Do we really need a Bastion buff?

I don’t think he needs a buff, but a power shift. just so bunker on the cart isn’t encouraged.

like he should HAVE a reason to be in recon other than regaining basic mobility. as a low rank player, I can personally attest to how annoying bastion can be in sentry, but how meh he can be in recon.


Several buffs to be honest.

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precisely. bastion’s recon gun should just be soldier’s gun, and sentry should do 25% less damage unless it’s against a barrier.
and also make changing between the modes faster.

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I made a thread like a week ago trying to do the pseudo rework.


Bastion needs only enough eHP to stand a fighting chance in using Transformation when not behind a shield. It does not have make him permanently more healable. It certainly does not have to make him capable of being healed right through ultimates.

He should not have passive percentile damage mitigation, except via his Armor, at all.

What he really needs is a rework.

Shift some power of his sentry form to recon.
Maybe even turn his sentry form into a cooldown ability that only lasts for a limited time.

That way it doesn’t encourage the problematic bunker playstyle while making him stronger in other scenarios.

Here’s the thing. Bastion is hard to balance because of the niche they gave him. You play Bastion to do a bunker comp, or a pirate ship, or to lock down an area. That’s his thing. It’s not meta-dependent, he is the bunker dps. Just like how you play Widow on a map with long sight-lines like Junkertown or Havana. To balance him, they either need to really focus on this niche of his by making him the ultimate stationary turret boy, or they have rework him.

Giving him a better mini-gun spread and higher healing encourages people to stick in one spot, which is his greatest strength. I played with these changes and I noticed that I could apply my damage easier. It felt just like before where the gun shreds anything and anyone, but it was easier to do so. I still died insanely fast if I was even out of position for a split second or if I wasn’t protected.

Besides, nobody is used to playing with or against a Bastion so it’s normal for a buff to feel too much when he just shreds your whole team. Pharah, Echo, and Zenyatta can all still ruin him and possibly force a switch.

And how did it go? I would assume that the response was not positive as this seems like a pretty bad set of ideas for a hero that is already toxic to most games he is in.

Because Bastion is a lot weaker than any orher hero.

That i agree. But bunker comp, despite people like/dislike it or dont, is a fair tactic. It is not unstoppable, it is not instant win, and most definitely it is not invincible.

The point that we can make is that it is not fun to play with, or against bunker comp. And that is a legitimate concern, but not the fairness factor.

That’s like saying Widowmaker is unfair to all other DPS because she can headshot from miles away and it kills instantly.

Well, to a certain extend that’s not really an issue, as for high levels of play it is hard to pull off and too much risk when it failed.

For the typical quick game experience - yes, it does somewhat more problematic there, but it wasn’t dominantly used in every game either.

But truth be told, the real decisive factor in the bunker comp is the double-barrier. With a single Rein shield, it is still fairly reasonable to take out Bastion without needing a tactical swat planning.

Address the double-barrier problem, and it would solve way more problems in the game, with bunker comp being the least of that list.

This game designed some heroes to be just pure cancer. We, or most of us, knew it, the devs knew it, that’s why they were kept down for 4 years, sealed away in the dark corner of the game.

But now they have caved in, under the demand and pressure of some few players who identity themselves with the robot. Now it s their time to have fun at the expanse of everyone else, if there s even anyone left to play with them. Such poetic justice.

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Ironclad is only active during a transformation animation in my suggestion. He cant do anything while doing this, its basically a self inflicted self stun for a 1 second duration. For that reason, as it works currently where you only get Ironclad in turret mode, you get discouraged to switch modes because you give the enemy free damage opportunities on you.
But if you only give him that during transformation means he cant passively abuse it, while at the same time it allows him to make full use of his kit based on the situation.

And why are they bad?

Bastion über Bunker. He is only added to Bunker. But it’s definitely not his comp.

Bastion doesn’t rely on Double shield, he was used previously as much, double didn’t change his play style or Pickrate at all

Except no. They don’t main bastion, very few people who play bastion in a match actually main him so they are no more likely to have private career profiles. These people only flex to bastion, he won’t make an actual dent on their playtime.