Do we really need a Bastion buff?

I mean, why Blizz why?

Why encourage dirty pirate ships and bunker, I thought we were moving away from this style of play not making it worse? I guess most people have suffered those games where the DPS just can’t get in there and kill the omnic freak, and you just know it’s a loss as soon as the enemy sit there doing it. It’s not fun, don’t make it worse. It’s terrible for plat and below and makes games a farce.

With Bastions increased healing, and mercys increased healing. I mean wtf…

Really don’t get the thinking?

The experimental changes seem really badly thought out… I mean I get the Zen buff that’s fine and perhaps tactical, Mercy’s is meh and disappointing, Moira’s seems just to appease the whine, junks buff is not required and Ana’s will make no difference.

Rethink Blizz before going live with these terrible adjustments.


If Bastion was really good in plat and below his winrate there in Overbuff would be high, or his pickrate. If neither of those then his tie rate would need to be, which it isn’t. I know overbuff isn’t 100% accurate but it’s not like people who flex to bastion are more likely to have private career profiles.

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no we absolutely do not and buffing him, especially in survivability, is a miserable idea


I definitely share your concern, bastion deserves a buff but that bunker double shield style of play is already pretty effective and awful to play against in mid tiers and below. It’s not a hard tactic to pull off, so if it becomes meta it will be absolutely suffocating for 90% of the playerbase.


Ah yes, another “I don’t wanna play against this wahhhh” Post.

Go play Bastion.

Then talk about Bastion from the perspective of playing the hero.

If they changed Tracer, you wouldn’t be here talking about facing one… you’d be talking about playing her.


Do we really need a Bastion buff?

Not the one he got to his self-healing, for sure. Between him and (nerfed) Ana’s healing during Nano, he can just sit and heal through, 355, 444, or 592 DPS, depending on whether only the larger mitigation aura applies, they apply multiplicatively, or they apply additively, respectively.

I’d say he needs buffs, but apart from the more rapid accuracy choke, these weren’t the ones.

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No thanks, I see bastion as a dirty choice.

Again no thanks, she is as irritating as a wasp around your beer in the summer.

I think both the above characters reduce the quality of the game.

You can add genji and doom to that list as well.


Any unviable hero who is considered a troll picks needs changes to remove this image. Bastion should not be an exception to this.

Also, balancing seems to be based in OWL nowadays. The lower ranks and different platforms matter little to none.


Yes. You disliking a hero doesn’t justify them staying F tier forever.


I think having people who purposely sabotage/cheat/hack does more in reducing the quality of the game than character design.

And yes, the quality is even further reduced when they forcing disgruntled people like me that want to play dps, but now had to play tank/support because that’s the only way to get daily lootbox and credits.

Can’t blame all those DPS Hog for not bother about tanking at all, right?

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You mean like sitting behind a shield or 2 with a mercy boost, increased self heal and an ana in the distance? Or I guess you think that’s a valid tactic?

I agree 100% tanking is trash right now. I haven’t even bothered to go there this season.

Well, it’s neither illegal nor rule breaking. Your personal distaste in a particular tactic doesn’t matter for the rules and regulation, and neither does mine.

Or you meant ‘i’m fine with losing, as long as i lose with dignity and bunker comp is just not my idea of dignity’?


I do kinda mean that although I confess, I have been involved in it, from healers perspective generally. I would just rather that Blizzard don’t encourage it and rework Bastion accordingly.

No Bastion does not need a buff.
He needs a completely full rework.
Buffing his current state isn’t going to help matters.


Ah, i understand that sentiment.

Though to be honest, i’m not even sure we’ll see a Bastion rework anytime soon. Maybe in OW2, but even then that’s a ‘maybe’.

I afraid until anything substantial being done, Bastion would still only be useful in bunker comp, and remain the lowest picked DPS for high ranked games.

Arguably the easiest way to break the bunker comp is to limit double-barriers. We know how that end out.

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I usually get in there with a reaper, but obviously I can’t do that if I’m playing support and my team are clueless.

Bastion consistently underperforms as a hero across most ranks, so yes, they really did need a buff. There’s not really an argument here, Bastion has always been one of the worst heroes in the game for all levels of play above Silver. A hero that performs this badly does, in fact, require a buff.

To this day I’m still surprised at how low ranks simply cannot answer Bastion the way average ranks can. I totally understand when newer players keep making the same mistake of walking right at them, but it’s 2020. It’s been four years. The only time Bastion is proving effective is when their entire team contorts around them to make them viable enough to possibly hold one defensive point. Once you break this defense once, it’s very difficult for it to be set up again, especially in the perspective of low ranks where players aren’t organized enough to properly move Bastion around outside the beginning of the round.

Whether you like it or not, bunker comps are legitimate comps that are intended to be effective – like any conventional comp is intended to. It’s a valid strategy that many heroes are designed around, both complementing the comp itself as well as working strong against it. There are plenty of counter options to a dedicated bunker comp, there are many areas that can be situationally exploited to unravel the defensive nature of the comp. It is not impossible to beat, I think people need to get over bunker comps and actually learn how to surpass them rather than asking for it to be nerfed over and over again. It’s a strategy in a team game, if you’re genuinely going to be upset over it being effective, then I really do think you’re playing the wrong game.

Weak heroes get buffed. What more of an explanation is really even needed? You can’t increase the raw DPS of Bastion because it’s already incredibly high, so they indirectly increase it by providing a situational self-buff that rewards Bastion for holding their ground – a reward that is somewhat locked behind skill, since all it does is increase Bastion’s accuracy. From that angle, this is a fairly harmless buff, because low ranked players don’t have the accuracy themselves to make the most of the reverse-bloom.

The healing buff keeps their overall healing potential the same, but allows them to tank some greater waves of damage with higher HPS, and frankly, that seems pretty fair to me. Bastion is a slow hero that enters an immobile state to achieve their core power, so it’s very easy to stack damage on them. There’s plenty of ways to deny Bastion’s healing, or exploit the windows in which their healing prevents them from shooting. I mean I really keep returning to this one point, that Bastion is incredibly easy to counter, even when they have a whole team guarding them. It really shouldn’t be so surprising that Bastion would get buffs when they’re quite consistently one of the worst picks in the game.


This buff wont help Bastion much, so you shouldn’t be too worried.

As long as Bastion has Ironclad, hes going to be worthless in turret form. Give him a dang personal barrier

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I dislike the buff cuz it just makes Bastion more cheesy, not more effective, and he’s already cheesy enough. Like, this buff makes him more effective in situations where he’s already quite effective, but it doesn’t help him to be effective in other situations.

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Bring back the shield :)))