Do we know if 5v5 will fully release to public in 2022?

I am not convinced that statement exactly means a split release… I think they were referring to the beta rollout… but I hope I am wrong.

Nah. Even Andy mentioned this back in November:

"One rumor to clear up: I’m seeing a lot of folks assuming a launch date in 2023 is wrote. Without being pedantic, I want to point out that there was no release date or beta date communicated in yesterday’s earnings call. While I’m not prepared to discuss dates with you here today, I want to quash the rumor of a 2023 release date as being somehow “official”." - Source: As a former apologist, I have lost hope - #112 by AndyB-11735

So after the announcement of the decoupling of PvE and PvP, now his comment makes sense that OW 2.0 (PvP) will launch this year before PvE. It’s like the release schedule of Halo Infinite tbh.