Don't blame the Mercy Mains Flooding the forums

You mean just like us Sombra mains?

Join us. Bastion has party favors.


Hopefully this is going to be her last nerf!

And yet they are still drowned out by the sea of "revert but with some token additions :slight_smile: " feedback.

I do think people are slowly coming to terms with it tho.

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Then I would refrain from doing that since on the forums, there is a different definition of spam. Basically, there’s no point in saying you think something is x when there’s reasonable evidence to prove it otherwise.

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Yeah it’s unfortunate. I think of that Dave Chappelle meme format where he’s all dressed up as the crackhead like “Y’all got anymore of that Mass Rez?”


Nah I’ll continue to blame the Mercy mains looking for mass rez. It’s been almost a year and they’re still at it, you’d think they’d pick a new character or move on by now…

I don’t see why I’d refrain from voicing my opinion. I don’t consider spam as simply advertisement and vandalism. Shrug.

Well, fine but don’t flag it for spam because then that is just false flagging.

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Proceeds to nerf Mercy for the 14th time.

And that place is one that contradicts everything they said about the rework and the reasoning behind one in the first place?

We want them to acknowledge our concerns rather than addressing that straw-man over there.

Because it’s an answer to a question that wasn’t asked… that just so happens to also contradict their own actions.

Our concerns are not balance-related. Their answers were exclusively balance-related.

They have never made anything clear. They have done a phenomenal job of saying nothing with many words.


No, they are not. You’re refusing to acknowledge that someone can understand something and not agree with it. I understand why some people drink themselves into a stuper every night for fun. I don’t agree that they should do it. Your issue is that you hold the belief that “if someone truly understood my problem then there’s no way they could disagree”. That is a logical fallacy.

Again. I do. I know EXACTLY why people bring it up. I (and others here) are not as blind and dumb as you think we are.

No more projecting than assuming that anyone who disagrees with you “simply must not understand them.”
I have an issue with the massive spam on the forum with respect to Mercy. I visit this forum very frequently, and I would like to see legitimate discussions instead of spamming the same thing every day. Your topic isn’t helping, as your just trying to shift the blame to someone who bears zero responsibility for how the Mercy mains feel. Blizzards job is not to cater to them. They own the game. they make the game. they can do whatever they want. If Mercy mains want to have a healthy discussion about the issues that’s fantastic. But they don’t need 100 topics to do it. The annoyance does not stop with them, I equally would like people to stop complaining about other heroes as well, but by comparison no other hero threads come even close to the number of Mercy threads so it’s not as impactful.


I’m not much of a flagger. I let the moderation Gods sort things out.

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I agree 100%. I think if Feedback is offered on a hero, no matter how many times it’s given, could be atleast considered - Even if that feedback is to be told as “a bad idea”. I think the lack of that is what’s been causing so many problems.

I’m sorry, but I do not “miss” when it comes to facts. You seem to just choose not to accept them.

Speculation? I’m sorry, but do you require me to send you a link?

Show me where theres the ability to post feedback in this thread right now. This thread isn’t open? This is just speculation? Do you believe that this thread is locked now? Do you see with your eyes? I hope this has been made clear to you now.

What you see as “good” or “bad” ideas is your own personal opinion. YOU personally hate the idea of Mass res. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Mercy had it when she was seen as a troll pick. Doesn’t take away from the fact that only VALKYRIE mercy was an OP moth for 5 months. Facts are facts my friend, no matter how you feel about them.

Your view is that Mercy with mass res was unbalanced? Then explain to my why Mercy back in 1.0 had lower pickrates and winrates than Mercy now? Seems like she was more balanced then than she could have ever been.

Knock on wood!

No I’m not. I understand it completely. I am aware that you don’t agree with my opinion. Your problem is refusing to see other people’s opinions and thinking that your own is fact. That’s certainly a problem.\

I asked you to try putting yourself in someones elses shoes (regarding the Mercy flooding) and your response was literally “We don’t feel like that’s an important issue.” You are literally saying that your issues are more important than others with that statement. You do realize that right?



First reply is, “roadhog is balanced now”:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Then what are your concerns, exactly? How “fun” she is???

They’ve pretty much put the nail in the coffin for mass rez as an ult. What are you looking to accomplish here?

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I am aware the thread was locked due to frequent flagging etc etc. I never made any conclusive claim as to why that could be, I simply said I have no reason to believe one thing over another. I simply don’t know.

Nothing you just said in what I quoted contradicts or is even at odds with anything I said.

I think you might be projecting, or at least confused.

Yes. Mercy is no longer fun for those that have mained her since launch.


I still think she’s fun, so sorry about that.

You might want to look into other heroes, or possibly quit the game at this point.