Does this forum seems useless?

its the equivalent of a suggestion box that leads to a shredder.

devs dont care.

however - content creators read the forums and draw ideas and public opinion from our posts - and the devs care about them so…

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The last dev posts was 2 years ago so it is not like this is a new thing.
One would expect them to get more talkative for the “new” game but nope.

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this is not an official forum. if it is, it is NOT treated that way by blizzard/ow employees

Well, it is official. But yeah, it would be difficult to argue they treat the forum that way.


It feels quite dead too. For a game with “35 million players” you would expect a more active community but it feels really slow and abandoned.

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This is a place to essentially scream into the void.

To answer your question, yes the forums are useless.

The majority of people here are whiny entitled trolls. The Devs abandoned them as they read into everything and then get annoyed. Here’s an example.

The Devs said that after Rammatra, two of the next three heroes would be supports.

What the forums heard “Next two heroes are supports”. What the forums say ‘next two heroes are definitely supports’

And it’s useless trying to reason with them. Of course they could be right but if they are wrong the forums are going to go into full meltdown about ‘lying blizzard’

Which blizzard usually deserved but lately the forums they twist all information as if they want to be annoyed. They ignore real obiovus issues like the sabotaged matchmaker for faster queues and they still refuse to accept the loss streak that even top500 players are now stating to accept his obvious and stating so.

I Would just give up.

I try to reality check the people here often but it doesn’t help. They’re too far gone.


Apart from the bug report section, it’s very useless and the players just come here to release steam and get mad at each other. People don’t even talk about the lore or shipping because there is nothing new.

These forums are basically only used for people to echo chamber about how they hate OW2. Why would the devs EVER bother reading anything here, lol.

Also this. I think the last post I remember reading from one of them was that they expected the minority to dislike the changes, but they don’t really care about the minority (forum users).

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Forums are a dying form of social media. The devs don’t actually read these forums so it’s just an endless vent chamber now.

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Have you read the forums?

The overwhelming majority of posts created are just whines and keyboard rage by the lowest among gamers. Not for a moment do I blame Blizzard for not reading, let alone, responding to any threads on this forum.

This forum has no redeeming value other than entertainment once, maybe twice a week at best. I drop by just to get a laugh, like watching an episode of Southpark.


This has been said many times by blizzard employees before but not answering a thread does not mean that it has been ignored or not seen.

Also if there’s anything that makes the forum useless it’s the overwhelming amount of low quality posts and discussions by its userbase.


Yes, it is useless.

Everytime I think of making a well thought out, long discussion post about some topic, I think to myself “why bother?”. It’s just going to get buried under everything in one minute and then no one will ever see it again. It’s waste of time.

The forums are a sandbox. Nothing more.

This is kind of why these forums are useless. This is from a blue:

Basically, like I said earlier, they don’t really care about the minority’s opinion. And, quite frankly, they shouldn’t, lol.

It’s why I always laugh when I see people post things like, “there are so many topics about this why aren’t the devs addressing this issue?” It’s like…well…that’s not an issue for most players, lol.

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The forums are 110% useless,I’m only here to discuss the game with other players.

No, only my teammates :wink:

They used to a lot more.

I’m someone (maybe one of the few) who tries to make high quality constructive suggestions . I want to see this game do well . I think the forum is the best place to communicate ideas and I like how it’s setup . We should treat this place as a privilege …

Blizzard stopped interacting with the forum years ago after the 100th time they promised more communication, didn’t give us that and people pointed it out.

Also they don’t read suggestions at all; it was stated in the past that they’ll take feedback like how it ‘feels’ to go against or play as a hero, but that’s the extent of feedback they care about.