Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

yes you maybe find many things hard to belive. but its actualy not hard to find posts or videos of jeff saying that they think 2-2-2 is the optimal and the way ow should be played

The only way to effective climb up is by going DPS , the most poorly played role in the game.

Played nothing but tanks in Diamond and 90% of my games ended with Gold damage/kill as a stupid Winston.

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Players have climbed with every character

Give me one link, please.

If possible, something that was said before goats was a thing (ie, pre 2018 world cup).

One of his posts on this subject is in this thread:

That line implies anything from 411 to 321 to 222.

I think the link dropping down a line in the editor screwed it up. Try again

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why dos it matter when its from?

Because most of the people I’ve seen proposing role queue were in response to goats. A statement pre goats means it wasn’t something in reaction to the audience not liking to watch goats.

Also because they said they were working on it for a year, and the timing kinda match world cup. If it was an intentional design, it would be stated before they started rewriting the MMR algorithm.

You ignored the first post and cherry picked…

We actually tried a mode we called “411” because it limited comps to 1 tank, 1 healer and the rest DPS.

It was not fun and we didn’t enjoy it. The way the game is tuned, the importance it placed on the lone tank or lone support was too significant. Also, we’ve all evolved as players since 2016 and we’re much better these days at melting the tank or melting the healer than we used to be. Once your lone tank or healer died, it felt like you were forced to completely regroup with no chance of pulling out a win.

It was a good experiment for us to try and led to a lot of good discussion. But yeah, wasn’t fun…

No, no, no. I read that as “locking 411 was a terrible idea”, which I agree. And extend to any role lock, including 222.

The very next post (which I quoted) clearly state that at least Jeff expected comps to be fluid.

This is the biggest bullsh*t ever from blizzard. Cant swap charachters. I quit competetive even tho im not good. But not having the chance to swap chars when i see bad plays or just wants to even odds. No chance! QP is the way to go.


people dont seem to not understand why RQ was needed. in any format 2-2-2 or 4-1-1 or anything is not relevant. RQ was needed because when having the freedom to choose and change it ingame people go bananas. toxic,falsreport because someone dont want to change. tanks going dps. healers going dps etc etc etc. A role lock will not fix all this problems but its a step in the right way because now you have the freedom to pick before you queue and play that role the whole game. RQ was needed as simple as that, and the playerbase have proven themself its needed by the way we have behaved for the 3 last years. its good for the game and the playerbase and it will affect some negative, but its no way around that whatever the change might have been

sadly, qp will be transformed to use the same queuing process on Sep 1

Read the entire thing and apply a bit of understanding to what he said.

The way the game is tuned, the importance it placed on the lone tank or lone support was too significant.

This is the part that matters. Any formation that is not 2-2-2 results in this happening. You generally want to avoid exposing your players to experiences you have already found to be on average not fun.

You are not stuck in the hero you have selected, comps still have plenty of fluidity.

Also - where is your data supporting “most” of the people proposing RQ was to get rid of goats. This is merely a very nice side effect. I wanted it because I also had been finding solo healing to be on average…not fun.

Solo main tanking with 1 healer…even worse.

Then why he mention “one to two tanks/supports” instead of straight two tanks and two supports?

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I dont see “needed” as the right word here, as OW can be played with any combination of any 6 characters

I think the right word is “want” as in some players want 222 to be forced down the throats of the rest of us

Forced 222 hasnt stopped any of this, in fact, some folks are using it to justify additional false reporting

I get that you feel this way, as do others, but there are also very many of us who do not feel this way, who do not feel this was a step in the right direction

I feel it is the very worst change ever for this game, with no close second

One of the most offensive things about that was that a lot of the Symm changes that the community proposed were used on… other heroes, like Sigma.


yes thats your opinion and thats okey. i did say it will affect someone negative and its no way arround it no matter what. needed or wanted realy dont matter what word you use the tbh. i dont knw any facts here but my commonsense tells me that 90% of the changing ingame was tank or healer going dps, and it was not healthy most of the times.
Majority of the changes ingame was made without any com with the team about it, but people doing it in frustration,tilted situations. again nobody have any numbers on this but the times where the team agreed on it and dps going tank for another to go dps almost never happend. more or less used to screw your team over even more and it didnt have so good results most of the time.

atleast my games have been alot better. i feel the tanks and healers and yeah everyone is trying harder to be a part of the team because they know they cant swap roles anyways so they might aswell try theire best and adapt within the role they have queued for.
If your games have been a living hell after the uppdate well then im sorry and prob you should stop play comp and quickplay until there are som changes. i doubt you play at your best anyway when you hate the state the game is in .
and i said rq2-2-2 wouldnt save all the problems. some will still be toxic and some will still falsereport. you will always have some dorks go dps moira or the lucio booping all game. that will happend NO MATTER WHAT.
Just had a game where winston and dva didnt seem to understand how to dive and make some space for the rest of the team on hanamura choke.
Things will happend and nothing is perfect.
They will not revert this and i wish they would do a voting to see how many like it now and how many that did before. im 100% sure that it would be overwhelming for RQ 2-2-2. but i cant claim that it is when i dont have any numbers

If you can’t carry as 2 2 2, you weren’t carrying as 3+ DPS before. Every time people complain about role lock, its almost always confirmation bias and nostalgia goggles.

I guarentee for every match where piling on DPS won, there were dozens where doing the same thing lost the match.

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