Does your rank decay while an account is banned?

It sucks to be you…

Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve said some pretty mean things to some obnoxious teammates. Never been suspended, banned, or silenced.

Under normal circumstances, I’m an extremely nice player and generally give good advice while commending good plays or heals from teammates. My criticisms are constructive and usually are taken well.

Now when it comes to players complaining the whole damn game, or being toxic to others in chat without valid reason.
I can’t stand when some complete idiot, plays a role poorly, then sits and complains about others like “our DPS/tanks/supports are trash!” QQ. “Wow Widow nice miss!” Things that are just outright annoying in an attempt to hide the fact that they are the worst player on the team and they are holding the team back. I actually hate these players, and I don’t withhold that information.

Complain when you git gud is the moral of the story.

It’s rare, even when applying oneself, to be able to actually learn what you did wrong, given that they refuse to tell us what rules we actually break.
Consider yourself pretty damn lucky. Even if you can’t help yourself and can’t bite your tongue, even being able to figure out what aspects of your behavior were supposedly unacceptable, is something even a lot of rational players that get banned flat out cannot do.

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Lol look at your stats and look at mine m8

I’m lost, what are you implying?

He is implying why he gotten banned, that is exactly the proof you needed. Instantly bringing up stats when it had nothing to do with it, that tells a lot about a person…

You said “Complain when you git gud is the moral of the story.” When I’m literally top 1% in the world at everything lol

Hey folks,

Going to go ahead and lock this one up before it moves further into non-constructive conversation and into off-topic discussions.

Thank you