Do we really need a Bastion buff?

There’s a simple answer to this question.

None of us is as dumb as all of us

The tanks expect healers to keep them alive while they charge/hook the Bastion with the shield right in front.
The healers expect DPS to swap for counter while tank stay put and keep the team alive.
The DPS expect a ton of things: the other DPS swap to counter, or the healers to keep them alive while they try to outgun Bastion and the shield, or even the tanks will cover them long enough for their l33t aiming skills to somehow miraculously shoot through the shield and take out Bastion.

It all combined into a perfectly lined target practice, ripe for Bastion to flex that bulletstorm blazing.


Actually they are having much more often private profiles. So that assumption is incorrect.

Bastion just needs noch different buffs and nerfs if not a full rework.

There should be a fair play system in games. I mean look at what Bayonetta did to smash without this.

That’s the main problem of bastion strats, they to this date need more skill to counter then to play.

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Agree with the OP. Pirate ship and bunker is a dirty and frustrating experience.

Blizzard should rework bastion ASAP to remove turret mode and focus on improve the recon one


I do agree with you, but this is probably easier said than done.

Bastion main gimmick, his main core ability, is his turret mode, but it is this ability that either makes him to unviable or too oppressive.

I don’t see how he can be reworked to become more viable with this ability. Luckily am I not in charge of this. The developers are.

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I think the main problem with Bastion is how good he is is based on the other team’s cohesion and willingness to swap. He’s virtually useless with even a little planning, but sometimes ridiculous for reasons that may be entirely out of the control of an individual player.


Yes, Bastion needs a buff.
They just shouldnt buff turret mode and enforce campy pirate ship. He needs to be all around better, so people dont have to build their complete comp just around pocketing the Bastion.

Recon should be rebalanced to be his main mode and sentry could then be more situational just for barrier brake.


No. We don’t need a buff. That stupid little robot needs to drop off the earth.

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I did actually lol, but I didnt rofl.

If your reason for remaining ignorant of a hero’s issues and/or being fine with them having little to no viable niche is some perceived moral high ground, you really have no grounds on which to make suggestions or counter-suggestions for that hero.

The problem with buffing bastion is that it makes a small number of people happy at the expense of everyone else. Bastion is horrible to play against and the whole game revolves around him for both teams. Making him better so he is picked more will just make games even more miserable than he does already.

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I think perhaps you didn’t read the thread properly, or are just looking for an off topic argument?

I have already answered your concerns in my earlier replies to Daniel who had more reasoned arguments than yourself.

Trust me your on the wrong thread and talking to the wrong person if you just want an off topic argument.

Now go read the thread again. k thx??

When I see a buff that decreases the pleasure of a game I paid for I think I have every right to comment.

bastion metas genuinely make the game feel like more of a chore to play than it already does

both omnic crisis and bunker were miserable and its sad how fast people forgot about them and act like it wont happen again with buffs like this

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100% this.


If BastionMAin can make it to top500 with only Bastion than you can do it as well if you get good enough.

He is either useless or lowkey cancer. Nobody wants a lowskill hero like Bastion to be meta. He must be reworked, no buff pls.


not to mention he did it by soft throwing games for content


I’d already read every post within the thread before replying as I did. Had your comment there not been in line with your logic throughout the entirety of the thread, I’d not have bothered quoting it.

Sadly, your warrant that “X hero and the gameplay it causes is annoying, so rather than even considering revising its niche, let’s devalue any concerns anyone who has actually played the hero has for said hero” was as true of your comments thereafter — simply broadened towards, seemingly, any and all heroes you personally dislike playing against.

I’ve already agreed with you that the Bastion buffs on the experimental card were ill-considered. I just don’t agree with you as to how niche heroes ought to be designed around.

One flippant comment doesn’t devalue the rest of the conversation.

I maintain however that Bastion is still a dirty choice on occasion, often pulled in as a last resort by teams that are otherwise losing.

As for Tracer, doom and genji, any character that blips around at lightening speed, for me as a considered positional, perhaps slower aimer who prefers traditional “shooting” characters - Mccree, Soldier, Reaper. Yes I do find detrimental to the quality of the game.

Maybe I’m playing the wrong game. Maybe not.

I think everyone would have their own list - mine is tracer, bastion and sombra (when she chooses you to constantly hack). There may be others. I feel there are characters who are fun to play (like tracer) but bad for the game overall while most of the rest add value to the game and are fun to play and play against. This has nothing to do with OP vs. UP but rather just plain fun vs. tilting.

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