Does anyone else feel like they took a masterpiece and

Well I dont know if creating new heroes that counter a line-up is a good idea, thats how we got the brig situation. But it is odd that Sym had piercing orbs and Blizzard didnt try to give that feature to other heroes’ skills.

Now, Sym was supposed to be the Shield Eater and when she functioned like that she got nerfed like in 10 days.

Against double shield I would still prefer the division of the tanks to Bruiser/Defenders. Like many people already suggested.

Anyway… whatever was the attempted solution we should at least have experimented some changes like that… but not even that, they already went for the nuclear solution of 5v5 without trying any of those solutions. Either tuning skills to pierce/destroy shields or dividing the tank roster.

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I think it’s a dawn of a new era and am excited to see how the game improves

I’m thrilled CC is gone. I was playing today. I was up against Sombra and Mei, and the Mei was actually doing well before anyone tells me she’s so bad now! But it felt nice to not be locked down by them every few seconds.

Also this “lol it’s COD” narrative is old hat. It’s still Overwatch. It might be a direction you, or someone else doesn’t like, and that’s a shame for anyone who feels that way, but it’s a long ways from COD.

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I’d say it feels more like they took something I almost entirely liked, and piece by piece have replaced it with something that a lot of OTHER people like.

And then expected me to be happy with it … and they’d like more money per year as well… like lots more.

Yep… That’s where I am.


My humble opinion, if you like OW2 that’s ok. I mean it’s Blizzard Vision (not Jeff vision) but there’s a lot of OW player that feels like this game is garbage (I’m one of them). I just want Blizzard not to replace the first one with this. keep both. I don’t care if the game is unbalance or toxic, I love the first OW because is FUN, OW2 has no fun to play.


I log-in and try to play support for fast ques to just get farmed by some Genji who is in every single match going un-contested, is just in the back hiding on a roof or something … just farming supports, no one tries to group up or to help me and I’m at a huge disadvantage 1v1 on support, even brig isn’t a good counter to Genji now. The tank is busy as there is only one and dps have no CC so nothing can peel him off me. IDC if we ended up winning or if he is technically balanced, support is just not a fun experience at all. So I just log-out and the non-support que times get a bit longer. I used to really enjoy support but this is my beta experience so far, not good.


I feel like they brought in a team of consultants to help maximize profits.

Oh wait…

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One thing I will say about Overwatch 1 is the amount of crap people used to talk about it was always unfair. I have been gaming since sonic the hedgehog on megadrive (1991) and OW1 is easily one of, if not the, best games I have ever played. People always talked about it like it was the worst game ever made when it was a 10/10 masterpiece.

It’s kinda a trait of this community - complete exaggeration. Things like ‘‘When you go against Mei she completely ruins the game and drains all fun out of it!’’ which is a complete ridiculous exaggeration but then because of the drama queens in the community the devs listen and ruin Mei.


The thing I fear the most with Blizzard, is that once they start out “changing” something, they don’t know when to stop. And when they don’t know how to balance something, they homogenise it. That’s how WoW went down the drain since Cataclcysm and ending up in Shadowlands. All classes feel and play the same.

This might be the future of Overwatch as well when they start changing things out. We might end up with all rolls having the same “roll-out” so to speak, same set of abilities that do more or less the same. It’ll so to speak be a colourful CoD clone.

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right before brig the game was very good. open queue with no goats but then brig happened and instead of nerfing the problem they went role queue. i mean it wasnt bad at first since the game was fairly popular and you had a good population of tank and support players but i guess that wasnt gonna last.

i really dont like an overpowered role compared to the rest of the cast but you have to have that now to have people playing tanks… problem is the support role is now the bottleneck :smile:

yea doesnt look good so far. i for see get your $10 instant priority pass tickets sometime - 5 charges :rofl:


Yeah WoW was so much better when all the classes were unique. I was playing WoW classic recently and even something as small as having to ask a mage to make you water because it’s so expensive (that never happens in retail) adds so much to the experience.

And then classic itself got ruined by min/maxing neckbeards (people asking that you have stupidly high level gear for braindead easy raids that you could train a chimp to do)

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And I don’t necessarily disagree with their logic for making changes, it was rather annoying that in the end you had to use the cookie gutter build to get to raid because some neckbeard in a basement had calculated it did 0,00001% more damage than the alternatives.

But they overdid it, and I fear they’ll do the same in Overwatch. Hopefully they won’t turn supports per example into Mercy and be healbots and nothing more, DPSers into S76 (which is basically Call of Duty mode) and tanks into variations of Reinhardt. But we’ll see down the line whether or not they go full WoW or not

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I don’t know what the criteria for a “good shooter” are in your eyes, but I don’t really care about chasing them. I just want a fun game.

Imo OW2 is pretty dang fun, perhaps even slightly more so than OW1. Aggro brawler tanks are more fun, and having to break less shields is also more fun. If they manage to even out support queues, gameplay will also be able to be more varied, which is fun.

I think thats very short sighted. Orisa would not have been the last. Sigmas sole existence would be the problem and the general reason that we get 0 shield tanks in the future. And to remove that when creating a tank is very limiting. Now we could see more shield heroes but with tank synergy in play the shields were to weak alone and to strong together.

All that changing around led to many tank players leaving and created the problem.

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The game is not as same as 6 y ago
The game changed A LOT, just watch a video from 2016 and you see the gameplay back then

They have been struggeling for the last 2 years as well. FF14 got the most people now and the most CCs left for FF14 or other MMOS.

WoW situation after Shadowlands is dire. Dragon flight sees to be the last expansion that HAS to work or… more people are going. For the most people it will be the last expansion.

WoW is struggling. OW2 and D4 are the main games. I am 100% sure thats also the reason why OW2 PvP needs to be released soon.

Many of the criteria are things that are in OW2 that aren’t in OW1 and you’re enjoying. In FPS games you generally want most players to have as much agency as possible, and they’ve made major strides towards making that true for new tanks, and with the general reduction of agency reducing abilities (like stuns and shields).

The people who are praising it now will quit the game in a month after “launch” saying it got boring, and the long time players who loved OW1 will also quit because the game now just sucks.

OW2 will actually finally kill Overwatch. But I guess they at least managed to sell some imaginary coins and ClownPasses.


Oh yeah. Spent thousands of hours playing this masterpiece while ridiculing all the joke FPS games where you sit and peek corners at a snail’s pace which is super boring or you’re an ACDC kiddo in a BR, which is even less fun regardless of the action

With 5v5 it all just… got completely ruined. There’s no doubt that the game won’t survive in this format and that might be one of the reasons they’re going f2p: To enforce some players to play the game which wouldn’t happen at all if the game had an actual price


To be fair, OW1 didn’t survive OW1’s format either. It just took a couple DLC heroes that enforced an OW-specific playstyle, and the game stopped being a mainstream juggernaut.