Does Ashe Need A Buff?

I feel like she’s outperformed by the other Snipers and Hitscans.

Why not increase her falloff range?

Currently her falloff range is 30 - 50 meters, compare that to Hanzo and Widowmaker who both don’t have falloff and their shots do more damage and can 1 shot heroes with 250 - 300hp.

Increasing her falloff range from 30-50m to 40-60m would be a nice and small buff.

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Would be pointless there’s rarely any points in the map where you’d be firing from that far away.

That and Ashe was a perfectly balanced hero release.

nha, i main her, i’ve something like 100 hrs with her, she is perfect. atm she may not be the most picked hero, but just because of it, it doesn’t mean she needs a buff or a nerf. she is fine.

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It wouldn’t be pointless, because it increases the amount of damage she’d do in between 30 to 50 meters. Buffing a heroes falloff range also effects the falloff damage.

Also I wouldn’t say that she’s perfectly balanced but not far from it.


Ashe is ok. If anything I’d nerf dynamite slightly.

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She doesn’t need buffs, she’s fine as she is. Any changes could potentially tip her over the scales and make her OP unless it’s something small like a slight cooldown reduction on coach gun.

Ashe is good. TNT + Bob make her a solid pick

There’s no middle ground with Ashe. You either suck like I do, or youre a god. Personally I think her ult charges way too slow for the manageable returns.
But I main Hammond these days and I’m ulting every 2 minutes.

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I think ashe was the hero released in the best state. But I do hope they fix her ult charge bug soon, i feel silly picking her atm.

TnT is great, bob is mediocre at best. Not asking for a buff tho, its fine that her ult isnt that great. Gets it pretty quickly once the ult charge bug gets fixed.

Which ult charge bug?

She isnt getting ult charge while bob is out currently.

Weird, only way that’d be balanced is if overall ult charge was reduced

Thats how she was until tues when the bug got introduced. She doesnt get ult charge from bob doing dmg, but can get ult charge with her own dmg while he is out. Just like some other heroes, like torb and hammond.

I don’t think she ever got ult charge from BOB himself. If she did then that’s a bit busted and was correctly removed

Pretty sure that’s intended. Most deployable style ultimates don’t gain ult charge while active.

No, she never did and wont once they fix the bug. However she will get ult charge again with her dmg while bob is still out. And during that she can get quite a bit, due to enemies being distracted leading to easier shots and dynamite.

Blizz confirmed it to be a bug.

Just to wait and see how long till they fix it.


Hanzo and Widow are snipers, Ashe is more in line with Soldier and McCree. They have fall off so they can’t just snipe you. I believe one of Mccree’s OG nerfs was to his falloff for this very reason.

Ashe shouldn’t win in a 1v1 vs a sniper across the map, of course odds are better if you have a pocket Mercy to help you

Damn that’s weird. Then again Overwatch has had a lot of weird bugs