Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

hehe it was kinda a joke to tbh. but its possible true :smiley:

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No, they definitely can revert it. Theres a reason they put it in beta before starting season 18.

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The matches I have been in we have 4 dps because the healers decide to play Ana, Moria and Zen (2 of those 3) and focus on dpsing vs healer and we get slaughtered. Tanks and DPS keep adjusting yet those healers stay as they are an not doing anything.

See ya

20 characters

The problem always was the same. And it’s not Role Queue, or the team comp, or hero balance or anything. What is it?

OW tries to force an even match each time.

Well, that’s not competitive. That’s now how anyone reaches their TRUE rank. So, what happens is that good and bad players all sit at the same rank together, which only make for a frustrating experience for everyone.

Take 12 random Golds, toss 'em in a match. That’s all you should do.

Forget the hidden MMR. Forget trying to make anything even. If you’re good, you will hang. If not, you will drop.

As it is now, no one’s going anywhere that MRR ROBOT doesn’t want them to.

Well, MMR. Robot is an idiot.

So now we have Role Queue, and people are seeing that their 2100 rank is also filled with people who really don’t even know how to play. Yet they have the same chance to win the match, because it’s FORCED to be even.

[Every Zelda post ever]: FAIR MATCHES ARE UNFAIR!

Well, there’s so much wrong here, but the main point I guess I want to make is if you’re attempting the Zapp Brannigan approach to killing Bastion you’re doing it wrong.

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A ‘fair’ match in terms of progression would throw you together with people as close to your rating as possible, with no bias.

A ‘fair’ match in terms of match outcome will try to bias it by offsetting players who are overperforming with other players who are overperforming on the other side.

I tend to believe overwatch uses the later method, or has another crucial flaw in their balancing, as players within the same rank vary drastically as far as efficacy.

That said, if you’re really so good that the matchmaker is putting better players on the other team to balance you, you should gain more SR per win than you lose on a loss. Thus, as long as you continue to perform well and win half your games, you’ll continue to go up.

“You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shut down.” – Zapp Brannigan

“Anyways it was mostly Kif’s fault.” – Also Zapp


Blizzard has now created a system with this forced lock and ult penalty that no one switches to counter the enemy team. I used to be able to but now I’m locked into a role. I’d actually rather old comp to this garbage. The worst games I’ve had since the existence of this game.


Curious as to how that would work. So if you’re overperforming, the game puts you in a team where your SR is below the team average as opposed to if you’re underperforming it puts you in a team where your SR is above the average?

They’ve stated that MMR is a value of ±3. So, a basic guess would be that continuing to win or overperform increases you toward 3, and losing or underperforming drops you toward -3.

Matchmaking would then look at potential players near your SR, and distribute them such that each team has a comparable total MMR.
Whether they do that by 1:1 matching players(ensuring that if you’re at 3, the other team also has a 3) or by summing the total and figuring it out is unknown. It’s also possible(or likely, even) that it’s a decimal value and much more flexible than the implied 7 values.

However, it’s been widely reported by smurfs that they almost always see an opposing smurf. I would guess that if you severely overperform, you will have an opponent severely overperforming as well.

Many people start to grasp this and claim ‘fixed games!’ ‘handicapping’ etc. However, they all seem to think they are the +3 player. The truth is that role based performance gains should ensure that if you’re actually staying at a high MMR, you’re gaining more SR for your wins than you’re losing on your losses.

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yeah but they’ve also said mmr is NOT used for comp matchmaking, only SR

It’s actually the opposite, they said that SR is not used for matchmaking, only MMR. But, they’ve been wishy-washy about it and never really given a clear answer about how MMR functions due to fear of abuse.

If it was truly only based on MMR, that would mean that +3 is ~5000SR and -3 is ~0SR. However, it seems more likely given the small range of values, that it’s a sort of modifier to either your rank(-3 in gold would be 2000, +3 would be 2500) or your actual SR.

Regardless of how you choose to interpret MMR, the takeaway is that you are not playing with people based on comparable SR. You are matched based on an invisible value, and the goal is to make a match where you have equal chances of winning. This means that if there is a large difference in skill between players at a given SR, that is likely reflected in MMR and matches are made accordingly.

So you won’t be back ever. Got it.

No they aren’t. They are expecting not to win even more now and are acting accordingly.

may or may not be smurf here to chime in.

Yes, almost every game in the old system i was vs another smurf every single game to balance out the games or else i would just decimate teams on my way back up. This system that blizzard put together noticed my trends very quickly and started putting me against plats/diamonds while in gold almost immediately after the last patch.

Its very apparent when you go against derankers that have public profiles, So you mean that gold team with the level 200 genji main that was masters last season is the guy im against now in gold, ok.

Its very obvious that blizzard is slanting the matchmaker against high level players that deranked. why play against diamonds in diamond when you can play against deranked diamonds in gold. And thats how the system works.

And that’s why they run a billion dollar business, def cause they suck

The matchmaker has already done that, still already does that, and will continue to already do that.

Just because you think that you’re better than you really are and you come to a conclusion that Blizzard gives you potato teammates for winning too much does not make it true. And save us all the “You may not notice it but I notice it” crap. It’s just a delusion created in your mind because you can’t rank up to what you like to call your “true rank”, same as the other 2 players who thought exactly like you did and even tried to prove it on video.

Now, rather than 4 dps with their heads cut off, you have 2 dps running around with their heads cut off.

Guess that’s an improvement.