Does this forum seems useless?

If they made OW 2 a mobile game instead it would probably get more communication

The forums are only here for the sake of vanity. Mods are the only ones that exist here. Game devs rarely come here and when they do. They quickly leave.

They don’t want us to email them and they do not want our feedback to the game or fixes.

It’s more than useful, even without any dev posting because there’s the possibility that the average player reads about all the genuine issues in the game. Compare that to Reddit where they’ll hide recurring problems in megathreads as a form of burying/censorship.

This a complaints forum. It’s better that people come here to rant when they are salty, instead of attacking players in the game.

Noobs always come here crying that “non-aimed” projectiles just keep killing them for some reason (that reason is almost always poor situational awareness)

Historically, it’s always been a borderline gamble anytime the devs reply. Even if it’s good news, they’re shouted down by a chorus of other replies like “oh well why didn’t you ALSO fix this other issue?” or “that’s nice, but it doesn’t do enough!”

And all that was before Blizz fell out of the public’s good graces, and began haphazardly handling OW2, a ‘sequel’ they absolutely knew would split the community, but were forced to go through with, anyway.

This is just my personal opinion, but to me, there is nothing at all they could say at this point that would help their image or the players’ perception of the state of this game, so they’re probably taking a “best to just keep quiet” stance for now.

Devs/CMs don’t post here anymore 'cause the forum-goers treat them like crap any time that they did.

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It’s a public discussion forum. I imagine they have a separate forum for all the beta/balance testers. This forum is mostly for disgruntled vets to quibble.

You make troll posts shilling for apple, that is not constructive.

I think the forums over the years have gotten more and more ignored by people and staff. A combination of the moderation team being extreme in the past. And state of the game. Plus, general people moving away from forums. And going to things like Discord.

I think part of the problem is there are a few individuals on this forum who routinely personally attack others… We as a community shouldn’t accept that behaviour… Let’s make the forum a more welcoming place for everyone…



well that’s bc blizzard is more about monitoring.
not actually interacting. although they want
you interacting with their store.

I get why the general section is ignored by devs, its just a series of venting about the last match played, and threads about hating the game lol. With the occasional series of nerf this character that HAS to be based on a tiktok because like 7 will pop up in one day on a character thats on no ones radar. :wink:

My problem is lack of response to things like bugs. I have not had a spectate option since ow2 dropped and despite others saying they had the same issue nothing has been done and zero response. There was a chat issue in ow1 that lasted over a year where you couldnt join general chat without a complete reboot of the system (console only). Things like this make the forum useless.

There are those headscratchers from time to time that are terrible and surprise you but the other threads/posts that are sound and reasonable complain because the game is giving them reasons to.

We complain not because we feel like it or hate. We do so because we want the game to be and feel better.

These developers don’t actually care about feedback, so the forums are especially useless.

Wyoming Myst too. He’s been gone since they hired him

this is him :

Well I don’t think I’ve seen him in posts made by players anymore. But I may have missed it since he is no longer going by Wyoming Myst

These forums are just players venting frustrations. Blizzard is a money hungry shell of itself and the only ppl who did any work all got fired for playing cosby room. So were stuck with the left over mess making this game and trying to justify its price tag to microsoft with $20 skins. Dont expect any real work, balancing, or fair monetization til microsoft takes over and starts firing people. Id rather have 343 making overwatch at this point. Anyone else really… Cuz anyone else would see having an event and the main reward is a years old skin everyone has already as a big no no. Dont make the new widow / lucio skin the reward cuz then they cant make as much money.

Hence the money hungry shell of itself. So just suffer through this disaster called overwatch and maybe microsoft can micro manage this macro disaster that is overwatch.

Blizzard and the devs stopped responding here because it became nothing but a extreme vocal minority that did not provide any constructive criticism.


It isn’t just that. It’s that it’s all criticism, all the time. There are people having fun playing the game still, but if you say that here you’re just derided as being a shill for Blizzard. Even if you’re a $0 f2p just sponging off Blizzard for a laugh.

The subreddit has a lot of boring, narcissistic self-promotion, so it’s tiresome in its own way.

A game forum like this one is best used to help new players learn more about the game and improve their play. Sadly there are few threads here that are worth reading on that basis.