Does Genji need help?

Most people start the ladder grind to get to T500 in the first place, or at least GM. Knowing your main of choice will barely take you there isn’t exactly encouraging.

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Blizzard once even said that genji is doing better than people think.

Idk and idc. It’s about genji.

So mcree is more popular?

But he will be a must pick in every rank once we buff him to be better in gm.


I’m not doubting that but I don’t remember them saying that. Probably because I missed that.

I’m also just emphasizing that he’s not overpowered like people make him sound. He’s not meta, he’s not overpowered, even nanoblade can be countered.

I don’t think Genji is overpowered or weak, I think he’s middle ground personally


Again, how is being the 4th most picked DPS in most ranks not enough to get you to GM? The reality is, Genji mains in gold or plat are hardstuck because they aren’t good enough, not because they are ‘discouraged’ by their hero being bad in the top rank which they will never even get to and thats the truth.

If they can’t climb in plat, how would they ever make it to GM to even be worried about Genji’s success in high elo?


Here is the quote.


its more so the opposite.

what genji needs is his ult set so it cant be dmg boosted BUT the rest of his kit buffed.

doing 170 dmg per ‘combo’ is honestly solid, sure its not quick kills but its good enough the dmg boosts and nano’s make it actually worthwhile but in doing so it puts genji in a position where they (bliz) are afraid of buffing his base kit for fear it’ll give him his ult too fast.

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This isn’t automatically the case. Fix his numerous bugs, give him little tweaks and see how it goes. If he’s powercrept like McCree was, then he will be a must in every rank.

That said, this topic was clearly a mistake.

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Yes, you have to make him less forgiving for that to work.


Ah, thanks for sharing that! I didn’t see that before.

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How is genji forgiving? If anything I find him one of the less forgiving DPS compared to ashe, cree, echo, junk, hanzo, etc

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Hmm just today I found Mei’s damage/game stats on Overbuff quite interesting.

I guess you don’t remember what followed.

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And that is?

The “pickrate” stuff does not say something different.

They buffed Soldier and Genji shortly after that, and buffed (mega buffed) Genji again because he was bad compared to other flankers, just as he is now.

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And after that they nerfed genji again because he was dominating in every rank.

(btw at that time genji mains still said that he was too weak.)

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Yes he was OP, but the point was they said genji wasn’t as bad as people thought, then they proceeded to buff him, showing that the devs thought he was too weak. So their previous statement doesn’t hold a lot of credibility

No not really. Maybe 1 or 2 delusional genji players but at most I saw people saying he wasn’t that OP. And a good portion of genji mains thought he was overtuned

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Most genji players on this forum/twitter said he is fine/still too weak/we have to wait 12 months until we know.

No they did it because all the angry genji main streamers Twittered about the quote and said that the devs are delusional.


Huge issues with mitigation and healing output have curb his effectiveness dramatically. He was never good with Tanks, specifically, but the additional mitigation brought about because of mandatory secondary tank makes it just that much harder for him to deal with things.

There’s not much that can be done right now. OW2 should more or less put him back on even ground and that will hopefully fix some problems.

Quoted for emphasis. Though keep in mind that this post from the patch date is ancient and the metagame has shifted quite a bit.

While I believe that genji is for the most part balanced I have to ask why anyone would believe the devs when they say anything about the balance state of a hero. Just look at the year following the mercy rework where after every single nerf they gave her they would come out saying how they felt she was finally balanced just to then follow up with more nerfs in the very next patch.