Does anyone else feel like they took a masterpiece and

Noone can ever tell if Im joking… :slight_smile: Its just me iguess… :smiley: We will never know…

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Game shouldn’t have been made easy for support players.

I’ll agree it was an incredibly well marketed game, from a developer that was then highly renowned and it was probably the highest budget, highest polished entry into the class-based shooter genre we’d seen.

But, no, the gameplay issues were evident from the get-go. We had scatter arrow, mass res, hook 1.0, people hero stacking 6x launch FTH McCrees, unpredictable hyper mobility, never ending overtime, 2cp, Mei, etc.

Tbh, I think it was just that we originally just assumed Blizzard would fix the problems and we’d end up with a good game. And hey, TF2 had its fair share of wild non-sensical mechanics too, like random crits. Just…nobody would’ve expected the rapid decline in quality of the DLC heroes, and the death by Brigitte that came after.

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OW2 proves this was not the case - this was just how the devs decided to make it. They could have reworked one or both of those heroes, just like they did for Orisa in OW2, at any time.

They CHOSE not to do that and to mess around with shield health. We could have been rid of double shield 2 years ago but instead they created the problem by keeping them and then make it sound like 5v5 is a great revelation to fix a problem they created and chose not to fix for so long.

I don’t really care if it’s 5v5 or 6v6, but going to 5v5 was not necessary if it was just to fix double shield.


I reallllllly enjoyed the beginning of the first beta because it felt really fluid for me for the most part. Like I had issues with some things and the lack of content and yes it was a bit more chaotic because its a beta but overall I liked where the game was heading. The end of beta1 was meh and beta2 feels terrible. I can’t even fully explain it. I’m trying so hard to enjoy it.

I would highly disagree that OW1 is a master piece. It’s slow, lacks a lot of individual carry potential, kits are bloated, stacking CC, etc. OW1 looks like the devs lost their focus point and everything started to fall a part. 2 tanks really slows the game down and holds players back. While I think beta2 is too fast, OW1 is so slow. At least in OW2 there is more fights than sitting in a choke for half the game.

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The way I’m interrupting it is that Supports aren’t used to using map geometry and dueling to stay alive.

Or put more simply.
Mercy main is dying a lot more often, and that feels bad.

And generally when you hear complaints like this, it isn’t coming from Tank or DPS role players.

Which kinda begs the question of if devs are ever going to do something like make the Support passive permanently active, or give them more HP, or a damage resist passive. Maybe give that 10% move speed to Supports.

Since they are gonna need to resolve this “Supports feel bad” in the longrun.


modern Blizzard ruined WoW and Diablo, discontinued both Starcraft and HOTS

they even managed to ruin the 20 year old Warcraft 3

(I dunno what Hearthstone is like, not interested)

so that leaves Overwatch

odds are really not good


On the other hand OW2’s marketing couldnt be worse than how it is now. Seriously it is sad what they did with this franchise.

Yeah. They ruined Warcraft franchise with their reforged. I hope they’ll work on Warcraft IV someday. HotS, I think they were too little too late in entering the market, so it wasn’t their fault.

Starcraft II, they kind of had to slow down with the updates because you don’t really want to continue updating a game that’s based around balance. That’s why Starcraft 1 has been popular for all these years even to this day despite the game being untouched because of top notch balance.

Diablo, they did kind of ruin it initially with Diablo III. But Diablo IV looks promising and it seems to be answering what players wanted.

Hearthstone was ruined from day one because they made the game like MTG where you have to fork out money to collect all the cards within a reasonable amount of time. The game doesn’t let you grind the cards by playing the game with ease. It’ll take you months if not years to collect everything without paying a dime. And without sufficient cards, the game feels boring because there’s not much strategy to the game.

I mean given the follow-up he falls into the group of Tank players who think their role was turned into fat DPS which again is weird to me because how you play Tank has not fundamentally changed between OW1 and OW2, you just have better tools to do that job. It is the reason that despite whether he is meta or not Rein feels better in OW2.

What’s a masterpiece? No limits overwatch? Dva Winston dive overwatch? Launch brig overwatch? Goats overwatch? Double shield overwatch? Open queue overwatch? Role lock overwatch? Hogwatch?

Overwatch is an always changing game and has played drastically different over the years. This OW2 update is just following the same patterns the game has always followed.

It’s not your opinion. “OW2 COD” is something you’ve seen a thousand times on the forums and you decided to regurgitate it as your own opinion. It makes 0 logical sense why taking away one tank and reducing annoying cc would turn the game into cod. The team work and strategy in overwatch has always been in the form of ult and ability combos. That’s all still in the game.

