Don’t nerf Mei again

YES! Because Blizzard wants players to actually shoot the wall. They wouldn’t have added that in unless they thought that it would be necessary. S

Mei would need more then just HP and armor if you move her to tank. A total rework would need to happen.

if they remove flexing then counter heroes need changes, there is no thats on blizzard they have work to do

There is. Don’t be the first through the choke. Don’t be foolish and step through. Wait for opportunities to push through and/or get picks.

I addressed it head on.

It does. You have plenty of options. Failure to take advantage of those options is something you are responsible for.

Its called observation. Part of being a good player is observing and collecting intel on the enemy. See only 5 enemies at the choke? It is time to start asking “Where is the 6th.” Why would they not be visible?” Answers are few. It is either a flanker or someone looking to surprise you in some way.

Use your brain. Think. Ask yourself questions based on available intel.

Yes, and you need consider all aspects of an ability to determine fairness. One of them being its ability to backfire.

As for teamwork “that may or may not be there”. It only takes ONE dps to knock a wall down in 2 seconds. It only takes 2 to knock it down in less then one. It only takes ONE player to bait out her wall.

Her freeze takes 1.5 seconds to work and despite it having multi freeze capability her weakness is facing more than one opponent. She is a great duelist but a poor brawler.

If she iceblocks and her wall is on cooldown. You win. She is vulnerable.

This is precisely why Mei doesn’t counter Mei. Running her in mirror is nothing but a recipy for disaster on both sides. Mei doesn’t have the damage to counter Mei, and her kit can only occupy the other Mei.

No, it really isn’t. It’s such a niche situation to come across where that’ll actually do something. And even when it does, that’s just punishing the enemy for being stupid. It’s only strong against utter morons with 0 sense of positioning.

Mei isn’t in that catagory. She, herself gets 0 value from attacking a tank alone, and is only an issue for the tanks when the DPS are off picking daisies.

Which is why I think it’s great that they changed her slowing last patch

Why nerf her ult? More people can easily get out of it than not.

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For me. The idea I had, is not make it breakable. But shooting it reduces healing. Because it’s converting energy to keep it up. The more people who shoot it. The lower her health regen gets (cap limit). That way you can’t just go Mei and do generic stalling. Want to survive stalling. You need Zarya bubble or a healer present. The real value is giving her team time to return. It’s better for half the team to ignore the Mei while in ice block and look out for any cheap stuff like Lucio/Tracer.

Cryofreeze and wraith shouldn’t contest the point. If you can’t be interacted with at all then you should not be contesting.

Nerf stall. Save 2cp

Mei is absolutely fine. You guys are confusing annoying with OP. I play her in low plat and as someone else said, since the last nerf she is much harder to use. Find something else to blame your losses on than scapegoating Mei. I think she’s actually underpowered slightly now since last nerf.


No I’m not, but thanks

You said that her ult is OP, so I can’t take anything you say seriously.

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at the start of any game ever force your teammate to play heroes able to bail you out, and get a main tank, let him go through first then if there is no mei you are allowed to play as you want.
what about we drop the bs?

read again

you have a bunch of options you can use once youre aware of pick, which happens after you get your damage orbs handed to you

ofc, once should just see the mei through walls through buildings.

while still slowing and dealing damage and agrenteeing a kill and going through enemies, doesnt make it fair by itself and even less with the rest of the kit.

and then comes the rest of her team.
mei is brig 1.0 for 222

and its ability to ruin your team is a backfire, unlike anything in the game its unfair to both teams :slight_smile:

doesnt make it less of an issue, being made to feel miserable while waiting to be saved isnt acceptable for tanks.

Assuming you are a Genji main from your pic - ‘feels miserable’ (strong word miserable ) - well it feels miserable trying to shoot genji when he double jumps everywhere or when he deflects your ult, let’s delete double jump and deflect!

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No I didn’t.

You don’t know how to adequately read, so I can’t take anything you say seriously

Her win and pickrate is literally middle of the road across all the ranks. That looks like a solid form of balance to me (for now). Not too high, not too low.

You said it needs nerfs so clearly you think it is too strong.

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As someone who spends 60% of their time on Supports, I feel you. But you can’t really balance a game around people refusing to do their job. The amount of times I’ve been stuck behind a DPS as Mercy or Moira, just thinking “you’re practically invincible, do something” is massive.

It’s entirely a mentality issue with the DPS, and it’s been that way for a while.

Unless Blizz makes it so that survival also has value by it’s self rather than to just serve the DPS, by making it so you can still gain point-progress by having more allies on there than enemies, it’s going to stay like this.

The way the game is made right now, getting kills is 100% the primary goal. Surviving is just secondary. Plus this change would stop Mei being able to contest the point so hard with Cryo.

“Needs nerfs” doesn’t equate to “therefore I think it is OP”.

There is overtuned, there is simply unbalanced, and there is unhealthy too.

There is more than one reason to tone an ability down.

Feel free to do so at any time.

Main tanks are the o es who make space for their team REGARDLESS if there is a Mei or not.

Yes. You should.

One should observe what is missing. Hanamura point A and you can only see five enemies (and only one dps)? Very likely

And then comes the rest of yours. Mei is out of the fight.

Oh and what ever happened too…

Well? Does that only apply if its an argument against mei? Pretty inconsistent argument you have there.

Nope. It is the price of using the ability. Every hero in the game can do something that hurts their team to some extent.

you can, you make it that a hero doesnt counter a category.

sadly thats not how it works, in order for a dps player to popoff he needs to abuse a weakness in the enemy team, and right now with all the panic buttons its getting pretty hard to pop off.
what you want to do is to tell him to go camp, nade the enemy team then have him flank.
making someone invincible doesnt help.

thats what actually is happening now with the main viable heroes being able to sustain themselves so well alone that in a team theyre all unkillable.
you need to tone down self sustain in order to decrease this feeling your having and the key heroes are the new heroes.