Does Mercy REALLY need a buff?

Please don’t throw this misinformation around. That is not what CC means or is. Megadodo gave a clear and simple explanation on what CC means


My favorite thing to do with current res is if a tank dies in between the enemies and they push up, I’ll super jump to high ground out of LoS and do a HILARIOUSLY risky res and get away with it and super jump away because the enemies can’t get back to me fast enough to stop it.

I LOVE getting comments like, “Mercy, how did you even get that res off and live…?”


Fun fact, as long as the post is on these forums, it has a tool for helping you find Dev Posts. If you are on the general discussion page, there’s a line of tabs that say “Top”, “New”, “Unread”, “Latest”, “Dev Tracker”, and lastly, “Blizz Tracker”.

Since this particular post by Geoff is on this forum, it’s one of the first ones under “Dev Tracker” and is relatively easy to find. Regardless… here’s the link

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Right now, No. I would hope everyone wants to see how the new healer changes things and changes the roster of the supports before we make any changes to the others.

Thank you for the post. It’s not ensuring an ability on R, but he said they’ve been experimenting with Mercy in multiple ways, so that at least solidified the idea that they want to give her a change of some form (a buff by the sounds of increasing potential of Damage Boost or R ability).

I appreciate the link, but it doesnt seem to me to state what was stated in the post I replied to

No, she’s a 100% viable support with her own team compositions compared to Moira, who is completely worthless and could be deleted from the game tomorrow with no one even noticing.

Altho’ I do think Blizzard could buff her pistol with no consequences other than increasing her fun factor, the pistol’s DPS should be more of a boon for Mercy than Damage Boost if the player can aim rather than ride his team mate’s mechanical skill for value.

Rez feels awful to use and is a burden on her kit because the devs have to deliberetly keep the rest of her kit down because rez is way too powerful for a cooldown ability


Mine was an out-of-context claim. But Geoff does state they’re experimenting with Mercy and are trying to buff the utility of damage boost or something otherwise. What that is, none of us know. But the poster did make a comment on an overheal on R.

well, I still like Moira too…but to be honest, I wouldnt call any character worthless, personally

lots of us would notice, I assure you

Mental note: Guardian Angel only works on alive or very recently deceased teammates.

IMO, rez is a power that is balanced within itself by its own heavy restrictions and limitations; and as such, the fact that Mercy has rez does not mean any of her other powers/abilities have been watered down to help balance rez

The poster he’s responding to brings up buffing her healing to 55 or potentially giving her a new ability.

He does seem to shut down the 55 HPs but doesn’t seem to shut down giving Mercy a new ability. After rereading that, I will admit what Silentstrike said is a little bit of a stretch.

I think its fair to presume that any/all of the characters are being looked at to one extent or another, poked and prodded and tested and such internally, over time

My bad. What I wrote in this post helps clarify. I had only HEARD about that, which I stated. I wasn’t sure if it is true. But they’re experimenting with her.

to be fair, I think the other statement comes from another source - there was mention of a stream

You’re fine

I’d bet good money if I had any that ideas for all characters are being tossed around amongst devs all the time.

this simply isnt visible to us, most of the time

This is true. It doesn’t mean she WILL change, but they’re testing changes to see if she will need anything. She seems fine to me for the most part, but I would love that QoL bug from PTR back on Valk Res. That felt AMAZING and doesn’t really change a lot.

It does have one drawback - the faster speed means it is more likely one will accidentally leave the required radius - I’ve done that even at the slower speed

Except that one time she wants to rez. Mobility is her lifeblood and reason she is survivable, like Lucio NEEDS wallride to be viable.
Now imagine if Lucio HAD to stop dead in his tracks to do an Amp It Up. Ruins the whole thing. It’s nonsense.

Same thing why rez being a cast-time ability is absolute BS.

But not the job of a “healer” is it now?
And even then, 30% damage boost for 1 team mate, or 25% damageboost from Zenyatta’s discord orb for ALL 6 members of the team (that is like… 150%). AND zenyatta gets to heal people while also damageboosting them. AND zenyatta outputs a ton of DPS himself on top of being able to heal 60% as much as Mercy.

You want damage, you do not get a Mercy.

More like a “get people out of staggers more often and save us 10 seconds” ability.
Mid-fight rezzes are the most valuable, but the risk vs reward rate of doing this is not worth it. Ever.

Healing over time is worthless in a game where we have a crapton more burst damage that will break Mercy’s sustain immediately. Sure you can get more healing over the course of a game. Yet you’ll find that winrate vs pickrate vs other supports, even supports who heal LESS over time but are capable of BURST HEALS, is utterly crap. This is because of this discrepancy. Mercy doesn’t fit within the current game’s design.

Then also the fact that, as you mentioned, you’d like Mercy to use her damageboost, right? Can’t do that if you’re busy healing people like you’re supposed to be doing, and considering you heal less, you can also damageboost less, because you have to heal longer.

Something that Mercy can also do without ult. Her ult is 80% selfbuffs, and the only usable reason why you want Valk as a TEAM SUPPORT BUFF, is the self-buff for Mercy to become more brainless by adding in chainbeams and add a whopping 20% additional healing to the usual heals.
For reference: zenyatta’s ult makes him do a potential 5000% additional healing compared to his Harmony orb.

This is a very fast way to get reported. And if not, the “bad manner” act of killing someone as Mercy is a surefire way to get focused EVEN MORE THAN USUAL WHEN THE ENEMIES RETURN.

Get your head out of clouds please. Your original post is cute and I WISH it was true, but it is completely unrealistic.