Don’t nerf Mei again

I really hate this argument of “It’s been in the game forever so how is it a problem now?”
Mei wasn’t meta. Like. EVER.
A character becoming meta introduces that character to people who otherwise wouldn’t of played her or took the time to learn her. So now there are alot more people playing Mei than there were before due to the meta popularity impact.
Even if the character falls out of the meta, many people picked her up prior and now are comfortable playing her, i.e, more games with Mei in them.

She’ll lose multifreeze. That’s likely the only change we’ll see. It’s a significant one that opens her up a ton to counter play. But, we’ve known that was going to be removed for 3 months. We just haven’t saw it happen yet. Somewhere in this line of patches along with whatever Moira changes they’re bringing most likely.

In ranked. In pro play she’s an unstoppable monster

Her chain freeze 100% needs a revert. They buffed that for GOATS. GOATS is impossible now.

Why not… Its not like she is almost unkilable, has most cc in the game, has one of the best abilities in the game, has one of the best ukts in the game (can not be blocket), has no fall of damage (i would change this right away), can susrvive anything and heal herself… ABOVE BROKEN.

You’re joking, right? It’s a far worse Flux.

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Mei can’t fly across the map in less than 3 seconds then kill a hero within 1 combo like Doom.

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Meis Blizzard is one of the best ults in the game. Can’t be blocked wirh barriers, u can heal it with transendence but oneshot is still there for frozen heroes.
My only problem with mei is her secondary fire. She is close range hero that should be used against dive, as she is good against fast moving targets and tanks. Her secondary fire allows her to get kills by spaming like junkrat, with no falloff damage.

It’s probably top 3 ults. Has massive AOE, and is generally impossible to escape save for a couple non meta abilities, also how the hell can you say flux is bad when all they did was make is stunnable

But then again, one is good at ranks where people know how to play the game while the other is hot garbage (hint: the good one ISNT doom)

I very much disagree that it’s one of the best. It’s so easy to avoid that just knowing where the Mei is, is enough ignore it. taking a solid 3.5 seconds to freeze someone means that most CDs aren’t long enough to be a bother, and even if you don’t have any escape abilities off CD, if you can predict where it’s going to land, you can just hold ‘S’ and still get out fine. It’s only remotely powerful when comboed or used in a situation where the enemy is entrenched.

I agree with you on the falloff damage though, but in 2-2-2, taking a character who doesn’t output much damage is very much a massive risk. Barriers shut down Mei’s neutral-game hard.

Coach Gun
Shield Bash
Any of Doom’s
Conc. Mines
Guardian Angel
Grapple Hook
Jump Pack
Can all get out of it very consistently unless Mei includes extra set-up like adding a wall, which doesn’t even help with most.

Combat Roll
Can still get out, but pretty much a nope if the Mei is on them.

This isn’t even including counter-ulting.

I’m not saying Flux is bad, I said “It’s a far worse Flux”. As in Blizzard does what Flux does, but with much more risk and far less reward.


Before Role Que, Mei was’t a monster. And because she was wasn’t a must pick then, her Ult was considered one of the weaker ones in the game. It’s another one of those interesting aspects of OW in that where perspective changes everything. She’s low tier, bad Ult. She’s top tier (Ult hasn’t really changed), powerful Ult.

I’d be okay with them nerfing her more. Mainly the right click having no fall off damage.

Have you played with Gravitic Flux since the nerfs? Mei can die at any point once the drone deploys and still get full value out of her larger and faster ult. Sigma has to hide for the duration of his ult so that his gigantic glowing bonce doesn’t become full of sniper shots.

SHe did have better stats since 2019 September… (I don’t know about earlier cuz i started to usually check stats from that point).
For more than a half year a low-skill hero can dominate the highest skill heroes in the game and they cannot even be viable just a little bit… Make sense.

If I may ask, why from that particular date?

Yes, in the metas we had the past few months makes it sense that flankers have trouble dealing with metas focused on durability and survivability. Like, what is Genji even supposed to do in a meta with double shields and a Moira? And what about Tracer?

Flankers aren’t versatile heroes. It’s a niche, and their niche was useless the past metas.

Also, this whole talk about skill level is just silly if you’d ask me. This isn’t a generic shooter where all heroes are the same. Heroes are created to please many different type of players. Heroes with a low skill floor are part of that.

Also, most healers and tanks are low skilled. If only skillful heroes are allowed to be meta, then we will get a very boring and stale game really fast. (Also, I think skill level of flankers, heck heroes, are heavily exaggerated on this forum.)

I think hero pools will be a nice addition to this game that can force different kind of metas.

He’s also a tank, and it still get’s off quicker with more ease. I’ll agree that it’s a lot better since the nerf, but my point was that people were screaching about Blizzard en masse while very few were complaining about Flux.

Doom cant freeze an entire team and make them useless for 5sec, doom cant wall someone with a 400hp wall to kill them, doom doesnt have a 5sec ability that gives u hp and youre invulnerbale to anything, mei doesnt have 20+ counters like doom, doom cant fly across the map in 3sec and get a kill when there are these things called “counters” and shut him down

You think Mei doesn’t have counters? Doom IS one of Mei’s counters. Maybe not a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” hard counter, but if she’s close enough to freeze him, he’s close enough to punch her into next week. Or he can simply fly away and try again in 4 seconds.

Doom did not need a wall, he can use the wall with one combo kill. He has a shield while he is whacking you non stop.

Before multi-freeze she had a below average win/pick rate.
Now she has a AVERAGE win/prick rate if you look at the stats we have.
If you want to remove the multi-freeze, what do you give her to stop her winrate/pickrate plummeting? or is that the goal? to make her F tier?

Keep in mind before multi-freeze you should just have someone step in the way to stop her freezing someone.

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