Don't blame the Mercy Mains Flooding the forums

Oh? You mean besides your own words?

Yeah, that’s not contradicting yourself at all there, sir. :smirk:
delicious sarcasm

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That never stopped the developers from reworking her in the first place now, did it?

11 months ahead of you.


How is that contradictory? I could be wrong about it being locked due to flagging, but due to the unlocked, locked, unlocked, locked, pattern it went through and what everyone has said I think it’s safe to say it was. You yourself said it was due to trolls flagging it. I simply stated I have no reason to believe it was one group of people flagging it instead of another.

That makes sense, yes? I find you very difficult to talk to. You seem to be all over the place with your position.

The essence of the argument is that Blizz is trying to balance Mercy to not only be a resourceful main healer, but also so that she isn’t oppressive to the other supports. However, Mercy Mains are so used to being the #1 support and must-pick character that anything to level the playing field is considered out of line and discriminatory (think socio-economic privilege in redistributionary politics).

The problem is, is that they’re crying foul and stomping their feet and saying “This isn’t fair!”, all the while still being the #1 healer and support character all around. Meanwhile, a character that has been almost traditionally under-powered and unbalanced like Bastion has been ignored, but the difference is that we Bastion mains are content to post in one (1) topic at a time, instead of posting 7 every day.

Do you know why? Because Bastion has never had the privilege of being #1 or even in the meta, so we’re not asking for much, because anything given to him would be a plus, and anything subsequently changed or removed in exchange to bring him to the battlefront along with everyone else would be considered great.

Mercys don’t want to be brought into equality with the other supports; that’d ruin the point of playing her. That’s their privilege, and now that it’s been chipped away over this past year they’re acting like they’re being turned in Bastion, but they’re not; they’re being turned into everyone else, and that’s the most frightening thing to them.

It’s almost as if that’s what we’re complaining about. Her being overpowered. :thinking:

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Nah. I completely disagree with you. Mercy was seen as a troll pick in 1.0, so that concept is pretty irrelevant. For that to be possible, Mercy would have to have been a must pick throughout her entire existence in the game. We all know that never happened.


No, it didn’t??? I don’t understand the point to this comment? They reworked her and now they feel that she’s fine.

11 months of not playing the game?? Unless you mean you have a new hero to play, which is great, I really do mean no offense by this, but why are you still here?

I couldn’t imagine sitting in the forums of a game for 11 months without actually playing the game.


You don’t get it.

Blizzard has been consistently unable to balance Rez. In beta it was the most hilariously busted ability in the game. It got nerfed into launch and made the hero thoroughly underwhelming, despite multiple changes to the hero that made it obvious that her issue was her lack of utility outside of ulting (by design, since the potential for a 5 man rez is so swingy by nature that if she can be of other use to her team outside of heal then she just breaks the game). Their next step was to give her rez invuln (as you do) which was 100% a death knell “last resort” kind of change that made the ability and the hero powerful for all the wrong reasons. No risk to using the ability other than the usual 4Head stuff, which is by no means a unique counter to her.

That led directly into the rework, where I don’t feel like I have to recap.

Suffice to say Rez is still a persistent balance issue and Blizz is doing everything they can to justify keeping Rez but it just. isn’t. working. I don’t know if she’s a bad pick with 50 HP/s, honestly, I’ve been out of town and haven’t played since the supports patch hit live. Maybe, maybe not. But nobody has fun with her and in my eyes Blizzard has failed to make Rez a sensible ability on an ultimate or on a cooldown. I’ve lost hope and just want them to remove the ability so she can have something else.

I don’t want a troll pick Mercy. I want Mercy to be a hero that is balanceable and fun in her own right without having to wear the ball and chain that is Mass Rez eating up 99% of her power budget… or Rez on an ability eating up 98% of it.

See above.

Mass Rez-Mercy was either UP (bad) or had the Scatter Arrow of support abilities (also bad). E-Rez Mercy is OP (bad) regardless of what they do.

We have yet to see an iteration of Mercy that has Rez as a sensibly balanced ability. And at this point we probably never will. Blizzard has zero interest in putting Mass Rez back on ult so I don’t see flooding the forums with these kinds of threads as productive. You are literally speaking to a wall.


[Citation Required]

Apart from Jeff’s own words, obviously?

Do you think she would have 50 HP/s right now if they were looking at going back on their word?

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That’s called an assumption. Blizzard has the ability to change their minds any time of the day. Also, they never denied the possibility of bringing back mass Resurrect so… :man_shrugging:t2:

Unless Blizzard does something contrary to this line of thinking, I am probably going to remain stalwart.

They’ve shown zero sign of changing their mind and at every opportunity have doubled down on this design change. Hoping that Jeff one day wakes up and randomly decides to hit the Mass Rez button is wishful thinking. I don’t operate on wishes.

Well as long as they haven’t specifically said that they won’t bring back mass Resurrect, I’ll just stick to being pro-mass res.

Mass rez is contradictory to the design and intent of healers, and is also contradictory to the game as a whole. Imo, there is no reason an ability should get more powerful depending on how many of your team mates are dead in a team based game operating with such low per team numbers.

When Jeff said he wanted to put the idea of a revert to rest it was at a time where it was all “#RevertMercy” and people demanding Mass Rez be back in the game. They also stated their acknowledgement that they had created a problematic, contradictory, counterintuitive mechanic.

I don’t see any reason, especially now that we’re at month whatever of this rework, to believe they want to consider Mass Rez again. In fact, I’d lean toward them considering removing rez before reintroducing Mass Rez on the grounds of Jeff saying it’d be sad if it got to that point, and that they’d like Rez to stay in the game.

I bet the end of Sixth Sense really shocked you, huh.

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Mass Resurrect doesn’t change value depending on the amount of people dead. :thinking:
A one man Res can easily be as valuable as a 5 man Res.

What? That is literally the difference between mass rez and single person rez.

Power and value are two separate concepts.

My bad. Mass Resurrect doesn’t change power depending on the amount of players resses unless it is used to stall objectives (which is called an misuse of the ultimate).

This as well.

Solo ulting with a DPS ult like death blossom could be huge value, given a time. However, it’s also frowned upon as a waste a lot of times due to how powerful it can be given a better circumstance.