Don't buff Mercy. That's not what she needs

clarification: my views are my own, and as I am not ane employee or otherwise authorized representative of Blizzard, there is nothign about them that can accurately be called “official”

IMO, The thread that I believe you are referring to can also be called the least popular of all time, considering the amount of dissent expressed towards the ideas, analysis, and “facts” presented by the OP and others supporting the OP

Personally, I have read little there - particularly (but not exclusively) in the OP - that I found to be “educational”

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The thread I am referring to has the most liked op in the entire forums, at 1900 likes.

Therefore it’s the most popular.

It’s popularity was doctored, anyway. I don’t know why “most popular” would even lend credibility to someones opinion piece.

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I dont find that definition to be broadly accepted, but I do understand (even prior to the helpful explanation quoted here) why one might feel it is the most popular thread

Its sad this gets brought up at all, but it is what it is

I mean, someone can mark a post with “Like” without even reading it.



A forum post is an inanimate object, and therefore has no need for medical attention

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Wow, you really don’t know the definition of “doctored”?

Actually, that makes sense. LMAO

To some extent, yes, you’re correct.

But like… how many people would want Regen to stay exactly how it is?
How many want to keep chain beams exactly how they are?
How many want to dump Resurrect? How many want to keep Resurrect but rework it? How many want to keep Resurrect exactly how it is?

I honestly don’t know.

:wink: :zipper_mouth_face: :shushing_face:

Also, forum posts are not “intimate” objects unless you’re gross

Inanimate, maybe

But then again… that makes sense!

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Didn’t see that typo until you pointed it out. Thanks!

One of the most crippling problems in going through such an exercise is that some of those wanting change want mutually exclusive change - such as the many who have said they want rez removed entirely and the many who want mass rez returned. Cant satisfy both groups

Neither do I. Yet, it seems like players that like current Mercy don’t see any issues with her existing support capabilities.

Which means, that either they are playing at high tiers, where players aren’t actively trying to get killed, or rely on their pistol most of the time. Asking that part of playerbase will give you no answers, since they don’t pay much attention to any of those subjects.

correct for many of us, myself included

there are however some who like Mercy as she is but still want some sort of improvement as well - maybe 5 more HP on her base healing rate, rez becomes instant in Valk, and so forth

Rez is balanced and tbh would’ve been balanced if they’d taken how current rez works into account with old mass res.

Devs just didn’t get the “idea” 'till she was nerfed time and time again.

Tbh I wanna know what the other ‘ideas’ that the team had in mind for Mercy were but never made it to the PTR because of ‘reasons’.

I think that the new Mercy players like the same stuff we veterans like about her, it’s just that they can’t miss what they never had so they have much lower standards for Mercy.

It’s like a kid growing up in a small, quiet town and loving it as it is because they’ve never known it any other way.

But when the kid’s grandma looks at it, she gets sad because she remembers when it used to be a thriving, metropolitan hub. She’s had to watch as the town went through an economy crash and all the businesses and entertainment moved away, leaving the place a shell of it’s former self. Yes, the town is still likable… But it used to be so much more.


They can of course choose other heroes outside of the main healer role, but that doesn’t invalidate what I originally said assuming they love sticking with the main healer role, or simply the healer role overall.

For anyone else wondering, TLDR: “I don’t have a source to backup the claim that those hating Mercy are in the minority, this is an opinion of mine”.

Thanks for the unnecessarily lengthy reply though, a simple “no, this is my opinion and not a fact” would’ve sufficed :slight_smile:.


don’t be a wad

you asked for a suitable source so you can invalidate anything that doesn’t align with your opinion

if you cant be honest with yourself, how the hell you gonna be honest with anyone else?


Mercy used to be able to be solo healer, allowing to salvage even most disorganized games. Now, unless you can go on killing spree with pistol, there is no backup and no rescue for such game.

We can talk all we want, about how Overwatch is a team game, how players should work together for common goal, etc. but reality is a bit different. And when gold medal is a goal, sabotaging your teammates actually helps your goal :woman_facepalming:

I know that kids these days have the attention of goldfish but it really makes you wonder how they feel when they actually come across legit “lengthy” responses.