Dont expect high hopes for 6v6

How about for the fact that he’s done this multiple times which as you said yourself that is incredibly unprofessional?

I criticised Jeff for the times he did stuff like that, too. But again it was never as bad as he has been.


With or without any reference to jake, the language of that tweet suggests there isn’t anything to look forward to (for the 6v6 crowd).

I think this patch stirred things up a bit too much and it might have encouraged blizz to prepare a carefully worded “no”.

Nice little false narrative of your own you’re got there.

Firstly, he tweeted it a good 6 months ago. Secondly, he’s not a ‘dev’. He works on server infrastructure. Again, he has no say in gameplay design. You’re asking the IT department about product design decisions. He’s giving you an answer and it’s an informed one - but it isn’t correct or authoritative.

You are ignoring all of the actual devs (including the literal game director who drove the decision) who have said - multiple times - that it was because of queue times in favour of one unrelated guy who said something you wanted to hear. Literally creating a false narrative.

You are clutching at straws and setting yourself up for disappointment.

They tested 1-3-2 to reduce queue times and said it felt too much with 3 DPS and that lots of tanks found it to be too much pressure, but that it DID greatly reduce queue times.

So then we got 5v5 with 1-2-2 and giga buffed tanks to make it feel less crazy.

That’s not a hard line of thinking to follow. Even if it’s not successful.

time to main DPS (I’m an OG Flex player) just to +1 the DPS queues

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I’m saying it since forever. 6v6 will never come back.
Hopefully people will stop wasting their time hoping for an impossible thing to happen.

Funny thing is, Jeff does raise the possibility of lowering the number of players-per-team in that same 1-3-2 thread. It wasn’t something they were actively testing at that time, but it was something they could do - and it turns out, it’s what they did do.

Anyone that has been paying the smallest amount of attention to OW2 development simce 2019 can see how they went from 2-2-2 to 1-3-2 to 1-2-2 and that a Tank was removed with the very specific goal of reducing queue times. Jeff Kaplan was extremely transparent about this (and the issues it might have) back in 2020.

That doesn’t mean people have to agree with the change or be OK with the results. But it does mean the reason for the change (queue times) is not up for debate.

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Your logic seems sound to me Sherlock!

It still stands that there is too much pressure on the solo tank, regardless of how gigabuffed they may be, since they still have to decide whether their tank pick is the optimum choice for the matchup, whether the team is going to complain for having that team composition etc

I wish this community would learn that labeling arguments they don’t like as shilling doesn’t strengthen their own arguments. It just tells me they’re out of ideas and can’t defend their own position.

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I think the community deep down doesn’t really care about format in general, they just want a fun game, they aren’t having much fun right now, and the only outlet they can think of is 6v6.

If the community actually cared, they’d brainstorm other ways to make 5v5 work as well, like open queue with soft role lock. But nope, jUsT gO bAcK tO 6v6. It’s clearly more of a message that we want a better game rather than just undoing everything we’ve done and go back to the previous game with all of its own flaws.

So I think the demand for 6v6 is just our community’s way of saying that we want a better game, since the game we have right now isn’t as fun as it could be, due to a lot of fundamental issues created by solotanking.

And more and more of hero identity and what made them fun being taken away patch after patch, without doing proper reworks, but just straight up nerfs. Like hanzo one shot, ana nade/sleep dart, zenyatta discord, mei’s freezing abilities, torb’s turret, cassidy flashbang, etc. And even some of the reworks haven’t really been much of a success but failure or at best, only mid.

The devs probably doesn’t need to take the demand for 6v6 literally. If they can find a way to make 5v5 as fun as 6v6, a full revert won’t even be necessarily.


I have been called a shill a few times recently just because I enjoy crushing free to play children as Optimus Prime. You have been around the block, you already know I am not a shill. I was doomposting before it was cool!

The world is changing…


They could always change it to 1 - 1 - 3… 5 v 5 is just not as popular or as balancing as 6 v 6. I have only played 3 games since the patch and it is not for me. I will just sit and wait.

not at all

this opinion stated as if it were fact is actually not a fact

many players, myself included, had (and still have) a lot of fun - ie were NOT miserable in any way - playing in a two tank arrangement

again, this is opinion stated as if if it were fact, when it isnt fact

further, I have played the solo support on teams many many times and have always found it to be fun, as well as very challenging

I have not found 222/122 to work well at all, personally; and I do not find it to be “reasonable” either

not at all

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

its quite reasonable for someone to prefer game x to game y - nothing “crazy” about that at all

I was told hundreds of times over the years that Pink Mercy wouldnt or couldnt ever return

and then, it did

we don’t, actually

I hope 6vs6 at least OPEN QUEUE

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When does blizz ever realize their errors? even if they do, they sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist. They do not care for their player base AT ALL

Samito’s has about 1400 people in it.

The 6v6 Adjustments Dev server has about 3400 people in it.

Compared to the overall playercount of Overwatch 2, those numbers aren’t really all that impressive. In fact, they’re kinda low. Honestly, before I looked just now, I actually expected more. A lot more. Samito has nearly 200k subscribers (also checked just now lol) and less than 1% have joined his 6v6 server? That’s crazy-low engagement for something that is supposedly a ‘big issue’ in the community right now.

No wonder people are having a hard time finding 6v6 lobbies; there’s barely anyone interested in them.

Same way as some people think that 5v5 is some magical save for the game.

I only ask for a 6v6 mode in the arcade. I only want to have a reliable and convenient option to play the game mode I and many other people have fun with. Could the people please stop with the gate keeping and let the people enjoy the game how they want.

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yeah just give us a 6v6 rq mode in the arcade and everyone is happy. It’s a bit more work to do for blizzard, with patches, but it would actually cleanse the wound that 5v5 is responsible for in large parts of the community. maybe they dont give a sh**t though.

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