Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

I still think Rez is one of the best abilities, I see a lot of extreme hyperbole being thrown around as to when and how it can be used.

As if people haven’t gotten off risky, messy rezzes and loved it.

Or maybe I’m the only badass Mercy main on this forum. I just know that’s not true.


Yes. Healing needs to be buffed slightly to 55 hp, and healing during Valk needs to be upped to 65 hp. NONE of these changes would make her a must pick. Ana would still keep her title as Queen of the Supports.

Rabbit casting at it’s best.

Just hide over here in these bushes, Resurrect my fellow rabbit and hope the Widow fox doesn’t shoot me.

I shoot the Widow before they shoot me.

Blat blat blat blat

“Aye!” -Widow


Her in-the-moment healing is low because she sustains heals, but she’s actually doing well in terms of healing.

Looking at Overbuff

  • The average Baptiste is getting about 12k healing/game
  • The average Ana is getting 10k/game
  • Mercy is getting 11k/game
  • Lucio is getting 10k/game
  • Zen gets 7k/game
  • Moira gets 11k/game
  • and Brig gets 7k/game

She’s currently tied with Moira for 2nd best healing output

It may seem like she’s getting outhealed, because her lack of burst healing means she can’t save lives as often. She can only “burst heal” after you die (which isn’t a heal, nor does it function like one). As a healer, though, she shines after you die
which makes her less picked I think.

She only does that well because they tuned her to be that narrow. It both gives her consistency and robs her from making or preventing game changing plays. Can’t have both. You’re either steadfast consistent or flakey yet sometimes devastating.

I swear Widowmaker and Mercy are direct opposites of each other. One hero is like the Evil Spock twin of the other.

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I totally agree, I’m just saying her Healing output isn’t what makes her weak
Total healing she’s very in-line with other heroes

I personally still think it is really good and can easily contend for the strongest ability, along side abilities like hook, immortality field, Orisa barrier etc. Just because an ability has drawbacks doesn’t mean it still isn’t very powerful. Negating a kill after it has already happened is very powerful in the right situations.

Except when you turn a 5v6 back into a 6v6 and give your team another fighting chance.

You say this but it still has considerable power, it might be over hyped to some extent but the option to bring a dead player back to life is a powerful one.

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Not really. If you’re already losing the fight a three second low mobility cast to bring one hero back isn’t likely to save the day but get you killed. Now you’re both dead with one less person to heal whoever’s left in the fight.

All in all this version of Ressurection only prevents ONE solitary guy from having to walk back to the point. It’s not like he’s really dead and some miracle ability was played.

A better name for this version of Resurrection would’ve been Summoning Ritual. I think that better describes the ability as it stands right now.

Depends on what you call losing a fight. Did a widow just kill your flex support? You can turn a 5v6 back into a 6v6. Are you 3 teammates down with no point control? You probably can’t turn that fight around and will most likely die.

It’s still better than not having Rez and being forced to fight a 6v5 is some situations.

1.75 seconds

If you have a tank you can almost completely ensure that the Rez will go through.

Exactly, it turns a 6v5 into a 6v6 which gives you a much better chance at wining the next fight.

Rez is an amazing ability, it isn’t perfect but it’s still really good.

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Just listing out a character’s advantages can make anyone sound fine or even overpowered.

How about we list out how compared to other supports:

  1. She does abysmal damage (and damage boost does not make up for this disparity).

  2. She secures few kills (and rez does not make up for this disparity).

  3. Struggles to out heal the other main healers, even though she dies less often and has more uptime.


As a baptiste main, no no no.

If you’re getting Lucio/Brig heals as baptiste you’re doing something really wrong

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Baptiste aint that good with high mobility comps tho.

a 30 sec resurrect and 30% damage boost on tap isn’t utility?

She does 20 per shot (40 per headshot) with 5 rounds per second, with 20 ammo. So in 4 seconds she can do (if she doesnt miss any shots) anywhere from 400 - 800 damage. This is assuming she doesnt miss. Even just hitting 3/5 body shots in 1 second she already out DPS’s Moira. 2 headshots is also enough to out DPS Moira. Moira also has limited range.

Most healets actually fall around where Mercy is DPS wise, and the fact that you’re brushing off damage boost as “not making up for it” is quite frankly insane as her utility is amazing.

She doesn’t need to. She is quite capable of it, but if you do not enjoy the playstyle Mercy carries that’s not really something to complain about. Her rework didn’t change the fact that she can’t duel wield and has to choose between DPSing, healing, or damage boosting.

I have 0 issues with her healing and can keep people up just fine. The fact that she has more survivability actually makes her a very useful healer, as a good Mercy is harder to dive.


Or maybe all healers are fine and ana is OP.

You spent a lot of time talking about ideal or theoretical damage.

Meanwhile, the outcome data compliled from thousands upon thousands of matches across all skill ranks says she does terrible damage.

Furthermore, looking at averages per match:

Mercy damage done + Mercy damage boosted < Damage done by other main healers

Mercy kills + Mercy rezes < Kills secured by other main healers.

Data suggests that Mercy has less
influence on the outcome of a team fight than her peers.

AND…all of this is occurring while she dies less often than.

Imagine if you examined 2 students and one had more absences than the other and yet still had better grades.

That’s what is happening with Mercy. She has more uptime, but still cannot out perform her peers when she has the advantage of them having to respawn and run back to the fight.

She is around more often, but still has worse outcome data. That implies very subpar performance compared to her peers.

Data will trump theory everytime.


Terrible damage is expected, as dealing damage doesn’t mix with healing or damage boost, you have to stop both first. That’s always been key difference between Mercy and rest of the healers - no multitasking. Which, basically, demands one of her aspects to be broken, so she could compete.

In other words, another healer’s ability1 + ability2 = Mercy’s ability 1 or ability 2. Or, at least, it should be that way, unless Mercy gets reworked to allow multitasking.


Ideally, Mercy should be making up for her lack of damage output with damage boost. This is not happening.

Similarly, Mercy should be making up for her lack of kills with rez, but this is also not happening.

All of this is occurring while Mercy has roughly equivalent total healing output compared to other main healers (Ana and Moira). However unlike her peers, she lacks burst healing.

If Mercy is going to contribute less to a team fight in regards to damage and producing a numerical advantage (ie, kills & rez), her healing output should be higher.

This holds especially true when compared to Ana, as such stats do not reflect advantage gained through sleep dart, anti-nade denying healing, anti-nade boosting healing, or nano boost.

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