Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

Well Quarters, you’re wrong and more and more people are seeing it.

They use MMR to create TEAMS. Not just matches.

Your MMR is the same as your teammates AND your opponents (while obviously factoring in groups). The matchmaker does not give a damn how you got to the MMR you have, and this includes intentionally throwing and boosting (which I assume you still don’t believe exists). MMR is NOT a differentiator between “good” and “bad” players at the same SR as you’re making it out to be.

More and more people can “see” it all they want, you and they would still be wrong. People would imagine anything they want just to avoid the truth that they aren’t as good as they claim to be.

Have you ever read this topic originally by Kaawumba AND all the Blizzard statements about matchmaking in the References section?

You should. Of course, you can feel free to call Blizzard liars.

None of your links say anything about how they make teams. They actually avoid saying it.

What do you do when you have 2 people who are both bad at a position?

This is an issue with Blizzard not knowing where to place people. It’s not the fault of 2-2-2 but Blizzard for placing them at that SR.

if you understand anything about data analysis you’ll understand the general struggle of accurate placements.

We’re always trying to put you in fair matches that we think you have a 50% chance to win, and do it quickly so you’re playing Overwatch instead of staring at a queue timer. We never intentionally seek to put you in an unfair one.

I’ve seen comments like “I just won three games in a row, so the matchmaker put me in a bad stomp to get back to a 50% win rate”. It doesn’t do anything like that at all. It just keeps on trying to find fair matches. If you do win more than you lose, your SR will slowly go up. As that happens it’ll also put you up stronger opponents that match your new SR. That’s not so you lose, it’s to keep your matches fair.

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number (although the fact that so many people are at 50% win rates makes us extremely happy). All the system does when it comes to matching on skill is attempt to match you with people of a similar number.

That being said, I don’t think they anticipated that players would interpret the entire idea of “fair matches” to mean “intentionally placing good players with bad players to balance teams out” like you claim.

So please refer to the Popular Myths section of Kaawumba’s topic. It in particular addresses everything you’ve ever claimed and why everything you have ever thought is wrong.


Accurate placements is a minor issue, I think. Reasons:

Hero counters matter a lot, and people have different skill levels on different heroes. Sometimes you play a hero and counter another player well. Against another hero, not so much. You can’t “accurately place” players in different ranks because accurate ranks don’t exist. SR is an approximation, and your playing experience has variance for a number of reasons. Getting accustomed to certain heroes and team comps forming differently in regards to your skills and hero picks are some of the reasons for the variance.

I still see nothing about using MMR to make teams.

Some forum poster trying to dispute people’s idea of “forced 50% win rate?” Not the same thing.

Dude, just read the text and links. They are trying to create balanced games with both teams having 50% chance to win. Abd stuff about mmr is there too.

If i have 50% winrate I am forcing to be it that way, not the matchmaker becsuse i am in rank where i belong.

Blizzard never said about whether or not they use MMR to make actual teams. Forum posts from users, even mods, don’t count.

A lot of us believe they DO use it.

I’m beginning to think that you’re intentionally dodging the post because it explicitly links to direct references by Blizzard because you so badly want to hold on to your delusions that Blizzard is intentionally giving you bad teammates in the spirit of having “fair games”.

Anyways, I think you’re misunderstanding what MMR is. Anyways, yes, the matchmaking uses MMR, and it ONLY uses MMR. SR is not used at all.

And as shown before, you are matched with people with the same MMR.

That is to say, you are matched with and against people of the same rank as you, whether they actually deserve that rank or not. Again, as far as the matchmaker gives a damn, the people you play with and against are as good as you.

Now, this doesn’t mean that there is no such thing as misranked players. Maybe this is where I’ve potentially misunderstood you. Someone who has paid for a boost to a much higher rank than he actually deserves would be a misranked player. Someone who intentionally threw games to drop rank is a misranked player. Someone who’s new to the game and got a lucky placement to Gold and will probably drop to Bronze upon playing more is a misranked player.

That being said, that misranked player that ends up in your game could be on your team OR the other team. Say that you’re in the middle of an 8-game winning streak. It doesn’t mean that he’ll be forced on to your team. He could end up on the other team for 2 games in a row and now you end up with a 10-game winning streak. Obviously there’s a chance he’ll be on your team. It’s RANDOM.

