Don’t nerf Mei again

Not as people make it out to be. Genji is much harder to hit his projectiles than her and none of his deal 150 damage with a headshot.

not as much as getting frozen by a Mei with her previous freezing beam. That thing was a NIGHTMARE cause of how op it was.

This is pretty funny.

Unfortunately is this how most forum users are.

If it’s about their mains will they do everything they can to get buffs or to prevent nerfs, but when it comes to their counters or heroes they just don’t like is it the opposite.

This is why I don’t take forum users serious, and I hope the devs neither.


She doesn’t though. By herself, she can’t do anything about any Tank, unlike Reaper. She needs her DPS to follow-up. If she’s giving you trouble, then it’s because your DPS are not doing their job and the enemy’s DPS are. That’s not a balance issue.

You’re thinking of a niche there. In encounters, where they’re focusing eachother, or the DPS is just trying to cut through, Healing and Boosting very much helps. The situations I was thinking about are more, our soldier trying to fight the enemy McCree, and despite being Healed and boosted, he still struggles.

I don’t personally think that self-sustain is too healthy for the game. It was fine with Soldier and Reaper, but the more recent additions like Moira, Sombra are a little harsh.

Survival won’t win games though. Getting kills is still the primary goal. And that’s what’s causing a lot of the issues that Overwatch has

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This isnt very valid because every game has a mei. If both teams have a mei. and one team wins, that’s a 50% winrate added to mei.

Mei 100% needs a nerf. But they need to revert the previous nerf, and nerf her cleave. That is the ONLY reason why she is so busted currently.

Her wall needs to be nerfed.

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yes and that was b4 the 2-2-2 changes and massive shield nerfs. Its not the same game anymore and the value she gets with her kit is insane rn. stop living in the past boomer

People should stop complaning about a wall with 400hp and just git gud already.

I say let people complain. Blizzard makes up their own decisions anyway reflecting on OWL and meta rather than people complaining how OP Mei is when they get outplayed.

Dude mei is 10 times more broken than doom and thats a fact lol, the wall is crazy broken and her ult is a no escape for tanks


No, this is an opinion.

Also, there are tanks who can escape it. It are probably not the tanks you like playing.

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help noticing you got likes from 2 players with a similar name who both joined 14 hours ago. Their names piqued my interest, but seeing their join date made it pretty clear that these are sub accounts from you, or from another player.

But what’s even more funnier is that they have given mostly likes to you, and one of them have only given likes to you.


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Hmm i play rein,zarya,hog,sigma,dva o wait the only 2 heroes that can get out of ther are dva and monkey, and even worst when she walls you and ults you cant do anythign to get out , you get ulted then wall and you are in a 4 sec stun called freeze, at least for me doom cant do that to a whol team

Yeah she is the second most picked DPS in GM… it’s definitely make sense that the highest skill DPS heroes like Genji or Tracer shouldn’t be viable while a low-skill Mei should dominate them…

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You were originally complaining about her wall so that’s were is stick to:

  • Orisa can just walk out of it.
  • Zarya can walk out of it, along with a teammate.
  • Dva can fly out of it.
  • Winston can jump out of it.

But that’s not all:

  • Dva can absorb it.
  • Sigma can absorb it.

But wait. What if there is a wall?

  • It’s a globe and a wall only block 1 way.
    • Fly/jump/walk around it.

Yep, definitely broken.
Hard nerfs are required.

I’m sorry, but I just find those likes from those 2 players funny. It’s very peculiar that these 2 accounts primarily exist to give you likes, especially if I ready the type of comments they liked. It’s just very peculiar. :thinking:

That depends if you look at weekly stats or monthly stats, but I think the monthly stats will soon show different stats matching that more of weekly stats.

Also, judging by the metas we had in past, which didn’t favoured Genji and Tracer at all, bit did Mei, Hanzo and Reaper, do I not find it strange that they didn’t saw more play. If anything would I find it more strange if they did saw more play than Mei, Reaper and Hanzo.

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Mei´s buff that she can freeze multiple targets for countering goats is why she is broken. she is just so annyoing to play against, specially as a tank player. its just unfun.

I don’t know where you get your information from, but this buff was from before goats. It was added on April 10 2018, which is long before goats was a thing.

Or they nerf multifreeze like a normal person

Its basically a better orisa shield tbh

I never understood why players compare it with a barrier.

It can block damage like a barrier, but that’s it. Other than that is it a physical object that affect both teams. It’s more used for separating than, well, shielding.

This is like saying Bastions turret configuration is better than Torbjorn’s turret. Both are turrets, and both can be used for the same purpose, but that’s not how you primarily use both of them, so the comparison doesn’t make much sense if you’d ask me. The same thing counts for barriers and Icewall.

Agreed but at its core, a barrier is something that slows down the fight

Mei Wall does the same thing, but better since the whole team has to focus one part for it to be worse only to break a small portion of it

It’s basically 5 500 hp (I think? Or was it 40) thin barriers

100% if Mei (or Moira) gets even one more nerf, I am without a doubt quitting and playing something else. This Widow and Brig nerf was already beyond frustrating but if they touch Mei/Moira, I am done.

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GL cause both of them are meta and Mei happens to be the best hero in the game right now

Have fun in ur new game tho :confused: