Bastion buff discussion

So what do you guys like or expect to see in the experimental card?
I want his power more shifted into recon mode.

Leave sentry mode as his main way for barrier brake, but it shouldnt be the overall go to mode in all situations imo.

Things i would try

Bastion gets 100 additional armor
Healthpool now 200 hp plus 200 armor = 400 total


  • increased to 35%
  • Removed from sentry and tank config
  • now only active during transformation animation


  • dps when shooting heroes decreased by 50%, barrier damage stays at 100%


  • Can now shoot and heal simultaniously


  • 20% increased movement speed

Something along those lines would be pretty dope

For starters, remove the 2 second paralysis on his ult.

And revert the delay nerf between shooting and healing.


I wish him to be turned into an offtank. They should take the rework oportunity to implement it. Moving a dps character to Tank deflate the DPS queues and also helps him to be more usefull with his big hitbox that just doesent fits on the dps role anymore. I may not have aknowlage of how to make it works, but there are great people on this forum that already created good conceps of it, just as this guy: Experimental card: moving heroes to help queue times



and can I repeat? This.

Please for the love of god remove that nerf and make his transformations better.

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I can imagine that this was very annoying, but i dont think this by itself will adress his fundamental issues?

You mean 3 seconds.

I tried to play around it and at least give him that extra Ironclad protection during transform, so he wont get killed for the self stun after pressing Q. I think the devs are scared to let him transform too quick since he can oneshot squishies through trance.

I’d say

Give bastion wallclimb


I’m normally okay with the whole buffing bastion thing but lets be realistic the only thing he needs… (and this is coming from someone who’s been playing him hard core recently (in comp and quick play) is just a mobility buff to going in and out of recon anything more and he will become absolutely crazy strong…


Don’t copy my ideas D:
(But I really want this)

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Mines a big bunch of changes:

  • Move to tank
  • Remove Ironclad and increase health to 400 (200/200ar)
  • Reduced transform time to .65 - .45sec across all transformations
  • Increase amount of healing bar, can heal transforming into Recon, can heal and shoot in Recon, self-heal bar replenishes in Sentry/can’t heal in Sentry.
  • Personal shield back in Sentry/replenishes in recon.
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I would never play this game again.

Wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

Bastion’s main defense is “I’m not going to move, you have to come to me, but i’m more deadly” Take that away, and he’s just a Tank sized walking ult battery.

I thought the developers said Bastion is fine… why the change of heart? Add headshots.

Hes way more survivable with these changes. Youre no longer reliant on just camping with sentry. The idea is to shred barrier with sentry and then chase the enemies down with recon without just blowing up.

Bastion is just too squishy relative to his hitbox size and Ironclad is trying to compensate that right now, but he only has access to it while using sentry and tank. Thats a big flaw imo.

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Ironclad as a whole is a flaw and should be removed outright.

No i think it has its uses during tranformation. Bastion basically self stuns himself giving the enemy free damage opportunities on him. This heavily discourages switching modes on the fly. If you give him extra protection in that time frame, it makes his gameplay more fluid.

I want this to be reverted SO bad. People under estimate how much this negatively impacted Bastion.

I want Bastion’s reverse bloom function in sentry mode gone and give him a fixed and tight spread again to give him a better chance against heroes corner peaking behind things from a long distance such as Hanzo


Exactly this^

A Hanzo corner peeking you at 20 meters shouldn’t cut you off ENTIRELY from where you are.

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Wouldnt you agree that too much power is tied to sentry? Making sentry better just encourages even more campy play.