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Well, you just don’t understand what i’m even talking about then. Every thing you say has nothing to do with whether or not Blizzard factors MMR into the creation of TEAMS.

You seem to be saying everyone is the same MMR.

Jeff says MMR is extremely complicated. All 12 players in every match have the exact same MMR? Absolutely impossible.

So, people have various MMRs in any given game.

How are they distributed amongst the teams?

Randomly? They’ve never once said that. In fact, they say a lot of things, yet always find a way to dance around the distribution of actual players on to Team 1 and Team 2.


For a game hell bent on creating even matches, i refuse to believe they randomly take a chance that the 4 highest MMR players will be put on the same team.

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There are lots of wrong ranked players at the moment.
Especially for players who (almost) only played one role in the passed on an account.
I have seen very good players and very bad players in the same game. It will just take a while until they get to the rating they belonged too.
I hope games will get better then before when everyone will be more in the rating they belong too.

Still i think the rating system in OW is very bad. Some ones rating can lay +700 SR/-700SR higher or lower then their actual rating for players who play only a few games each season. The more you play the smaller this SR gap will be. But still it will always be somewhere between X and Y (where x and Y can be a gap of a few 100 SR)

So personally i dont care about SR. I see lots of people who get depressed when they see their rating dropping 100 SR. Some of them even will stop playing for the rest of the season if this happens.(also a reason i dont like it).
But this is part of the bad system, and will happen to the best players too. So dont get depressed over it. See the SR system as a system to give you more balanced matches, and better(at your skill level) team mates.
Not as a system to see what your skill level is and your game enjoyment will become better.

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They also said they are collecting roll based data for a long time now…
Anyone else noticed your SR is close to your old SR on all roles? Even if you are much worse on some of those roles?
So they collected months of data and don’t use it, or what? Or is it a bug where your old SR is used to much in the calculations?

If we’re talking a solo-queue game of 12 at prime time hours where all 12 players are at SR 2400, give or take 50, then YES, not only can the 4 highest end up on the same team, the 6 highest MMRs can end up on the same team, except it doesn’t matter because the highest and lowest MMRs in that game would be negligible. You’d end up with like a 51/49 game.

Also, I want to know what the hell you mean by “So, people have various MMRs in any given game.”

Anyways, yes, when you say that you were intentionally given potatoes on your team because you were winning too much, just remember that those “potatoes” had roughly the same MMR as you in that game.

Also the system puts you in harder games the more you win in a row.
My 5 placement games on support. My first 3 games i won very easy where we overran the enemy and where very one sided. I always had 3-5 gold medals. With always gold healing and gold kills. 4th game was a lot harder, not because opponents got better but because team mates get worse (like a dps player who plays bastion without a real shield tank, and kept dying all the time). Still i managed to win with 5 golds. But it was a close game. The 5th game was ridicules, and i don’t think even a GM could have won it. Instead of 1 very bad player and 4 semi players, i got 4 very bad players and 1 semi. 2 tanks who had no clue how to play tank (always charging deep into enemies rein, dying all the time and a dva who never dived and stayed behind his team sniping from distance) And 2 dps who were running into the enemy alone and dying all the time.

So no the system does not put you into harder games, but gives you worse teammates when your MMR gets higher.

A very bad system, i believe.

Someone with a high MMR (plays better then the SR rank he is in) Should get the same matches as someone with the MMR rating matching to the SR. Yes this will mean you get a one sided match for the high MMR players team. But this also means the high MMR player will climb faster. Putting high MMR together with very low MMR to balance things only means the high MMR will have a harder time to climb to a rating he should be in. While the low MMR have a chance to get carried and stay longer in a rating they dont belong at.


This post reeks of silver tears

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Currently I am placed in the same match with players around 500 sr lower and up to 800 sr higher than me (based on last seasons’s sr). They are basically doing the arcade mode match making.

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So in essence they changed it for snowflakes. No other FPS game has had this issue or have done this to this extent. The game is now officially for children only.

Yeah, they implemented role queue in the worst way imaginable. The matches are completely unbalanced. Role queue also highlights how important some roles are more than other. For example, bad tanks? Then forget getting through a choke successfully. Bad DPS? forget pushing a payload far because they won’t win any fights. Bad supports? well forget the whole match lol