Does your rank decay while an account is banned?

When I come back from my two week ban will I be decayed ~200 points? Honestly if so, seems more of a punishment for the people below my skill level who will have to go up against me more than anything…

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Yes it decays.

No it doesn’t affect your MMR. If you decay from 4000 SR to 3000 SR, you’re still matched with 4000 SR opponents.


As Mei would say: “I hope you learned your lesson”


Not particularly, I stand by what I said to my teammates that resulted in the ban. It’s not as if I called them racial slurs or anything of that sort.


You will go against the same people. Your SR might decay, but MMR does not.

Blizzard’s getting pretty harsh on punishments, it’s bs, I know.

Imo I should be able to tell people that they’re not good and are boosted. /shrug :slight_smile:

They own the game, they’re free to police it as they wish. That being said I don’t regret what I said to my teammates and I’m sure I’ll say the same to teammates in the future so I guess if that’s the game they wish to enforce, I’ll eventually be removed from it permanently.

I know the struggle! Even in a non decaying capacity when it comes to team mates. Hope you get luckier when the ban is lifted!

Lmao what did you say that got you banned?

You don’t have to use racial slurs for what you said to be wrong.

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Calling bad players bad when they are (if they were) isn’t wrong.

If people are getting punished for it then in Blizzard’s eyes it is wrong.


I’ve educated so many of my teammates, using specific examples of what I just witnessed them do while also giving them a possible solution to better themselves, but those individuals and Blizzard doesn’t believe in that. They believe in having fun.

Yet, the irony to that is, when someone tries to play for fun by maining torb, sym/hanzo/sombra (before re-work), Blizzard would suspend ur account because you tried having fun playing a hero they created.

Morale of story is:

  • Learn the how the reporting system works before learning the game
  • Don’t bluntly educate ur teammates
  • Don’t assume players are mature while playing a mature rated game
  • Don’t assume there is no correlation between snowflakes and Blizzard
  • Don’t tell Blizzard how to improve their awful reporting system as it’s ultimately a scapegoat to make them more money
  • Do not autolock dps
  • Do not type anything in chat and only use voicechat so Blizzard won’t have any “proof” to validate their actions.
  • Memorize the EULA and Blizzard’s Code of Conduct as they expect you to cite and reference it when questioning why you were suspended
  • Don’t say the name Jeff in game, forums, or otherwise
  • Believe at all times Blizzard and their dev team are perfect
  • Do not ask Blizzard’s support for proof when they fail to provide any after a suspension as they will tell you to stop harassing them and if contacted again about the subject they will permaban your account
  • Sarcasm never exists online
  • Basically shut up, play popular heroes only, and never ask for healing more than once
    (this list continues but I am too lazy, feel free to add)
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That’s the definition of toxicity bud.

OW is rated T, not M.

If they got in trouble for it, I’m pretty sure it went beyond simply saying they were bad.

There’s a difference between being blunt and being rude.

Also, I can’t seem to find where op said they were trying to ‘educate’ anyone.

Called a bunch of people bad. Wasn’t lying. Didn’t call them any slurs. But if you tell someone that they’re bad they’ll always report you, which is why I was curious if the ban was just automated. Appears to be the case.

If someone’s stats with a character are half what another player on the team can do with said character, it’s more toxic to take that character knowing you’re ruining the game for the other five people as far as I’m concerned. But Blizzard doesn’t seem to agree and it’s their game.

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Yeah, no.
That’s not how it works.
A big thing about being reported for this is how you delivered it.
I can give you backhanded compliments and walk you into a corner and make you feel horrible about yourself without using any slurs. You don’t have to use slurs for something to be bad.

It goes beyond just saying ‘hey you’re bad’. How did you deliver it? Did you rip into them just saying they were bad over and over again?