more health and more survivabillity and more damage on primary and a better ult.

Your out of position for diving on a dive tank? What are you meant to do with him then 1v1 Reinhart with the puny 90 damage

Heā€™s a big distractionā€¦ Biggest of all the tanks. Thatā€™s a pretty big impact if you ask me. Heā€™s also very fast.

Wait until you see owl players play him. You will change your tube fast.

I definitely think given how much other tanks benefit from their defensive abilities and how little Doomfist does that power block could do with some adjusting. Itā€™s a beta so itā€™s not like theyā€™ve decided this is the final setup.

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ā€¦what is his jump then?

If you jump in with leap you dont have it anymore right or am I missing something?
Whereas doom if he jumps in with leap or punch he still has the other one.

Winston is commited to dives he cant jump out although he has the shield so often times he will be able to escape succesfully but it isnt garunteed.

His mid.

I for one donā€™t care about his 1 shot I care that he can actually do something.

Anything doom does every other tank gets more impact

Heā€™s a jack of all trades but good at none of them. And for what? to slow them down a little?

Heā€™s not that good.

I played against some good ones who were constantly wreaking havoc in our back line - we really couldnā€™t do anything. A face-tanking doomfist is pretty useless however.

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I feel like removing his uppercut was unnecessary. Other tanks have stuns or push abilities. I see no reason to ā€œdumb downā€ his kit.

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What a surprise, tank Doomfist feels like no impact.

True Doom mains have said it a million times - if heā€™ll be moved to tank role, the best Bliz would do to him is give him more CCs and health and much less damage. And ironically, in OW2 he has less CCs than in OW1. Maybe heā€™ll be playable in a 6v6 no-role-lock environment. In 5v5, who do you even push? Everyone is spread out across the map, already out of position. Who is this character for and against?


Thatā€™s me playing DF in general, but yeah, I can get close to nothing done with him. His leap-thing seems like it never lands where I want to and the fist tickles. Youā€™d think itā€™d be some nice DF nerfs, but when heā€™s supposed to be a solo tank and he doesnā€™t do much damage, nor is he amazing at tanking, I donā€™t know why Iā€™d pick him.


Ignore doom ignore doom might become a decent callout in voice chat when ranked gets released in his current state :joy:


On one hand I feel bad, because as an OW1 tank player I know exactly what it feels like to have my favourites nerfed to the point of near uselessness.

On the other hand I feel great, because OW1 doom players are getting a taste of the other side.

I do hope they even things out, but Iā€™m not going to lie, Iā€™m enjoying my petty little moment of vengeance.

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If you donā€™t see the impact he has by constantly booping people around, then you didnā€™t play when ball was meta. He is a skill-based hero that is hard to utilise, sure, but if youā€™re good, heā€™s a monster of CC.

ITT: People who donā€™t hit their shots/ are still trying to play DF in a DPS style
Iā€™ve been regularly getting top damage with DF and frankly, the only thing that feels subpar is his defensive capabilities.

The fact that armor got buffed and some tanks (namely Orisa) have like 300 armor makes trading with them feel like youā€™re hitting them with a wet noodle. However, the charged punch stuns and faster reload speed give you great kill potential IMHO. If you hit your shots.

Like, itā€™s 1 tank vs 1 tank, there are going to be favorable matchups and bad matchups. I think Orisa is way overtuned ( her kit is good and fun tho) bc she gets 3 (THREE) abilities that she can use defensively or aggressively, meanwhile my boy DF can get his power block easily shut down by a sleep dart. Orisa/Sig/Zarya literally just delete the CC. Not to mention the 30% DAMAGE REDUCTION armor gives you. Getting javelineā€™d/slept out of your power block feels bad, but thatā€™s the game. You need to play around abilities, same as OW1

Iā€™d say give him like 150 armor, and most importantly, give him a way to charge his Rocket Punch thatā€™s more proactive. Like you hit 3 people with slam? Powered up fist. Right now he gets shutdown alot. Most of the time people see me use the block and they just stop shooting KEKW.
But to say he doesnā€™t have an impact or his damage is low is just dishonest

1st post btw



Only good CC he has now is his punch after having charged up with block. His ultimate slow down makes basically no difference and its EXTREMELY hard to get at least 1 kill with his ultimate. Ball at least has an ultimate thats threatening. Doomfist one quick step to the side after seeing the circle and youā€™re practically unharmed.

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Except the fact that ball can do 150 damage in 1 second with slam and then shoot them in the head like 5 times to kill them

Whereas Doomfist needs to use his ultimate slam the punch and melee them to death just to kill them.

Ball has more health
More survivabillity
More damage
A better ult
Argubly better CC outside of empowered charged punch and even then you rarely get to use it because you have to use it as mobillity to run away and stuff.

Balls slam does over 100 damage yet has a shorter cooldown than dooms 50 damage slam

Because being locked in an air animation makes you really easy to headshot.

Doom is the best tank in game but also one of the hardest to play.

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