Does anyone else feel like they took a masterpiece and

Not the fault of the new heroes, at all. It’s pretty much everything else that drove the game down. I mean first year had so many massive core problems that the devs just plain neglected that it was already dying down back then. It’s not a coincidence that OW became to be the game for toxic hero elitism, when heroes never got appropriately balanced, even after 5 years of the game being out. Then there are the core bugs, MMR issues, the content drought, format issues, player behavior encouragement issues and many more that each and everyone were a massive reason as to why most players just quit the game

Hmm, in my experience whenever I see OW brought up on non-OW forums, the bit everyone cites as killing the game is Brig.

Content droughts don’t tend to be too much of a factor for good games, I find. TF2’s lack of updates did nothing to its playerbase, and CSGO is the biggest shooter around despite only ever getting a couple weapons and a handful of maps (and people only ever really play on the decades old maps).

And it’s not like every other shooter doesn’t have MMR, toxicity, and most are intentionally not balanced.


Can the forums stop blaming “Mercy mains” for 3 DANG SECONDS?

Also, supports aren’t “dueling”? We have some support players taking on aggressive DPS-like stances and getting flamed for not healing enough, but then if a support heals “too much”, they’re a “healbot”. Literally no matter what supports do, it’s not good enough.

Supports are getting the tank treatment from OW1 and y’all are content to let it repeat.


I think you will see when the game releases that the playerbase will easily double.

And calling ow1 a masterpiece is laughable.

well it shouldn’t have been

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I think the tank reworks would have been nice in OW1.


I’ve been there for every poor decision sounding the alarms and nobody believed me until it was too late. RIP.


We tend to forget Brig existed as a reaction to the unstoppable (then) flankers. What we really needed to do was just nerf tracer and genji at that time.


I don’t know what game you’re playing but the OW2 that I’m playing has so much visual clutter I can’t see who’s shooting me half the time.


Exactly correct. Unfortunate the cod babies don’t understand this yet have unequal voice in today’s ow.

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Its not even close to the same amount of visual clutter and you know it.

Also i can see everyone perfectly that im shooting at so im saying your full of it.

As someone who played cod for many years in the 2000s as a teenager you hit the nail on the head.

Comparing cod to ow2 is like comparing tf2 to battlefield or halo to paladins.

These people have never played a cod game in their life and it shows.

Also. Hit the nail on the end. Tank synergy was so oppressive low skill and utterly broken. That the other two roles combined had about 30 percent on match outcome and thats being generous. It was more like 20.

One team picked lets say rein zarya and just ran over a dva zarya comp with ease. It was gg leaving spawn.

It’s not blaming, so much as just describing the reality of things.

A huge contingent of Support players are Mercy players.

And aside from Brig, which rarely got played outside of high ELO, Mercy is the least fun Support in OW2.

As for the “Healbot” issue, perhaps the solution is just to give everybody health regen, then give the Supports some other useful passive, like that +10% movement speed. And then compensate Mercy more with buffs.

It’s a shame that to some people “shooter” has just become “COD” when there are so many different genres, and OW2 being nothing like a COD style game…

I don’t think that’s true. Sigma’s design seems pretty much custom-made to be a shield tank in a solo tank format, and it’s entirely possible that he was designed with that thought in mind since OW2 was likely in development during his design phases.

I would fully expect more barrier tanks in the future, they just changed Orisa because OW2 is way too fast paced to have a weird “stay in one place” bunker-type tank. Orisa struggled in OW1 because it was easy to go around or through her barriers, and OW1 is a much slower game than OW2.

Who knows, maybe they move Symmetra to the tank role and give her Orisa’s old barrier, it’s not like they didn’t steal her deployable barrier and give it to Sigma…

OW2 is a significant change and it seems they are chasing other games instead of the game they created that was quite popular when it launched.

To me OW2 is bland

Its like pouring more water into a pitcher of lemonade. Technically its still lemonade, but its more diluted.

I am waiting to see something truly unique. Maybe it will be better when it launches.

I have played Fortnite, Apex , and COD they all bore me. OW was something different and exciting.

Almost every single balance issue Overwatch have is a reaction to either Tracer or Widowmaker being very hard to counter without a mirror, and Blizzard refusing to nerf them.

  • Moira and Brigitte were developed with the specific objective to be two support heroes that can counter a flanker: one by escaping, one by resilience.
  • Goats was developed because a contenders team didn’t had a good Widow player to counter, and hey, it worked.
  • Double shield was developed as a goats-like answer in a ruleset that you can’t go goats to keep snipers in check (again).

Only thing in my memory that wasn’t directly linked to those two heroes was the Mercy rework because of a mix of factors going at the time, from people discovering a PBSR exploit to get their accounts to GM with negative winrate, to streamers complaining that their team kills got reversed with her mass rez. So they did such a bad job rushing a rework that Mercy went OPAF for almost a year until they finally balanced her back, but destroying her entire playstyle in the process.


No I feel like they’re finally sending a plumber out to fix what was broken about OW1. I can’t wait for OW2 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

How you came to this conclusion I have no idea

Not necessarily flushed, but they wasted it by dropping it into the toilet and then proceeding not to take it out for another 3.5 years.

IMO this just sounds like you haven’t played the Beta as of late, because from what I’ve seen is overwhelmingly positive things from Support players. The biggest downside is currently the lack of a new Hero.

But hopefully that’s the next Beta.

for real, its like they have no idea how to fix something being the meta, other than making drastic changes like limiting to 2-2-2 or creating a “whole new game” with one less tank.

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