Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

amen. it makes no sense to me how some players are actually FOR limiting our choices and freedoms in gameplay.

it’s just such a unnecessary step back, but since blizzard listened to the dummys and already spent time developing it, they will forge ahead no matter how awful it is and how much players hate it.

that is the blizzard i know from WOW…

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honestly bad dps is the worst. you just simply cant kill people with bad dps that cant aim or aren’t aggressive at all.

you can at least make up for healing with health packs, soldier, and other little crap, or self surviving. usually theres at least 1 tank with a shield/barrier. but if the dps are bad nobody is dying and some tank/healer ends up gold damage with 2 kills with gold over the bad dps. this has happened way too frequently now. playing that 2nd game is torture with these awful dps filling slots conditions.

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yeah dps they are the root of all problem in overwatch why not remove them so its just tank and support

There is a reason it is beta. Its to adjust everything.

Not everyone is ok with waiting longer to get into a game than one plays once they are in

Also…game cancels due to a leaver…one waits yet again

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100% agree bumped so hard

Absolutely support you
2-2-2 lock is the worst that was with Overwatch.

40 minutes for waiting and 10 minutes for playing
also it is very stupid when do you play 3.2k players vs 3.9k hardstacks

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The issue is that the game was being played how the people wanted to play it, and now its missing the mark of why it became popular in the first place.

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