Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

It actually isnt self-sustained.

People’s interest in the game drives the interest for viewing games being played by great players

If not for widespread interest in OW per se, OWL would never have been formed to begin with

why so?

Deleting characters is essentially the same as forcing people to play in the way they envisioned that’s the same problem.

It’s just enforced in different ways

In my judgement, this change is far, far, far worse

as i said, YMMV

I dont see the two as remotely comparable

and no, this was not how the game was envisioned to be played

  1. 222 is how they intended it to be played. so tough.
  2. If you are getting overwhelmed, maybe try something in your role to help your team.,
  3. If it is so bad you lose, the avoid button is there to help, and you move on to the next game.
  4. If none of this helps and you still want to throw a paddy and leave… BYE!!!

Their view on the game has changed.

Originally characters like sym were thought of as great ideas.

But the devs vision changed and sym and changeing roles is no longer something they allow.

It’s just a matter of perspective. The sym changes might not have directly affected you but they are the same type of corruption that forced 222 is

This is not the case given how the game was initially marketed.

The game has gone 180…from Freedom to Forced

Times change my friend

Sadly, they have said multiple times in the past that 222 is how they planned the game being played. They left it open, and people ruined it. So they put 1 hero limits in… Now people have had enough of them ruining it more, so they lock roles…

Now it is how they originally intended it to be played.

OWL was formed to capitalise on the growing E-Sports market. There was no wide spread interest in OW or OWL when it was formed, it was an executive decision and not one made by the players’ interest in the game.

this simply isnt the case based on how the game was marketed originally - freedom to choose, freedom to swap

There was already widespread interest in OW when OWL was formed

Had there been no player interest in OW, OWL would never have come about

Correc[quote=“Megadodo-11847, post:92, topic:387638, full:true”]

this simply isnt the case base don how the game was marketed originally - freedom to choose, freedom to swap

Correct, they gave you freedom, with the intention/hope that people would have brains and go 222. As that is how they kept balancing it.

Sadly large chunks of community take freedom as a do want you want, screw the rest of them, pass. So rules in place.

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The lower ranks are being forced to learn how to play actual Overwatch.

You can’t just yolo queue and expect to win playing team deathmatch anymore. You have to counter-pick, strategize, and work with your team.

so again, this wasnt how the game was originally intended to be played

I think you misunderstand. The devs intended 222, thats how they built the game, balanced the game, and designed the game…

They then trusted the community to do this. But with freedom to do what they like.

A freedom they misused far too often.

I dont see the Freedom as misused at all, personally

Possibly because you were misusing it?

If you can’t see the moron in a room, it is probably because you are the moron and all that jazz.

But it rarely felt like “freedom”. Usually what it felt like was “Who is going to switch off the role he or she wants to play to play the thing we actually need?”

Most games had someone playing something he or she would have rather not been playing.

Now, people can queue up and play what they want.

And what was or was not the original vision doesn’t matter. What matter’s is what people find the most fun right now, because hitting that mark is where the money is.

I ask that the personal attacks cease

I am a support main who occasionally plays tank, dps pretty much only in MH and as such not by choice

How exactly was I misusing the Freedom the game has always promised then recently took away?

The game can be played with any combination of any available characters

I don’t think the word “need” applies here. “Want” seems to be more the case, as in certain players want certain characters on the team

prior to this most recent change, every player had the Freedom to play any available character.

not so now that we have been Forced

said players were free to choose any character for any reason

this remains freedom of choice

Not necessarily so

The statement I replied to spoke of the way the game was intended to be played, and as such, my reply addressed that

If I were a dps player facing wait times 4 times as long as my tank and support counterparts, I would not be happy. I suspect I am far from alone in this.

Unhappiness drives players to take their gaming dollars elsewhere.

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