Don’t nerf Mei again

Her cryofreeze and Wall have been the same for years. A good Mei has always been able to wall off a Rein or cryofreeze from a Dva bomb. Her only big change has been to her weapon. And considering that her icicle to hard to actually hit people with then her only area of change should be to multifreeze. But that would mean nerfing it back to 1 person but reverting the recent change they did to keep her from being a troll pick like before.

The posts here saying “Make cryofreeze breakable” is completely stupid. There’s no counter for reaper’s wraith AND HE CAN MOVE

Her wall doesn’t need a change when all 6 players on your team can break it in a second. Using it as a barrier is really low-reward too since it cuts off line of sight for your team as well. It’s really annoying to see people compare it to an Orissa shield when it’s really not.


I agree.
Meis pickrate and winrate are nothing insane either.
ALL RANKS: 1.75% pick, 50% win
GM: 3.27% pick, 51% win

Meis definitely counterable, she’s in a perfect spot right now IMO.


She does need a nerf, she still has one of the easiest combos in the game, her ult is a nightmare and easy to land and the wall is broken af, winrate or not shes still broken. they keep nerfing doom for no reason when the devil queen is still the same


You LITERALLY came from a thread complaining that they are nerfing a hero just because people don’t like them, and you think it is unfair.

Then you go to another thread and ask for the same thing.

Do you know WHY Doom is getting nerfed?

It is people like you driving it.

I am laughing SO hard that you used that as a reason while being upset that Doom is being nerfed.

You couldn’t make stuff like this up.

Go back to your old thread, and see the comment I made about Sombra.

Have a GOOD long thing where this leads.


Mei is actually balance right now. There’s other damage heroes that need to be touched first.


U really are comparing mei to doom? Mei is more op than doom and you know that her ult doesnt suck, her freez is a prolongued stun and shes just not that hard chill dude


Bruh the doom combo gets easily shut down, mei is still broken im not waying shes op im just saying shes still broken

Yeah, I am.

And they Mei one doesn’t?
She has to freeze you for 2 ENTIRE seconds…

This is funny as hell.

Yeah, both are annoying, and has historically been nerfed because of that, rather than for actual balance reasons.

But to see someone who worked that out that it was happening to Doom and THEN go after Mei, is beyond funny.

Wow, the Doom players are really something.


Dude meis freeze isnt 2 sec but nice try, yea widow,hanzo,hog,ball,orisa,sym,torb theyre all annoying but does that mean theyre the same?? Maybe your mind thinks that but dude seriously comparing mei to doom, ok im guessing low gold or you just cant read i said on the other post that im not a doom only player, i lit said i pla almost all dps but sure kid

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You are right, it is just over 1.5 seconds.

How long does it take for slam to stun someone? right away you say?

How close do you have to be to start slam? A long way away you say?

If think going to go after Mei for annoying abilities is fine, Doom is going to be dumpstered SO VERY HARD.

You will NEVER find the body.

I am QUITE a lot higher than that.

You seriously can’t work out why Doom has been historically unfairly nerfed? Or why Mei was left Dumpster tier for AGES?

People don’t like fighting them. YOU don’t like fighting Mei, and think she is OP because she is annoying.

You know I defended Doom during the last set of nerfs they were going to give him right? Because annoying isn’t the same as OP.

But if you want to go down this path that Annoying heroes should get the nerf, then brother, you are in for a surprise.


Geez your so into this lmao, chill a bit its just a game, im not saying taht doom isnt annoying again u didn even read the other post but its fine u cant read ok, i said that he keeps getting nerfed when a hero like mei doesnt? i mean hanzo and widow are different cause even though theyre broken they are not easy as for mei shes not that hard to play, doom is also nota super hard hero but they theyre both annoiyng but only one of them keeps getting nerfed , theyre different heroes. u get that?

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Because he and Mei were nerfed at the same time.
Before that he had much better stats than her.

Heroes with high stats get nerfed. ANNOYING heroes get nerfed more.

Both have been victims of this in the past.

If you don’t get why arguing that Mei should get nerfs isn’t going to end badly for Doom, I don’t know what to tell you.

It is why I found Doom mains arguing that Sombra should be nerfed dumb as hell.

What did they think would happen?


yea but the mei nerfs arent making the hero harder to play or way easier to punish for a small mistake, the doom uppercut makes it way easier to get out of his combo mei just got a small nef to her freezing that doesnt really change her playstyle or makes her harder to play


What do you think nerfs do?



Oh yes…

makes it way easier to get out of her combo…

People have more time to escape.


not a reason


id remove the freez mechanic on its own as its just plain free frustration

id remove it all and shed be just fine

X ability has no counter so its ok for another ability to have non is a stupid logic

it requires 1 mei to wall off and 6 playerd to delete it, thats called bs to me.

its better


See I agree with you there.

It should have 1/2 health, but have a shorter cooldown.

The wall is too dangerous at the choke, and not dangerous enough outside of it.

idk Doom slam got nerfed 20-15 made the hero harder to play, doom got his punch distance nerfed harder to play, Doom got his ult nerfed harder to land, doom got his uppecut nerfed, made him harder to combo, oh but mei got a her primary just a litle bit slower , no change at all, dude i also play mei i play almost all dps, and i can tell you mei is way easier and the nerfs shes gotten dont really make a difference, also can u stop editing your reply every 3 sec instead of making another one lol

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Yes, he was WILDLY over powered. You could see his stats.

Where was Mei in all of that time? With a lower win and pick rate than Doom?

Why yes she was!

It is how I post, sorry.


i font think it should happen more often actually, there is a trend in this game where abilitis are nerfed but their cooldown is decreased.
i would remove it from mei and give it to a tank who uses symmetra photon stuff.
id give mei a cripple + slow down ground ice trap like junk’s to combine with her primary.
id also replace her freez beam with a root projectile, as a whole, abilities to combine with her primary and her team.

That is a lot of changes.

I wouldn’t pull her wall away from her, but I would put her in the tank lineup.