Does this forum seems useless?

yes, the forums is literally just some ranting diary session here. nothing is really taken seriously here, or at least majority of the posts arent.

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The forum is largely abandoned by Blizzard. They don’t post in here anymore, they don’t moderate in here anymore, and it’s just become a cesspit of toxicity, insulting and hatred towards eachother. There are many many accounts that make their way around here from thread to thread every single day just to insult people and call others stupid, and have been doing this for almost a year and have received zero punishments. The forum is dead.

The forums arent useless……the topics constantly seem on it are pretty pointless or not useful….so they’re largely ignored by devs now

The forums is a place they created for the players to vent out how bad the game is and make them feel as if that would Make a difference . Quite a smart move.

Since they removed general chat in the game, this is the best place to rant about this ***** game.

Blizzard responds to some stuff, there is even a tracker to see what posts they have replied to. For instance an official spokesperson told us that the opinions on the forum are not important to blizzard when we were voicing concern over them putting heroes in the battle pass

The forum is NOT here for Blizzard to take feedback from players and then change the game. Its for players to talk to each other

Blizzard makes changes from their own data and testing, NOT noise on the forum

Its also here for them to tell us things but its really not about gathering feedback. More people need to realize this and move on tbh

Not true
This is the official channel to give feedbacks of the game
Devs keeps on repeating for us to keep giving feedbacks (which we are)
But there is no feedback from their side to keep us in the same page.

If you feel this is not the official channel for this purpose, perhaps you also feel this forum is useless for this purpose, beside the reasoning for it to exist is to collect feedback from the community

Not what its here for, they simply do not take player feedback and change the game based on posts. Its naive to think other wise, they have data and their own tests for that purpose

You even said in the op you think it might be “useless”

Its not that, you just misunderstood the actual purpose. You even agree that they dont listen but still tried to argue that im wrong. Stop arguing and understand thats not what its here for