Do you think 3-2-1 will be implemented?

No, but I don’t run this business

Q times are the reason we are here in the first place. How many people have already quit because the competitive mode had no skill it was literally a moba press q to win heal away all the garbage" damage. IMO prople will come back to a dying game… soo yeah…

With games like Valorant coming out, Overwatch being a different game is a good thing. If they chase after the same hardcore tactical shooter audience then they’ll lose. Overwatch needs to stick to it’s roots as an FPS / MOBA hybrid.

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Because they wouldent be diamond-masters players if it was 132… they are moba players?

Literally this. Keep balancing it and let it pop up every few weeks and make the end of season 23 be the “1-3-2 Beta”, then start Season 24 as first real 1-3-2 season.


Idk dude. Many of them come from other gaming backgrounds. They all also enjoy playing Rainbow Six Seige, The Division, Ark (those are just the ones I can remember them playing recently off the top of my head).

I personally grew up playing Halo 1 - 3 with my dad and then online when 3 was out. I also played a lot of Runescape, for about 12 years. I loved horror games, specifically I remember playing American Mcgee’s Alice on my computer non-stop around the time my parents were going to get a divorce. I also played every Bioshock, Fallout New Vegas. Skyrim, games like Portal and a ton of horror games like Amnesia, etc.

All of us just randomly got introduced to Overwatch at some point. It was the first kind of game we’d played like it and we enjoyed it, so we’ve continued to play for years.

Edit: But just to clarify, I’d never played a MOBA in my life before I started playing OW. I’ve only, since then, tried Heroes of the Storm, to get the Skin that required you play like 5 games, and it wasn’t really my thing. I do think the way OW combines soft elements of that style of game with a first person perspective is enjoyable, though. I was attracted to Overwatch because it wasn’t just a regular shooter like the ones I’d played a million times before. I liked the strategy and the way you worked with your team. But I grew up playing FPS, platformers, and MMORPGS, not MOBAS.

Oh, and you can 1v1 my boyfriend who is a Masters DPS on Widow (who doesn’t like 1-3-2 at all) for proof he can aim :joy:

Forum polls are ridiculously unscientific, unrepresentitive, and absolutly statistically invalid


Not a chance in its current form. It also hasn’t actually been tested competitively where players of the same skill level care about winning most.


Maybe one day there will be a quickplay role queue 2-2-2 for like you. Then you’ll be told that your complaints aren’t understood as you can just go play that mode.

Anyway, these threads are a waste of time.

So, the reason they are statistically invalid is that it isn’t a random sample. This poll drew a pretty large participation from the forums and also Reddit. The sample size was absolutely large enough to be statistically valid, but the sampling method was a pop-up poll which wouldn’t be truly valid even if it was in the game itself. The only statistically valid methodology would be for Blizz to randomly pick people to email / call via random drawing. But we aren’t going to get that. This is the best you can get. And it does mean something even if it’s imperfect.


It’s a self selecting poll and 110% misleading and inaccurate

Make it happen Number One.

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That is an absolute waste of development resources.

You would not only need to add in the changes for the additional roles but also make appropriate changes to the prior roles. The smartest thing to do, if you are sincere, is to advocate for a competitive 1-3-2 card, to get feedback on player behavior in a real-stakes context, then future iterations could feature changes based on actual to-win behavior. You can’t make balance changes based around when no one is trying.

But then you’re requiring four or more iterations of a game change that might work as intended once it’s all said and done at the expense of such efforts being put towards the base game. Unless the stats and feedback from the Experiment had been phenomenal, which the stats don’t seem particularly phenomenal and the feedback most certainly hasn’t been, I don’t think there was ever a world where investing the amount of time and effort that would be required for this to work would be justified.

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Thank you!! Overwtach is a TEMA BASED GAME!! You want something different go play CS:GO… Don’t ruin this game for people who actually like it for what it’s supposed to be

When did he say that?

Feedback is kind of polarized rn with many people claiming that it either is awful or a game-saver.

I personally think it will be implemented in some form, for the simple fact that the devs are so stubborn to revert their work, they added 3/2/1 before reverting goats changes.

I mean seriously

I’m fairly certain the devs wouldn’t be looking into alternatives to 2-2-2 if they weren’t losing players after the change. But it’s fairly obvious that the role queue change and the excessively long queue times for dps players (yes 10+min is long especially in this ADHD prone society), has had a negative impact on playerbase numbers. A strong number of very popular streamers have also stopped streaming OW after role queue, which hurts the game’s outreach.

If 3-2-1 isn’t implemented, then something else will come around. 2/2/2 as it is will not be the standard for Overwatch forever

It doesn’t have to be. But Zarya being altered to be easier and being the only tank are things I don’t want. Do anything else that doesn’t do these two things, I don’t care.

I hope not. If we keep balancing the game around whoever shouts the loudest, you’ll see players start to leave. But honestly I’m losing interest in the game, and Blizzard really don’t care about the playerbase, so at this point even if it is added people will leave the game.

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Well, 3/2/1 will hopefully not get implemented and this seems to be the case at the moment, judging from official developer statements and by the huge criticism the game mode has been getting in social platforms (criticism that from my experience has been much more negative than the one which used to be directed to 2/2/2 by the way), which you left out of your post

Unfortunately, as a Tank/Healer main myself as well, I disagree completely, as overall 3/2/1 has been a really bad overall experience for me and tons of other people… I would even call it terrible from every aspect even if you’re playing Tank (they’re the ones who have to deal with long queue times now as well) and just a tad bit better if you’re playing Support…

Hope this change doesn’t go through and it thankfully won’t, as long as devs act logically and realize that it’s not worth it ruining the experience of so many Tank and even Support players (as if they already weren’t in a bad enough state already) and sacrificing the arguably great overall state Overwatch has been at for the past weeks for the sake of catering to the same old DPS players, due to the behaviors of many of which, systems such as role - lock had to be implemented in the first place so many months ago…


Probably not in this current iteration. If it is implemented it won’t be soon and it’s gonna take more changes than what we got.