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Tbf, DVa Winston dive, with Lucio and Zen was really quite good. Sensible levels of healing, no CC, nearly everyone has agency nearly all the time, skill intensive and action packed. People actually wanted to play tanks back then, with DVa mains being one of the largest populations around.

All they really needed to do was give Zen a way to survive dive tanks, perhaps some side-grade DLC heroes to add variety, and then that meta could easily have been a sensible choice as a long term meta (as sports really aren’t meant to shift meta every couple months). From what I’ve played of OW2, I feel like it’s very unlikely to reach the heights of dive’s quality.

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They ruined what made Overwatch what it is. They got rid of the synergy and rhythm of play between characters. Going 5v5 caused this. Trying to create a fancy team death match game with an Overwatch skin, that you have to be on literal speed to play and keep up with, plays absolutely terribly and feels forced. They took something that was completely designed around 6v6 and character/team synergy, and completely obliterated that part of the game.


I was shocked on how quickly they went for that design change and didnt try anything else. It was the nuclear option and they did it without second thought.


you are kidding yourself if you think overwatch was even close to a masterpiece

As much as OW2 looks exciting, I was hoping they’d add more “depth” to the game. Like in the form of new abilities that made the game more strategic and tactical. Either by reworking all the heroes abilities and/or adding more interesting, completely different kind of game modes.

It seems like they’re still uncertain as to how the game should be played and it’s still evolving to this day which is crazy.

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You also played dive meta in a game with a competitive mode well after launch. OW2 is currently a beta with QP only. OW2 actually feels more similar to early dive meta overwatch than it ever has and many streamers/high rank players agree too. These are people playing scrims vs each other who get a much better feeling of how the game actually plays, not the unbalanced crap shoot that QP is.

The only thing gone is tank synergy and if you are a big fan of that, I get the disappointment, but the game feels fast and full of adrenaline like dive meta did. As a solo queuer myself I highly prefer solo tanking cause I get all the tank power to myself and don’t have to try and coordinate with another tank who is usually stupid.

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I also think that masterpiece is a strong word. I would say “huge potential”.

The groundwork was all there and it had a huge vacuum with TF2 being abandoned (and now overrun by Bots) so it could have been THE king of Hero fps if it was nurtured with care.

But, blizzard eagerness to force it into an E-sport and Lethargic/Blafling balance changes dragged it down. People just got tired and abandoned it, I wouldnt even say it was the lack of content.

It helped but I would point the lethargic balance changes to be main culprit, there was always a huge glaring issue that was ignored for months and months despite everyone screaming about it.

Also the game’s design issues became more apparent. OW needed more depth if it wanted to adopt the “MOBA” part of it. Maybe items, talents, something to change the character behavior. Kinda like how in DOTA2 if you want you can get a Crystal Maiden and build carry items for her, something that could allow your characters to adapt to the match.

That is for me the biggest downfall for OW’s design. MOBAs are supposed to lock you into a hero and you adapt/sculpt that character to the situation of that match. Blizzard thought people would willingly switch to another character (that maybe the player didnt like) just to adapt to the situation despite that character not being the archtype that the player would prefer to play with.

MOBAs dont work like that. Thats why the MOBA part of OW was doomed to fail. Jeff’s naive idea that OTP wouldnt happen and that everyone would just switch is part of OW’s downfall and the reason Role Queue needed to be forced upon us.

It is certainly too late to try a drastic change on that, like adding items, gambits, talents, whatever. Especially now that OW2 biggest change is to just make the game 5v5. It needed WAY more than just that.


The solution was actually pretty simple and had already existed from the start. There are already heroes that ignore shields altogether and people actually used to like playing them and make life hell for shield tanks. Bring them back by either buffing the flankers or nerfing the anti-flankers.

It really is possible to balance the game such that Dive, Brawl and Bunker are equally viable for the playerbase. Double shield “meta” for the absolute top in reality meant Bunker vs Brawl for 96% of the players (Sigma was actually no more popular than Zarya nor Roadhog). They just had to bring Winston (and his dive comp) up to par.

Instead they nerfed Orisa and we ended up with Brawl meta for a solid two and a half years because balancing the three main comps for the playerbase meant Dive comp coming back to the pro level.

Remember, in 2020 the absolute top were still complaining about doubleshield while for the rest of the playerbase, Orisa barely existed and were in Rein/Zar prison.

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